Accreditation Changes

Accreditation Criteria, Policy and Procedure Changes for the 2025-2026 Review Cycle

Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual

On October 26, 2024, the ABET Board of Delegates approved for implementation:

  • a revision to Section I.A. of the Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual that clarified the requirement for publicly-accessible media to provide a hyperlink to ABET’s website;
  • clarifying language to Section I.E.2.c. describing the process by which ABET makes determinations to reconfigure reviews; and
  • the addition of review by the Governance Committee to the process of making changes to accreditation policies and procedures as described in Section III.E.

The revised version has been posted for the 2025-2026 accreditation cycle and substantive changes are in BOLD. APPM changes are applicable to all commissions.

There are no proposed changes for review in 2025-2026.

Harmonized Criteria

On October 26, 2024, the ABET Board of Delegates approved for implementation in the 2025-2026 accreditation cycle changes to General Criteria 8, adding language regarding the creation and fostering of a respectful environment, as well as a definition of “Respectful Environment”, across all commissions.

Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission

Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

On October 25, 2024, the ABET Applied and Natural Science Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2025-2026 accreditation cycle changes to General Criteria, Criterion 3 and Criterion 5. Criterion 3 saw an alteration in the wording of Baccalaureate degree Student Outcome 2, and Criterion 5 rewrote the curriculum requirement for mathematics and applied or natural science, and added a component that promotes inclusion, diversity, and equity awareness for success in the profession consistent with the institution’s mission.

In addition, they approved the release of proposed changes to the ANSAC Definitions.


Proposed Changes to ANSAC Definitions – Science

On October 26, 2024, the ABET Board of Delegates approved the release of proposed changes to the harmonized definitions and Criterion 2 across all Commissions.


Proposed Changes to ANSAC Definitions – Program Constituencies
Proposed Changes to ANSAC General Criteria – Criterion 2

The proposed changes can be found in the last section of the published Criteria for Accrediting Applied and Natural Science Programs, 2025-2026, Section IV. Proposed Changes to the Criteria.

Computing Accreditation Commission

Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

On October 25, 2024, the Computing Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2025-26 accreditation cycle changes to the CAC General Criteria, Criterion 6, changing faculty “expertise and educational background” to “competency and currency within the program’s discipline”. They also approved for implementation new General Criteria for Master’s Level Programs and new Program Criteria for Information Technology and Similarly Named Associate Level Programs. Finally, they approved for implementation changes to the Program Criteria for Information Systems and Similarly Named Programs that added a curriculum requirement of a major project, and altered the language for the curriculum requirement regarding mathematical and statistical models and techniques.

In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Changes to CAC General Criteria, Criterion 5.


Proposed Changes to CAC General Criteria – Criterion 5 (DEIA)


Proposed Changes to CAC General Criteria – Criterion 5 (Inclusive & Accessible Computing)


Proposed Changes to CAC General Criteria – Criterion 5 (Comprehensive Project)

They approved the release of Proposed Changes to the Program Criteria for Computer Science.


Proposed Program Criteria for Computer Science and Similarly Named Computing Programs

On October 26, 2024, the ABET Board of Delegates approved the release of proposed changes to the harmonized definitions and Criterion 2 across all Commissions.


Proposed Changes to CAC Definitions – Program Constituencies
Proposed Changes to CAC General Criteria – Criterion 2

The proposed changes can be found in the last section of the published Criteria for Accrediting Computing Programs, 2025-2026, Section V. Proposed Changes to the Criteria.

Engineering Accreditation Commission

Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

On October 25, 2024, the ABET Engineering Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2025–2026 accreditation cycle, changes to the General Criteria, Criterion 5 that added a curriculum requirement of content that ensures awareness of diversity, equity, and inclusion for professional practice consistent with the institution’s mission, and changes to the General Criteria for Stand-Alone Master’s Programs, Criterion MS2, that added language pertaining to the process for the periodic review of program educational objectives.

They also approved for implementation changes to the Program Criteria for Engineering Management and Similarly Named Engineering Programs that altered the language in curriculum bullet points 1 and 3, and approved new Program Criteria for Ecological and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Changes to the Program Criteria for Aerospace and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, and for Manufacturing and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.


Proposed Program Criteria for Aerospace and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

Proposed Program Criteria for Manufacturing and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

On October 26, 2024, the ABET Board of Delegates approved the release of proposed changes to the harmonized definitions and Criterion 2 across all Commissions.


Proposed Changes to EAC Definitions – Program Constituencies
Proposed Changes to EAC General Criteria – Criterion 2

The proposed changes can be found in the last section of the published Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2025-2026, Section IV. Proposed Changes to the Criteria.

Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission

Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

On October 25, 2024, the ABET Engineering Technology Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2025–2026 accreditation cycle, changes in the ETAC Definitions adding a definition of “Natural Science”, and changes in General Criteria, Criterion 5, removing “Physical or” from the curriculum requirement for “Physical or Natural Science”, and adding “equity” to the requirement for other content including diversity, equity, and inclusion awareness for professional practice consistent with the institution’s mission.

In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Changes to the Program Criteria for .


Proposed Program Criteria for Architectural Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs

Proposed Program Criteria for Automotive Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs

Proposed Program Criteria for Civil Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs

Proposed Program Criteria for Construction Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs

Proposed Program Criteria for Manufacturing Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs

On October 26, 2024, the ABET Board of Delegates approved the release of proposed changes to the harmonized definitions and Criterion 2 across all Commissions.


Proposed Changes to ETAC Definitions – Program Constituencies
Proposed Changes to ETAC General Criteria – Criterion 2

The proposed changes can be found in the last section of the published Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs, 2025-2026, Section III. Proposed Changes to the Criteria.

Accreditation Changes from Previous Cycles

  • 2024-2025

    Accreditation Criteria, Policy and Procedure Changes for the 2024-2025 Review Cycle

    Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual

    On November 4, 2023, the ABET Board of Delegates approved for implementation a revision to Section I.A. of the Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual. The revised version has been posted for the 2024-2025 accreditation cycle and substantive changes are in BOLD. APPM changes are applicable to all commissions.

    There were no proposed changes for review in 2024-2025.

    Harmonized Criteria

    On November 4, 2023, the ABET Board of Delegates approved the release of proposed changes to General Criteria 8, adding language regarding the creation and fostering of a respectful environment, as well as a definition of “Respectful Environment”, across all commissions. The proposed changes can be found in the last section of each commission’s published Criteria for 2024-2025.

    Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On November 3, 2023, the ABET Applied and Natural Science Area Delegation approved the release of proposed changes to the ANSAC General Criteria, Criterion 3 and Criterion 5.

    In addition, they approved the release of proposed changes to the ANSAC Program Criteria for Industrial Hygiene and Similarly Named Programs.

    The proposed changes can be found in the last section of the published Criteria for Accrediting Applied and Natural Science Programs, 2024-2025, Section IV. Proposed Changes to the Criteria.

    Computing Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On November 3, 2023, the Computing Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2024-25 accreditation cycle changes to the CAC General Criteria, Criterion 3 and Criterion 5. The Criterion 3 change expanded the language in Student Outcome 4 to include diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility principles consistent with the mission of the institution. The Criterion 5 change added statistics and science to the curriculum requirements, as well as principles and practices for developing inclusive and accessible computing solutions.

    They also approved for implementation new General Criteria for Associate Level Programs and changes to the Program Criteria Associate Level Cybersecurity Programs to avoid duplication with the new General Criteria. They approved for implementation changes to the mathematics and statistics, and science requirements in the Program Criteria for Computer Science and Similarly Named Computing Programs.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Changes to CAC General Criteria, Criterion 6 and approved the release of Proposed General Criteria for Master’s Level Programs.

    They approved the release of Proposed Changes to the Program Criteria for Information Systems and Similarly Named Computing Programs, and new Program Criteria for Information Technology and Similarly Named Associate Level Computing Programs.

    The proposed changes can be found in the last section of the published Criteria for Accrediting Computing Programs, 2024-2025, Section IV. Proposed Changes to the Criteria.

    Engineering Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On November 3, 2023, the ABET Engineering Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2024–2025 accreditation cycle, changes for General Criteria for Integrated Baccalaureate-Master’s Programs, MI7 and Stand-Alone Master’s Programs Criterion MS7, that altered the language around guidance for safe and appropriate use of equipment and facilities. They approved changes to the Program Criteria for Civil and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, that expanded and clarified the curriculum requirements and approved new Program Criteria for Mechatronics, Robotics, and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Changes to the General Criteria for Stand-Alone Master’s Level Programs, Criterion MS2, Program Criteria for Ecological and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, and Changes to the Program Criteria for Engineering Management and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

    The proposed changes can be found in the last section of the published Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2024-2025, Section IV. Proposed Changes to the Criteria.

    Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On November 3, 2023, the ABET Engineering Technology Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2024–2025 accreditation cycle, changes in Program Criteria for Construction Management Technology and Similarly Named Programs that added curriculum requirements for Associate Level Programs.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Changes to ETAC Definitions of Natural Science, and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and changes to Criterion 5.

    The proposed changes can be found in the last section of the published Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs, 2024-2025, Section III. Proposed Changes to the Criteria.

  • 2023-2024

    Accreditation Criteria, Policy and Procedure Changes for the 2023-2024 Review Cycle

    Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual

    On October 29, 2022, the ABET Board of Delegates approved a revised Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual for implementation in the 2023–2024 accreditation cycle. The revised version has been posted for the 2023-2024 accreditation cycle and substantive changes are in BOLD. APPM changes are applicable to all commissions.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Changes to Section I.A.

    The proposed changes can be found in the last section of the published Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023-24: Proposed Changes to the Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual

    Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On October 28, 2022, the ABET Applied and Natural Science Area Delegation approved for implementation Program Criteria for Construction Management and Similarly Named Programs and Program Criteria for Data Science, Data Analytics and Similarly Named Programs.

    There were no proposed changes for review in 2023-2024.

    Computing Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On March 24, 2022, the ABET Computing Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2023-2024 accreditation cycle, changes for Program Criteria for Data Science, Data Analytics and Similarly Named Computing Programs.

    On October 28, 2022, the Computing Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2023-24 accreditation cycle changes to CAC General Criteria, Criterion 5 (Curriculum), item #2 regarding Privacy and Security. In addition, they approved for implementation a new definition of “Accessibility” in the CAC Criteria for Accrediting Programs General Criteria and the definition for “Natural Sciences” to the CAC “Computer Science Program Criteria”.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Changes to the CAC General Criteria, Criterion 3, Student Outcomes 4 and Criterion 5, Curriculum, addition of “statistics and science” and item #4.

    They approved the release of new Proposed General Criteria for Associate Level Programs and new Proposed General Criteria for Master’s Level Programs.

    They approved the release of Proposed Changes to the Program Criteria for Computer Science, Criterion 5, Curriculum, item b and item c.

    They approved the release of Proposed Changes to the Program Criteria for Associate Cybersecurity and Similarly Named Programs.

    The proposed changes can be found in the last section of the published Criteria for Accrediting Computing Programs, 2023-2024, Section III. Proposed Changes to the Criteria.

    Engineering Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On October 28, 2022, the ABET Engineering Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2023–2024 accreditation cycle, changes for General Criteria for Integrated Baccalaureate-Master’s Level Criterion M17 and Program Criteria for Construction and Similarly Named Programs.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Changes to the General Criteria for Stand- alone Master’s Programs, Criterion MS7 and General Criteria for Integrated Baccalaureate Master’s Programs, Criterion M17, Program Criteria for Civil Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering Programs and Program Criteria for Mechatronics, Robotics, and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

    Optional Pilot General Criteria incorporating the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion in the definitions and proposed changes to Criterion 5 & 6 is approved for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 accreditation cycles.

    The proposed changes and optional pilot criteria can be found in the last section of the published Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2023-2024, Section IV. Proposed Changes to the Criteria.

    Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On October 28, 2022, the ABET Engineering Technology Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2023–2024 accreditation cycle, changes in Program Criteria for Construction Management Technology and Similarly Named Programs, Program Criteria for Industrial Engineering Technology and Similarly Named programs, and Program Criteria for Mechatronics Engineering and Similarly Named Programs.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Program Criteria for Construction Management Technology and Similarly Named Programs adding program criteria for associate level programs.

    The proposed changes can be found in the last section of the published Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs, 2023-2024, Section III. Proposed Changes to the Criteria.

  • 2022-2023

    When important changes are made to the Accreditation Criteria or the Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual (APPM), an Accreditation Alert is sent to our constituents to make them aware.

    Accreditation Criteria, Policy and Procedure Changes for the 2022-2023 Review Cycle

    Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual

    On October 30, 2021, the ABET Board of Delegates approved a revised Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual for implementation in the 2022–2023 accreditation cycle. The revised version has been posted for the 2022-2023 accreditation cycle and substantive changes are in BOLD. APPM changes are applicable to all commissions.

    2022-2023 Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual >

    Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On October 30, 2021, the ABET Applied and Natural Science Area Delegation approved the release of Proposed Program Criteria for Construction Management and Similarly Named Programs and Data Science, Data Analytics and Similarly Named Programs.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Changes to the General Criterion 5.

    The proposed changes can be found in the last section of the published Criteria for Accrediting Applied and Natural Science Programs, 2022-2023, Section IV. Proposed Changes to the Criteria.

    Computing Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On October 30, 2021, the ABET Computing Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2022-2023 accreditation cycle, changes for Program Criteria for Associate’s Cybersecurity and Similarly Named Programs and Data Science and Similarly Named programs.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Changes to the General Criteria 3 & 5.

    The proposed changes can be found in the last section of the published Criteria for Accrediting Computing Programs, 2022-2023, Section IV. Proposed Changes to the Criteria.

    Engineering Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On October 30, 2021, the ABET Engineering Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2022–2023 accreditation cycle, changes for Program Criteria for Fire Protection and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, Geological Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, Materials, Metallurgical, Ceramics and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, Mineral Processing, Extractive Metallurgical and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, Mining and Similarly Named Engineering Programs and Systems and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Changes to the General Criteria to incorporate the definitions for the terms Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the EAC-Level Definitions and Proposed Changes to the General Criteria 5 & 6.

    The proposed changes can be found in the last section of the published Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2022-2023, Section IV. Proposed Changes to the Criteria.

    Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On October 30, 2021, the ABET Engineering Technology Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2022–2023 accreditation cycle, changes in Program Criteria for Information, Information Security, Cybersecurity, Information Assurance Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Program Criteria for Construction Management Technology and Similarly Named Programs, Industrial Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs and Mechatronics Engineering Technology and Similarly Named programs.

    The proposed changes can be found in the last section of the published Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs, 2022-2023, Section IV. Proposed Changes to the Criteria

  • 2021-2022

    Accreditation Criteria, Policy and Procedure Changes for the 2021-2022 Review Cycle

    Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual

    On October 31, 2020, the ABET Board of Delegates approved a revised Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual for implementation in the 2021–2022 accreditation cycle. The revised version has been posted for the 2021-2022 accreditation cycle and substantive changes are in BOLD. APPM changes are applicable to all commissions.

    2021-2022 Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual >

    Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On October 30, 2020, the ABET Applied Science and Natural Science Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2021–2022 accreditation cycle, Program Criteria for Facility Management and Similarly Named Programs, Geology, Geological Science and Similarly Named Programs, Safety and Similarly Named Programs and Surveying, Geomatics and Similarly Named Programs.

    Computing Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On July 26, 2020, the ABET Computing Area Delegation approved the release of Program Criteria for Data Science and Similarly Named Computing Programs for public review and comment through June 15, 2021.


    Proposed Program Criteria for Data Science and Similarly Names Computing Programs

    Engineering Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On October 30, 2020, the ABET Engineering Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2021–2022 accreditation cycle, changes for Program Criteria for Engineering Management and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, Engineering Mechanics and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, Geological Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, Industrial Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, Mechanical and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, Mining and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, and Surveying and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Program Criteria for Fire Protection and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, Geological Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, Materials, Metallurgical, Ceramics and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, Mineral Processing, Extractive Metallurgical and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, Mining and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, and Systems and Similarly Named Engineering Programs for public review and comment through June 15, 2021.


    Proposed Program Criteria for Fire Protection and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

    Proposed Program Criteria for Geological Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

    Proposed Program Criteria for Materials, Metallurgical, Ceramics and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

    Proposed Program Criteria for Mineral Processing, Extractive Metallurgical and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

    Proposed Program Criteria for Mining and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

    Proposed Program Criteria for Systems and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

    Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On October 30, 2020, the ABET Engineering Technology Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2021–2022 accreditation cycle, changes in Program Criteria for Industrial Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs and Surveying/Geomatics Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs.

    On Friday, March 12, 2021, the ABET Engineering Technology Area Delegation approved the release of Program Criteria for Information, Information Security, Cybersecurity, Information Assurance Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs for public review and comment through September 8, 2021.


    Proposed Program Criteria for Information, Information Security, Cybersecurity, Information Assurance Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs

  • 2020-2021

    Accreditation Criteria, Policy and Procedure Changes for the 2020-2021 Review Cycle

    On November 2nd, 2019, the ABET Board of Delegates approved a revised Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual for implementation in the 2020 – 2021 accreditation cycle. The revised version has been posted for the 2020-2021 accreditation cycle and substantive changes are in BOLD. APPM changes are applicable to all commissions.

    2020-2021 Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual >

    Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On November 2, 2019, the ABET Applied Science and Natural Science Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2020 – 2021 accreditation cycle, Program Criteria for Geology and Similarly Named Programs and Industrial Hygiene and Similarly Named Programs.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Program Criteria for Facility Management and Similarly Named Programs, Occupational Safety, Health and Similarly Named programs and Surveying/Geomatics and Similarly Named Programs for public review and comment through June 15, 2021.


    Proposed Program Criteria for Facility Management and Similarly Named Programs

    Proposed Program Criteria for Occupational Safety and Health and Similarly Named Programs

    Proposed Program Criteria for Surveying and Geomatics and Similarly Named Programs

    Computing Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On July 26, 2020, the ABET Computing Area Delegation approved the release of Program Criteria for Data Science and Similarly Named Computing Programs for public review and comment through June 15, 2021.


    Proposed Program Criteria for Data Science and Similarly Names Computing Programs

    Engineering Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On November 2, 2019, the ABET Engineering Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2020 – 2021 accreditation cycle, non-substantive changes for Program Criteria for General Criteria for Master’s Level and Integrated Baccalaureate Master’s Level Engineering Programs; Aerospace and Similarly Named Engineering Programs; Chemical, Biochemical, Biomolecular and Similarly Named Programs; Agricultural and Similarly Named Engineering Programs; Bioengineering, Biomedical and Similarly Named Engineering Programs; Biological and Similarly Named Engineering Programs; Environmental Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering Programs; Manufacturing and Similarly Named Engineering Programs; Manufacturing and Similarly Named Engineering Programs; Nuclear, Radiological and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, Optical, Photonic and Similarly Named Engineering Programs; Petroleum and Similarly Named Engineering Programs; Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, Ocean Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering Programs .

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Program Criteria for Industrial Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering Programs and Surveying and Similarly Named Engineering Programs for public review and comment through June 15, 2021.


    Proposed Program Criteria for Industrial Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

    Proposed Program Criteria for Surveying and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

    Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On November 2, 2019, the ABET Engineering Technology Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2020 – 2021 accreditation cycle non-substantive changes in the General Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs, Criterion 5. Curriculum and Program Criteria for Air Conditioning, Refrigerating, Heating and Ventilating Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs and Chemical/Refinery/Process Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Program Criteria for Industrial Engineering Technology and Surveying/Geomatics Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs for public review and comment through June 15, 2021.


    Proposed Program Criteria for Industrial Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs

    Proposed Program Criteria for Surveying/Geomatics Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs

  • 2019-2020

    Accreditation Criteria, Policy and Procedure Changes for the 2019-2020 Review Cycle

    On November 2, 2018, the ABET Board of Delegates approved a revised Accreditation Policy and Procedure for implementation in the 2019 – 2020 accreditation cycle. The revised version has been posted for the 2019 -2020 accreditation cycle and substantive changes are in BOLD. APPM changes are applicable to all commissions.

    2019-2020 Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual

    Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On November 2, 2018, the ABET Applied and Natural Science Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2019 – 2020 accreditation cycle, Criteria for Accrediting Applied and Natural Science Programs, 2019 – 2020 with revised General Criterion 3 & 5 and Program Criteria for Environmental Science and Similarly Named Programs.

    A matrix identifying the specific changes between the previous General Criteria 3 & 5 and the current General Criteria 3 & 5 is available here: ANSAC Matrix for General Criteria 3 & 5.

    ABET understands that programs to be reviewed during the first year or two of the initial application of the revised criteria will require one or more years to make the transition. In these cases, it is important that programs develop a transition plan and be able to provide evidence that the plan is being followed at the time of the next general review.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Program Criteria for Geology and Similarly Named Programs; Industrial Hygiene and Similarly Named Programs and Surveying and Geomatics and Similarly Named Programs for public review and comment through June 15, 2019.


    Proposed Program Criteria for Geology and Similarly Named Programs

    Proposed Program Criteria for Industrial Hygiene and Similarly Named Programs

    Proposed Program Criteria for Surveying and Geomatics and Similarly Named Programs

    Computing Accreditation Commission

    Changes and Revisions

    The Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) Criteria for Accrediting Computing Programs, 2019 – 2020 is approved for implementation including program criteria for Cybersecurity and Similarly Named Computing Programs.

    ABET understands that transitioning to the new criteria may take a program a few years. Thus, it is important that programs whose next comprehensive review is in 2019 – 2020 or 2020 – 2021 develop a transition plan and be able to provide evidence that the plan is being followed at the time of the review. In these cases, ABET does not expect the transition to be fully complete.

    A document presenting a side-by-side comparison of the previous criteria and current criteria is available here: CAC Side-by-Side Criteria.

    Engineering Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    The Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2019 – 2020 is approved for implementation including program criteria for Cybersecurity Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

    All general reviews conducted in the 2019 – 2020 accreditation cycle and beyond will be evaluated relative to these new criteria. ABET understands that programs to be reviewed during the first year or two of the initial application of the revised criteria will require one or more years to make the transition. In these cases, it is important that programs develop a transition plan and be able to provide evidence that the plan is being followed at the time of their next general review.

    A document presenting the mapping of Criterion 3: A-K to Criterion 3: 1-7 is available here: EAC Mapping C3: A-K to C3 1-7.

    A document addressing Frequently Asked Question regarding the C3 and C5 changes is available here: Frequently Asked Questions.

    In addition, The Engineering Area Accreditation Delegation approved Program Criteria for Aerospace and Similarly Named Engineering Programs and Chemical, Biochemical and Biomolecular and Similarly Named Programs for public review and comment through June 15, 2019.

    C3 & C5 Webinar

    Everything you wanted to know about the new C3 & C5 but were afraid to ask! This webinar for Team Chairs focuses on transitioning to the new C3 & C5 Criteria. The webinar includes a 30-minute presentation by Patsy Brackin, followed by 30 minutes of Q&A moderated by Bopaya Bidanda. Watch it here and download the presentation slides.


    Proposed Program Criteria for Aerospace and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

    Proposed Program Criteria for Chemical, Biochemical and Biomolecular and Similarly Named Programs

    Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    The Engineering Technology Area Delegation approved, for implementation in the 2019 – 2020 accreditation cycle, Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs, 2019 -2020, including revisions to criterion 3, 5, 6, the preamble to program criteria and non-substantive revisions for program criteria for:

    • Aeronautical Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs
    • Architectural Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs
    • Automotive Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Program
    • Civil Engineering Technology and Similarly Named programs
    • Computer Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs
    • Construction Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs
    • Electromechanical Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs
    • Fire Protection Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs
    • Information Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs
    • Manufacturing Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs
    • Marine Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs
    • Nuclear Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs
    • Telecommunications Engineering Technology Named Programs

    Substantive revisions were approved after a year of public review and comment for:

    • Engineering Graphics/Design/Drafting Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs
    • Healthcare Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs

    A document presenting a side-by-side comparison of the previous ETAC General Criteria (2018-2019 and earlier) and the new General Criteria 3,5,6 and Program Criteria Preamble is available here: ETAC Side-by-side Comparison.

    In addition, they approved the following Program Criteria for public review and comment through June 15, 2019: Air Conditioning, Refrigerating, Heating, and Ventilating Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs and Chemical, Refinery, Process Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs.


    Proposed Program Criteria for Air Conditioning, Refrigerating, Heating, and Ventilating Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs

    Proposed Program Criteria for Chemical, Refinery, Process Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs

  • 2018-2019

    Accreditation Criteria, Policy and Procedure Changes for the 2018-2019 Review Cycle

    On April 1, 2017, the ABET Board of Delegates approved a revised Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual for implementation in the 2018 – 19 accreditation cycle. The revised version has been posted for the 2018 – 2019 accreditation cycle and substantive changes are in BOLD. APPM changes are applicable to all commissions.

    2018-2019 Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual

    Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Proposed Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    On October 20, 2017, The ABET Applied and Natural Science Area Delegation approved for implementation in the 2018-2019 accreditation cycle, Master’s Level for Construction Management and Similarly Named Programs.

    In addition, they approved the release of proposed changes to the ANSAC General Criterion 3 & 5 for public comment through June 15, 2018.


    ANSAC General Criterion 3 & 5

    A matrix identifying the specific changes between the current General Criteria 3 & 5 and the proposed General Criteria 3 & 5 is available here: ANSAC Matrix for Proposed General Criteria 3 & 5.

    In addition, they approved the release of Proposed Program Criteria for Environmental Science and Similarly Named Programs for public comment through June 15, 2018.


    Proposed Program Criteria for Environmental Science and Similarly Named Programs

    Computing Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    The Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) General Criteria 3 & 5 and Program Criteria for Computer Science, Information Technology and Information Systems are approved for implementation.

    For the 2018 – 2019 accreditation, cycle ONLY institutions will have a choice to have their programs reviewed against the existing CAC General and Program Criteria (Version 1.0) or the newly approved CAC General and Program Criteria (Version 2.0)

    The newly approved criteria will be mandatory for all programs in the 2019 – 2020 accreditation cycle.

    CAC General and Program Criteria (Version 1.0)

    CAC General and Program Criteria (Version 2.0)

    All Comprehensive Reviews conducted in the 2019 – 2020 accreditation cycle and beyond will be evaluated relative to these new criteria. Programs whose next review is a Comprehensive Review (i.e., not an interim report, not an interim visit, and not a show cause visit) are expected to begin the transition as soon as possible.

    ABET understands that transitioning to the new criteria may take a program a few years. Thus, it is important that programs whose next Comprehensive Review is in 2019-2020 or 2020-2021 develop a transition plan and be able to provide evidence that the plan is being followed at the time of this review. In these cases, ABET does not expect the transition to be fully complete.

    A document presenting a side-by-side comparison of the existing criteria (Version 1.0) and the newly approved criteria is available here: CAC Side-by-side Criteria.

    The Computing Area Delegation approved Proposed Program Criteria for Cybersecurity and Similarly Named Computing Programs for public review and comment through June 15, 2018.


    Proposed Program Criteria for Cybersecurity and Similarly Named Programs

    Engineering Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    The Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) General Criteria for Baccalaureate Programs are approved for implementation in the 2019 – 2020 Cycle. The revised criteria can be found in the back of the 2018 – 2019 EAC General Criteria.

    The changed sections are:

    • The Introduction and Definitions that apply to all parts of the criteria
    • Criteria 3, Student Outcomes
    • Criteria 5, Curriculum

    All general reviews conducted in the 2019 – 2020 accreditation cycle and beyond will be evaluated relative to these new criteria. Programs scheduled for a general review in 2019 – 2020 and beyond may begin the transition as soon as possible.

    ABET understands that programs to be reviewed during the first year or two of the initial application of the revised criteria will require one or more years to make the transition. In these cases, it is important that programs develop a transition plan and be able to provide evidence that the plan is being followed at the time of their next general review.

    A document presenting the mapping of Criterion 3: A-K to Criterion 3: 1-7 is available here: EAC Mapping C3: A-K to C3: 1-7.

    A document addressing Frequently Asked Questions regarding the C3 and C5 changes is available here.

    The Engineering Area Delegation approved Program Criteria for Cybersecurity Engineering and Engineering Programs that include “Safety”, Cybersecurity”, “Computer Security”, Cyber Operations”, Information Assurance”, Information Security” or Similar Modifiers in their Titles for public review and comment through June 15, 2018.


    Proposed Program Criteria for Cybersecurity Engineering

    Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission

    Changes, Revisions and Proposed Program Criteria

    The Engineering Technology Area Delegation approved Proposed Revisions to Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology General Criterion 3, 5, 6 and Program Criteria Preamble for public review and comment through June 15, 2018.


    Proposed Revisions to Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology General Criterion 3, 5, 6 and Program Criteria Preamble

    In addition, they approved the following Program Criteria for public review and comment through June 15, 2018.


    Proposed Revisions to Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs General Criterion 3 Student Outcomes, General Criterion 5 Curriculum, General Criterion 6 Faculty, and Program Criteria Preamble

    Proposed Program Criteria for Engineering Graphics/Design/Drafting/Engineering Technology (Mechanical) and Similarly Named Programs

    Proposed Program Criteria for Environmental Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs

    Proposed Program Criteria for Healthcare Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs

  • 2017-2018

    Changes applicable to the Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual

    On October 29, 2016, the ABET Board of Delegates approved a revised Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual for implementation in the 2017 – 18 accreditation cycle. With the implementation of ABET’s new governance structure, the Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual required revision to reflect the division of policies, processes, and procedures between the ABET Board of Directors and the ABET Board of Delegates. Please note there are significant changes in the organization of the new document from last year’s version. APPM changes are applicable to all commissions

    Applied Science Accreditation Commission

    Proposed Revisions

    The ABET Applied Science Area Delegation approved the release of proposed ASAC Criteria for Master’s Level for Construction Management and Similarly Named Programs for review and public comment through June 15, 2017.

    Computing Accreditation Commission

    Proposed Revisions

    The ABET Computing Area Delegation approved the release of proposed revisions to Criteria for Accrediting Computing Programs 3 and 5 and the Computer Science, Information Systems, and Information Technology Program Criteria which are now released for public comment through June 15, 2017.

    Engineering Accreditation Commission

    Criteria Changes and Proposed Revisions

    The General Criteria for Master’s level and Integrated Baccalaureate Master’s Level Engineering Programs now includes the statement: Programs must have published program educational objectives and student outcomes.

    The ABET Engineering Area Delegation approved the release of revised proposed revisions to EAC Criteria 3 and 5 which are now released for public comment through June 15, 2017.

    Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission

    There are no changes or proposed revisions.

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