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In his new white paper on existing Search and Analysis softwares (mostly proprietary), Stephen E. Arnold offers the first-ever combination of a comprehensive topic review with detailed profiles of each of the major capabilities offered. The Foreword provides the context for what is needed and what is lacking -- in a word, what industry and its clients have today stinks. The functional requirements document (high level) for a clean-sheet open-source approach is provided.
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, 2005
Internet search has a strong business model that permits a free service to users, so it is difficult to see why, if at all, there should be open source offerings as well. This paper first discusses open source search, and a rationale for the computer science community at large to get involved. Because there is no shortage of core open source components for at least some of the tasks involved, the Alvis Consortium is building infrastructure for open source search engines using peer-to-peer and subject specific technology as its core, based on this rationale. We view open source search as a rich future playground in which information extraction and retrieval components can be used and intelligent agents can operate. Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'05) 0-7695-2415-X/05 $20.00
Search Computing defines a new class of applications, which enable end users to perform exploratory search processes over multi-domain data sources available on the Web. These applications exploit suitable models, supported by a framework, that make it possible for expert users to configure the data sources to be searched and the interfaces for query submission and result visualization, by using for such source and interface configurations mash-up tools which do not require programming.
ACM SIGMOD Record, 2014
Search Computing defines a new class of applications, which enable end users to perform exploratory search processes over multi-domain data sources available on the Web. These applications exploit suitable models, supported by a framework, that make it possible for expert users to configure the data sources to be searched and the interfaces for query submission and result visualization, by using for such source and interface configurations mash-up tools which do not require programming.
Standards are important because they make a field more open to small and medium businesses and to academic players. We review a number of standards that apply to information retrieval and web search, and discuss the role that they play. We also discuss some areas where there is potential for the development of standards, where for instance information retrieval would benefit, and where standards development appears feasible.
Abstract On August 16, 2012 the SIGIR 2012 Workshop on Open Source Information Retrieval was held as part of the SIGIR 2012 conference in Portland, Oregon, USA. There were 2 invited talks, one from industry and one from academia. There were 6 full papers and 6 short papers presented as well as demonstrations of 4 open source tools. Finally there was a lively discussion on future directions for the open source Information Retrieval community.
Proceedings of the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval - SIGIR'19, 2019
Knowledge workers such as patent agents, recruiters and legal researchers undertake work tasks in which search forms a core part of their duties. In these instances, the search task often involves formulation of complex queries expressed as Boolean strings. However, creating effective Boolean queries remains an ongoing challenge, often compromised by errors and inefficiencies. In this paper, we demonstrate a new approach to structured searching in which concepts are expressed as objects on a two-dimensional canvas. Interactive query suggestions are provided via an NLP services API, and support is offered for optimising, translating and sharing search strategies as executable artefacts. This eliminates many sources of error, makes the query semantics more transparent, and offers an open-access platform for sharing reproducible search strategies and best practices. CCS CONCEPTS • Information systems → Query representation; Search interfaces; Expert search; • Computing methodologies → Representation of Boolean functions.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2017
IKEYS is an interactive and cooperative system aimed to query corporate linked data that allows users define explicit and unambiguous queries. Users first express their information needs through coarse keyword queries ('track J. Morrison 1971') that may then be refined with explicit projection and selection statements involving comparison operators and aggregation functions ('title of track composed by J. Morrison before 1971'). This demonstration shows how intuitive and efficient IKEYS is to find the exact answer to enhanced keyword queries.
Library Hi Tech News, 2018
Purpose This paper aims to provide an overview of the emergence of resource discovery systems and services along with their advantages and best practices including current landscapes. It reports the development of a resource discovery system by using the “VuFind” software and describes other technological tools, software, standards and protocols required for the development of the prototype. Design/methodology/approach This paper describes the process of integrating VuFind (resource discovery tool) with Koha (integrated library system), DSpace (repository software) and Apache Tika (as full-text extractor for full-text searching), etc. Findings The proposed model performs like other existing commercial and open source Web-scale resource discovery systems and is capable of harvesting resources from different subscribed or external sources replacing a library’s OPAC. Originality/value This discovery system is an important add-on to designing a one-stop access in place of the existing r...
Abstract Always being strong in the natural selection is one of the most important characteristic of human being. Human can adapt himself to nature and can make nature adapt to himself as well. But when there is human to human relationship, there will be a connection between effecting - being effected and power. Many thinkers, except some rationalists who think only of reasoning to confirm the truth of knowledge, are found in some inferences as a result of sensation and experience. Some of them aren’t effected by the nature and some of them both effect end are effected by the nature. Political developments affecting people's experiences and thoughts, like many other events, have undergone serious transformations in European geography, especially at a crucial time such as the 19th century. It is noteworthy that the important political developments leading to the second half of the nineteenth century, especially the establishment of the German union in 1871, and the state and bureaucracy concepts of Max Weber's philosophy. Weber's works and discourses reflect the strong state ideal of the Bismarckian era. With this similarity in writing the essay also examines whether the concept of the state develops independently of political events in Weber's philosophy and whether the philosophers of the thinkers change with the change of political developments experienced by the states. In the literature related to Weber, more research is done on political philosophy or sociology. Most of the investigations that have been made have also taken the philosophy of thought into consideration. It is also possible to find out more about a single field in comparative analyzes.However, from the perspective of international relations, it is thought that examining political philosophy may be a relatively unique study. Max Weber painted an image of nationalistic and statist sentiments at certain periods and found discourses. The main theme of the study is that this approach may have been shaped by the influence of the political environment. Özet İnsanoğlunun en önemli özelliklerinden biri doğal seleksiyondan hep güçlü çıkmasıdır. Çünkü insan en az kendisi çevreye uyum sağlayabildiği kadar çevreyi de kendine uydurabilmiştir. Ancak insanın insan ile ilişkisi söz konusu olduğu zaman etkilenmek ve etkilemek, güç ile ilişkili hale gelmeye başlar. Bilginin doğruluğuna sadece akıl yoluyla ulaşmaya çalışan bazı rasyonalistler dışındaki birçok düşünür duyum ve deneyim sonucunda bazı çıkarımlarda bulunur. Kiminin bulunduğu çevreden etkilenmediği kiminin de hem etkilendiği hem de etkilediği değerlendirilir. Diğer birçok olay gibi insanların yaşantısını ve düşüncelerini etkileyen siyasi gelişmelerin özellikle 19’uncu yüzyıl gibi önemli bir dönemde gerçekleştiği ve bu dönemde Avrupa coğrafyasında ciddi dönüşümler yaşandığı görülmüştür. Başta 1871 yılında Alman birliğinin kurulması olmak üzere 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına yön veren önemli siyasi gelişmeler ve bu gelişmelerin Max Weber’in felsefesindeki devlet ve bürokrasi kavramları ile ilgisi dikkat çekici bir konudur. Weber’in eserleri ve söylemleri Bismarck döneminin güçlü devlet idealini yansıtmaktadır. Makalenin yazılma amacı bu benzerlik ile birlikte Weber’in felsefesinde devlet kavramının siyasi olaylardan bağımsız gelişip gelişmediği ve devletlerin yaşadığı siyasi gelişmelerin değişimiyle düşünürlerin felsefelerinin değişip değişmeyeceği konusu da irdelemektir. Weber’le ilgili literatürde daha çok siyaset felsefesi veya sosyoloji üzerinden araştırma yapılmıştır. Yapılan araştırmaların birçoğunu da düşünürün felsefesinin ele alınması oluşturmuştur. Yine karşılaştırmalı analizlerde daha çok tek bir alanla ilgili çalışmalara rastlamak mümkündür. Ancak uluslararası ilişkiler perspektifinden siyaset felsefesini incelemenin nispeten özgün bir çalışma olabileceği düşünülmüştür. Max Weber, belli dönemlerde milliyetçi ve devletçi duygulara bürünmüş bir görüntü çizmiş ve söylemlerde bulunmuştur. Bu yaklaşımının siyasi ortamın etkisiyle şekillenmiş olabileceği çalışmanın ana konusunu oluşturmaktadır.
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