U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 7:3 (2021) 53-69
ISSN 2183-6493
DOI: 10.24840/2183-6493_007.003_0005
Received: 27 November, 2020
Accepted: 2 January, 2021
Published: 30 April, 2021
Additive Manufacturing:
Material Extrusion of Metallic Parts
J. M. Costa1, E. W. Sequeiros2, M. T. Vieira3, M. F. Vieira4
of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of
Porto; LAETA/INEGI - Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 PORTO, Portugal (jose.costa@fe.up.pt) ORCID
0000-0002-1714-4671; 2Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, University of Porto; LAETA/INEGI - Institute of Science and Innovation in
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 PORTO, Portugal
(ews@fe.up.pt) ORCID 0000-0002-5295-5648; 3CEMMPRE, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal (teresa.vieira@dem.uc.pt) ORCID 0000-00019981-3826; 4Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Porto; LAETA/INEGI - Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 PORTO, Portugal (mvieira@fe.up.pt)
ORCID 0000-0002-3667-0562
Additive manufacturing (AM) is one of the most trending technologies nowadays,
and it has the potential to become one of the most disruptive technologies for
manufacturing. Academia and industry pay attention to AM because it enables a
wide range of new possibilities for design freedom, complex parts production,
components, mass personalization, and process improvement. The material
extrusion (ME) AM technology for metallic materials is becoming relevant and
equivalent to other AM techniques, like laser powder bed fusion. Although ME
cannot overpass some limitations, compared with other AM technologies, it enables
smaller overall costs and initial investment, more straightforward equipment
parametrization, and production flexibility.
This study aims to evaluate components produced by ME, or Fused Filament
Fabrication (FFF), with different materials: Inconel 625, H13 SAE, and 17-4PH. The
microstructure and mechanical characteristics of manufactured parts were
evaluated, confirming the process effectiveness and revealing that this is an
alternative for metal-based AM.
Author Keywords. Additive Manufacturing, Material Extrusion, Fused Filament
Fabrication, Metallic Materials Filaments, Feedstocks.
Type: Research Article
Open Access
Peer Reviewed
1. Introduction
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a disruptive process, and the understanding of its structure
and properties is essential to comprehend what happens at the microstructural level (Wang
et al. 2018a). AM enables the end-user to design, create, develop, and fabricate with
versatility and flexibility, disrupting conventional/traditional fabrication principles on personal
or corporate levels (DebRoy et al. 2018; Frazier 2014; Herderick 2011).
Commonly denominated as "3D printing", the first applications of AM were used initially for
prototyping (Atzeni and Salmi 2015). Quickly it was understood its potential as an effective
process, to be used from upstream to downstream (Mellor, Hao, and Zhang 2014; Gibson et
al. 2018). From the fabrication of prototypes in the development phase, tooling, and
customers end product (Gibson, Rosen, and Stucker 2015), and allows the manufacturing of
Additive Manufacturing: Material Extrusion of Metallic Parts
J. M. Costa, E. W. Sequeiros, M. T. Vieira, M. F. Vieira
highly customized products, with total freedom of design, and using complex shapes. The
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) defines AM as a process of joining
materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to
subtractive manufacturing methodologies (ASTM 2012).
The AM processes comprise high-end and digital technology (on hardware, software, and
processes) and referenced as a technological path for the manufacturing world's future (Tofail
et al. 2018; Leach et al. 2019). It cannot be dissociated from the new industrial paradigm since
it can increase efficiency and productivity while ensuring a circular economy improvement.
AM processes are intrinsic to parts of the product development process and enable a new
perception of manufacturing components with complex shapes and integrated parts (Atzeni
and Salmi 2015). A continued equipment development for full manufacturing readiness and
understanding of the materials processes is essential to accomplish the AM potential
(Herderick 2011). One of the mandatory requirements to achieve an effective joining in AM,
independently of the selected technology, is to have an effective combination of the feedstock
(or raw) material and good energy delivery (Thompson et al. 2015).
ASTM divided AM technologies into seven categories, as shown in Table 1.
Material Extrusion
Powder Bed Fusion
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
Contour Crafting
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DLMS)
Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
Electron Beem Melting (EBM)
Stereolithography (SLA)
Polyjet(Inkjet Printing
Indirect Inkjet Printing (Binder 3DP)
Raw Materials
Thermoplastics, ceramics, and metal
Polyamides and polymers
Metal and ceramic powder
Photopolymer and ceramics
Photopolymer and wax
Polymer, metal, and ceramic powder
Plastic film, metallic sheet, and ceramic
Sheet Lamination
Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM)
Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS)
Direct Energy Deposition
Molten metal powder
Electronic Beam Welding (EBW)
Table 1: Information available at ISO/ASTM52921 – 13 (2019), Standard
Terminology for Additive Manufacturing (ASTM 2019)
Vat Photopolymerization
Material Jetting
Binder Jetting
Each AM technology has specific benefits and challenges due to specific raw materials
processing (Herderick 2015) and should – always – be evaluated and selected the component
design to be fabricated, the required metallurgical (chemical composition and microstructure)
and the consequence mechanical properties (tensile strength, impact), finishing (roughness,
distortion, and shrinkage), costs and supply chain conditions, among other premise's
(Herderick 2011; Huang et al. 2015; Gibson, Rosen, and Stucker 2010, 2015).
The powder bed fusion processes (PBF) are the most used for metal AM (Herzog et al. 2016;
Gibson et al. 2018). In PBF, it is used a laser or electron beam to melt, join and deposit metal
powder particles to fabricate metal components thru a laser or electron beam with high
localized heating and solidification (DebRoy et al. 2018; Gibson et al. 2018; Kruth et al. 2003;
Wang et al. 2018b). The balk of PBF processes is the complex and overpriced implementation
(Gibson et al. 2018), high costs of equipment acquisition and maintenance, control of energy
sources and atmosphere (gases like argon and hydrogen), materials handling and metal
powders control (size, morphology, flowability, and purity, among others), and complex postprocessing techniques (Gibson et al. 2018; DebRoy et al. 2018). Additionally, parts produced
by LPF present a difficult control on parameters like powders melting, rapid solidification,
repeated heating (which creates complex thermomechanical stresses), support structures
U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 7:3 (2021) 53-69
Additive Manufacturing: Material Extrusion of Metallic Parts
J. M. Costa, E. W. Sequeiros, M. T. Vieira, M. F. Vieira
construction (used to enable production layer-by-layer and resist deformations), and
complicated post-processing to achieve dimensionally accurate parts (Kruth et al. 2005; Wu
et al. 2014; Zeng et al. 2015; Gibson et al. 2018).
Alternative technologies are currently under development, where the main objective is to
create an accessible technology to enable metal AM. The ME process, well known from
polymer AM processes, figures as a potential alternative to PBF (DebRoy et al. 2018; Gibson,
Rosen, and Stucker 2010; Gonzalez-Gutierrez et al. 2018b). The key features for any metalbased ME is the loading and melting of the metal filament, adequate pressure to move
material thru nozzle, enable controlled extrusion in the correct place, and coherent bonding
of the material extruded to create a solid structure (Gibson, Rosen, and Stucker 2010; Singh,
Ramakrishna, and Singh 2017). As in other metal AM processes, deposition strategies
(material quantities, density, and rastering), support structures, scaffold architectures, among
others, are defined by specific software, using the component CAD 3D file (Rane and Strano
2019; Kumar et al. 2018; Thompson et al. 2016; Singh, Ramakrishna, and Singh 2017). This
type of software can define the path for the deposition of material layer-by-layer (slicing) and
define the printing parameters such as layer thickness, the number of shells, pattern, raster
gap, print speed, and others (Kumar et al. 2018; Al and Yaman 2017; Gao et al. 2015).
The metal-based ME technology requires four distinct steps: (1) the filament production and
characterization, (2) production of AM component using the filament extrusion process, (3)
debinding, and (4) sintering.
The production of filaments for metal-based ME is one of the most critical phases of this
technology. A proper choice of the materials to be used (metallic powder, binder, and
additives) is required for the successful production of components. The filaments used in
metal-based ME result from the extrusion of feedstock, a mixture of metallic powders
combined with a specific concentration of a polymeric binder system, in the correct
proportions (usually 60% metallic and 40% polymer feedstocks). The purpose of the mixture,
similar to metal hot embossing and metal injection molding (MIM), is to disperse the metal
powder in the binder, avoiding internal porosity and agglomeration, which enables a
homogeneous biphasic mixture (Sequeiros et al. 2020; Singh et al. 2019b; Gonzalez-Gutierrez
et al. 2018b). The powder characteristics influence the filament's rheological behavior in its
production and metal ME processes. Ideally, filament characterization should comprise
particle size distribution (PSD), morphology, density, specific surface area, and interaction
between particles (Sequeiros et al. 2015; Singh et al. 2019a; Royer, Barriere, and Gelin 2016).
The filament production is one of the most challenging operations, where the selected process
parameters must be appropriated to the mixture and extrusion system used and preliminary
optimized for each filament. An excellent mixture must be homogeneous, with a good shape
and a stable diameter dimension. Usually, they are extruded into a spool and usually have a
1,75 mm diameter. Combining a suitable feedstock and extrusion enables a stable and
effective (and profitable) ME process. It is also possible to find several types of metallic
filaments for ME in the market, and the filaments' characterization is mandatory to
understand their characteristics (and see if they accomplish requirements for manufacturing).
Figure 1 represents the schematics for the metal-based ME process. The metallic filament is
supplied from a spool in the upper part of the equipment directly to the feeding mechanism,
which has a different positioning considering metal or polymer-based filament. The metallic
filament has a fragile behavior; for avoiding breaking, it is vertically fed, and usually, AM
equipment is inside a chamber with controlled temperature.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 7:3 (2021) 53-69
Additive Manufacturing: Material Extrusion of Metallic Parts
J. M. Costa, E. W. Sequeiros, M. T. Vieira, M. F. Vieira
Before production, it is required to design components to be produced with CAD 3D software.
After the component design, slicing software is used to define the manufacturing strategy.
This software will convert the CAD 3D in a set of paths (coordinates X, Y, and Z), and layer
upon layer will enable to trace designed component and manufacture it. Usually, these slicing
software enable the optimization and parametrization of several properties, impacting final
component finishing, and overall quality.
Figure 1: Schematics for metal-based ME equipment
The filament enters the extrusion head, where it is heated to a viscous state and is deposited
in the building plate. According to the slicing strategy, the material goes through the nozzle,
turning on and off the material's extrusion. These equipment types work in X, Y, and Z axes
and draw layers according to the software coordinates; when the equipment ends a layer, it
starts the upper layer. The deposition will be from bottom to top of the component, and the
material solidifies, stacking the upper and the lower layers, creating a component. During
manufacturing, the nozzle is extruding material for the component and the builds support
structures; the build supports enable overhang geometries, automatically created by the
slicing software, and to be removed after finishing manufacturing (Singh, Ramakrishna, and
Singh 2017; Kumar et al. 2018; Hertle et al. 2020; Gao et al. 2015). The component fabricated
thru metal ME is commonly described as Green Part.
The debinding and sintering enable the densification of the ME produced component and are
crucial for getting components with comparable properties to other AM technologies (like PBF
or binder jetting process). Both processes are – usually – carried in vacuum furnaces (Kurose
et al. 2020).
The optimization of debinding depends on the characteristics of the binder system and
components. Several debinding techniques exist, like solvent debinding, catalytic treatment,
thermal treatment, or a combination of two or more (Sequeiros et al. 2020). The objective of
debinding is to gradually remove the binder materials to keep the manufactured components'
shape (Singh et al. 2019b). Brown parts, designation after debinding, require a graduate
removal of binder to avoid defects (Sequeiros et al. 2020; Gonzalez-Gutierrez et al. 2018b) and
shape loss due to the removal of the binder. Poor debinding conditions can impact the
components' porosity since carbon residues can influence the sintering process, promoting
U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 7:3 (2021) 53-69
Additive Manufacturing: Material Extrusion of Metallic Parts
J. M. Costa, E. W. Sequeiros, M. T. Vieira, M. F. Vieira
bloating, blistering, surface cracking, and large internal voids, which will increase the difficulty
of achieving a highly dense component (Gonzalez-Gutierrez et al. 2018a).
The last step of getting a dense metal component is the sintering, where is applied a thermal
treatment to the brown part to transforms the metallic powder into a bulk material. The
temperature is below the melting point – usually between 70 and 90% – of the metal powder
(or the major metallic component) to obtain solid components, with all geometries created in
the ME process (Gonzalez-Gutierrez et al. 2018a; Gonzalez-Gutierrez et al. 2018b). Due to the
high porosity of components, there is a rearrangement and mass transport during sintering.
As temperature increases, the system reduces surface energy, forming solid bonds (or necks)
between particles, which continue to grow to decrease porosity and densify the components,
resulting in a shrinkage of components (Gonzalez-Gutierrez et al. 2018a). The monitoring and
optimization of sintering parameters are critical to getting a proper component. The
microstructural evaluation and mechanical characterization are critical to optimizing sintering
parameters and enhance component consolidation.
This study will analyze the production with ME technology, using metallic filaments (a
superalloy of Nickel – Inconel 625, a tool steel – H13 SAE, and stainless steel – 17-4PH). The
microstructural and mechanical characterizations enable the analysis of process effectiveness,
comparing the properties of these with conventional materials.
2. Materials and Methods
With Autodesk Fusion 360 specimens were designed to enable mechanical and metallurgical
characterizations, shown in Figure 2. The dimensions for the specimen (a) were 10 x 10 x 10
millimeters, and for the specimen (d) the half-sphere had a diameter of 40 millimeters. For
creating the slicing, it was used Ultimaker Cura, and the parameters defined where 100% infill,
0,20 mm layer height, and 0,40 mm deposition line width, without construction supports.
Figure 2: Specimens produced thru ME technology for hardness (a), impact test (b),
tensile strength (c), and roughness (d)
Afterward, components were produced thru ME additive manufacturing technology, using
standard and low-priced ME equipment.
The supplier of filaments used in this work will not be disclosed due to a non-disclosure
agreement; however, their reference values available in specifications will be used to enable
the comparison in the characterizations. The composition of each material, retrieved from
supplier datasheets, is presented in Table 2.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 7:3 (2021) 53-69
Additive Manufacturing: Material Extrusion of Metallic Parts
J. M. Costa, E. W. Sequeiros, M. T. Vieira, M. F. Vieira
Inconel 625
< 0,5
< 0,5
<0,1 <0,015 <0,015 Bal.
Si Mn
17-4 PH
15~17,5 3~5 3~5 < 1 < 1 0,15~0,45 <0,07 < 0,04 < 0,03
Table 2: Material composition for Inconel 625 (a), H13 SAE (b) and 17-4PH (c)
All produced parts went through the debinding and sintering process, according to
manufacturing requirements for each material. Due to a non-disclosure agreement,
conditions for both treatments cannot be shared.
Regarding mechanical characterizations, in the impact test, the notch in the specimens was
made thru the trimming process, since in previous experiences, it was not possible to print it
directly due to the difficulty in meeting the standard requirements.
Sintered parts' microstructure cross-sections were prepared following standard
metallography procedures; all the specimens were polished down to a 1 µm diamond
suspension. The etchings used were nital 3%, plus picral 4%, for the SAE H13, electrolytic
etching at 20 V with 20% NaOH solution for the 17-4PH steel, and a solution of HCl, HNO3, and
CH3COOH [1.5:1:1] for the Inconel 625.
The filaments and specimen characterization involved a high-resolution scanning electron
microscope (SEM), the FEI Quanta 400 FEG ESEM. The composition was analyzed by an energy
dispersive X-ray spectrometer EDAX Genesis X4M coupled to the SEM, and the measurements
were executed at an accelerating voltage of 10 and 15 keV by the standardless quantification
method. The microstructure and porosity were assessed by optical microscopy (OM), from
Leica, model DM4000M, using the software LasLeica. The specimen used here was the cube
presented in Figure2(a), using the X, Y, and Z face to evaluate different orientations.
The mechanical characterizations involved Rockwell C hardness (the DuraVision 20, with a
load of 1471N), tensile strength (with the SHIMADZU TRViewX Digital Video Extensometer)
following the standard NP EN 10002-1, and impact test (Charpy) following the standard EN
10045 | ISO 148-1. The roughness was evaluated with an ATOS Triple Scan, Gom.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis
The filaments, the surface, and cross-sections of the prepared specimens were analyzed by
SEM, and the main objective was to evaluate the powder particle size used. The sintered
sample evaluation was used to analyze the surface (finishing, different orientations, available
structures), powder particles, porosity, and FFF process extrusion.
Inconel 625
The powder particles available in the Inconel 625 filament are under 10 µm and present the
typical shape of spherical particles —additional validations to determine Gaussian particle size
distribution and a shape factor, as shown in Figure 3.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 7:3 (2021) 53-69
Additive Manufacturing: Material Extrusion of Metallic Parts
J. M. Costa, E. W. Sequeiros, M. T. Vieira, M. F. Vieira
Figure 3: SEM images of the Inconel 625 supernickel alloy filament at different
magnification (a to c), showing the powder particle size measurements (b)
The surface analysis of Inconel 625 (Figure 4) especially in the middle of the specimen,
regardless of the direction of fabrication, reveals the presence of precipitates and oxides
(Figure 5 and Table 3).
Figure 4: SEM surface analysis of the Inconel 625 specimens in the orientation of
manufacturing "X" (a), "Y" (b), and "Z" (c)
(Wt %)
1.67 42.19
24.04 6.27 0.81
32.00 14.01 23.99 2.11 2.20
23.00 2.69
62.83 20.44 8.85 0.98 0.85 2.59 3.03 0.43
Table 3: Mass fraction (wt %) for Inconel 625, in the zones Z1, Z2, and Z3 of figure
In Figure 5(a) is possible to see three different structures. The analysis of the area Z3 (Figure
5(d)) shows a mass fraction (wt %) consistent with the material composition (Table 2). In area
Z2 (Figure 5(c)), precipitation of niobium and Nickel was detected, and area Z1 (Figure 5(b))
corresponds to chromium oxide.
Near the analyzed specimen's surface of Inconel 625, it is possible to detect several cavities
(Figure 6(a)) and the deposition layers not filled (Figure 6(b)). This type of porosity and
deposition issues are typical of additive manufacturing processes that involve ME and can be
the consequence of under extrusion of material (the extruder is not pushing enough filament
to the manufacturing process) or inaccurate parameterization of the manufacturing process.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 7:3 (2021) 53-69
Additive Manufacturing: Material Extrusion of Metallic Parts
J. M. Costa, E. W. Sequeiros, M. T. Vieira, M. F. Vieira
Figure 5: SEM image marking the EDS surface analysis structures for the Inconel
625 (a), and EDS surface analysis for Z1 (b), Z2 (c), and Z3 (d)
Figure 6: Identified problems in SEM surface analysis for Inconel 625 specimen
SAE H13 tool steel
The powder particles available in the SAE H13 tool steel filament are under 10 µm and are
typically spherical particles, as shown in Figure 7. Additional validations to determine Gaussian
particle size distribution and a shape factor are required.
Figure 7: SEM images of the SAE H13 tool steel filament at different magnification
(a to c), showing the powder particle size measurements (b)
U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 7:3 (2021) 53-69
Additive Manufacturing: Material Extrusion of Metallic Parts
J. M. Costa, E. W. Sequeiros, M. T. Vieira, M. F. Vieira
The surface analysis of SAE H13 tool steel specimens (Figure 8), regardless of the fabrication
direction, shows precipitates presence, with similar dispersion in all manufacturing
Figure 8: SEM surface analysis of the SAE H13 tool steel specimen in the orientation
of manufacturing "X" (a), "Y" (b), and "Z" (c)
Near the analyzed surface of SAE H13 specimens, it is possible to detect several cavities (Figure
9(a)) and the unfilled deposition layers (Figure9(b)). As already mentioned, this type of
porosity and deposition issues is typical of additive manufacturing processes that involve ME.
It can be the consequence of material under extrusion, likewise in Inconel 625, which means
that the extruder is not pushing enough filament to the manufacturing process or an
inaccurate parameterization of the manufacturing process.
Figure 9: Identified problems in SEM surface analysis for SAE H13 tooling steel
17-4 PH stainless steel
The powder particles available in the 17-4 PH stainless steel filament are under 5 µm and
present a spherical shape, as shown in Figure 10. Additional validations are required to
determine Gaussian particle size distribution and a shape factor.
Figure 10: SEM images of the 14-7 PH stainless steel filament at different
magnification (a to c), showing the powder particle size measurements (b)
U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 7:3 (2021) 53-69
Additive Manufacturing: Material Extrusion of Metallic Parts
J. M. Costa, E. W. Sequeiros, M. T. Vieira, M. F. Vieira
The surface analysis of 17-4 PH stainless steel (Figure 11), especially in the middle of the
sample observed, regardless of the fabrication direction, reveals niobium and chromium
oxides (Table 4 and Figure 12).
Figure 11: SEM surface analysis of the 17-4 PH stainless steel specimen in the
orientation of manufacturing "X" (a), "Y" (b), and "Z" (c)
Different structures are possible to identify in Figure 12(a). In Z1 (Figure 12(b)) and Z2 (Figure
12(c)), chromium and niobium oxides were detected (Nb oxide only in Z2). The analysis of Z3
(Figure 12(d)) shows a mass fraction (wt %) consistent with the material composition (Table
Figure 12: SEM image marking for the EDS surface analysis structures for the 17-4
PH stainless steel (a), and EDS surface analysis for Z1 (b), Z2 (c), and Z3 (d)
U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 7:3 (2021) 53-69
Additive Manufacturing: Material Extrusion of Metallic Parts
J. M. Costa, E. W. Sequeiros, M. T. Vieira, M. F. Vieira
(Wt %)
1.21 39.21
17.04 4.60 13.91 24.04
2.99 13.68
17.89 2.53
14.34 48.58
0.81 16.13 74.78 4.41 4.18
Table 4: Mass fraction (wt %) for 17-4 PH stainless steel, in the zones Z1, Z2, and Z3
of Figure 12(a)
Also, in this sample, near the analyzed specimen's 17-4 PH surface, it is possible to detect
cavities (Figure 13).
Figure 13: Identified problems in SEM surface analysis for 17-4 PH stainless steel
3.2. Microstructure observations
Inconel 625
The microstructure of the Inconel 625 (Figure 14) consists of equiaxed austenite grains with
twins. Porosity is visible as the precipitates (different grey ton).
Figure 14: Specimen microstructure analysis, thru optical microscopy, of the
Inconel 625 specimen
SAE H13 tool steel
The microstructure of the SAE H13 tooling steel (Figure 15) is a martensitic structure. The
sintered grains and the porosity are visible.
Figure 15: Specimen microstructure analysis, thru optical microscopy, of the SAE
H13 tool steel specimen
U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 7:3 (2021) 53-69
Additive Manufacturing: Material Extrusion of Metallic Parts
J. M. Costa, E. W. Sequeiros, M. T. Vieira, M. F. Vieira
17-4 PH stainless steel
The microstructure of this steel consists of a martensitic structure with precipitates and
Figure 16: Specimen microstructure analysis, thru optical microscopy, of the
17 4PH stainless steel specimen
3.3. Mechanical characterizations
Hardness values for the as-sintered steel components could not match the reference values
provided by the material supplier, presented in Table 5. In SAE H13, the deviation is high,
which means variations alongside the sample, possibly due to the deposition process. In the
17-4 PH stainless steel, although 2 HRC bellow reference value, the deviation is smaller,
revealing a more homogeneous surface.
17-4 PH
Rockwell C
Reference Value
𝒙 ̅ (as-sintered)
Table 5: Rockwell C hardness for the steels evaluated
Tensile strength
The tensile strength reference values are presented in Table 6.
Tensile Strength
Inconel 625
17-4 PH
(Reference Value)
Rm (MPa)
Rp0,2 (MPa)
Elongation (%)
Table 6: Reference values of tensile strength for the evaluated materials
The results achieved for all the materials evaluated in this work are below reference values,
provided by the material supplier, as shown in Table 7. In the SAE H13 tool steel, it was
impossible to get results for Rp0,2 and elongation. For the 17-4 PH stainless steel, the
elongation value was very high compared to the reference value, and the tensile strength at
rupture is below reference values.
Tensile Strength
Inconel 625
Rm (MPa)
Rp0,2 (MPa)
Problems during test
Elongation (%)
Table 7: Tensile strength results for the materials evaluated
17-4 PH
Three possibilities can justify this. The first justification was noticed during testing, where it
was possible to see some sliding from specimen head in the equipment grip; increase the head
of the specimen and include some features to decrease slip could be a plus. The second
justification could be a poor debinding and sintering process, which might have increased
U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 7:3 (2021) 53-69
Additive Manufacturing: Material Extrusion of Metallic Parts
J. M. Costa, E. W. Sequeiros, M. T. Vieira, M. F. Vieira
porosity (as seen previously) and consequently affected the mechanical properties. There is a
third justification where exists the possibility of both these justifications could be cooccurring. The third possibility is related to the poor adhesion between layers, which will be
augmented by the debinding and sintering process. All these possibilities can occur separately
or together to justify what happened.
Relative density
The relative density values for Inconel 625 and SAE H13 are according to reference values, and
for 17-4 PH it is slightly below, indicated in Table 8.
Relative density
Inconel 625
Reference Value (%)
≥ 96,5
≥ 94,5
Table 8: Relative density results for the materials evaluated
17-4 PH
≥ 96
Although supplier values could be achieved, to check if it is possible to increase components
relative density and increase process efficiency, future evaluations for manufacturing
(parameters, deposition strategy), debinding, and sintering processes will be considered to
decrease components' porosity. Hot isostatic pressure is also an alternative.
Impact test
The specimens were tested with two orthogonal deposition orientations, showing that the
orientation does not constrain impact resistance, presented in Table 9.
Impact Test
Orientation no. 1
Orientation no. 2
Inconel 625
Table 9: Impact test results for the materials evaluated
17-4 PH
The roughness was analyzed thru a specific component with a dome (Figure2(d) and Figure
Figure 17: Roughness Analysis of the three materials. (a) CAD3D file used for
measurement; (b) Inconel 625; (c) SAE H13 tool steel; (d) 17-4PH stainless steel
U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 7:3 (2021) 53-69
Additive Manufacturing: Material Extrusion of Metallic Parts
J. M. Costa, E. W. Sequeiros, M. T. Vieira, M. F. Vieira
The best result was achieved in the 17-4 stainless steel (Figure 17(d)). SAE H13 (Figure 17(c))
and Inconel 625 (Figure 17(b)) have identical results, showing increase of roughness in the top
layers. This behavior is a common effect in ME process, particularly in small dimension layers.
It is also interesting to notice that the 17-4PH (Figure 10) stainless steel presents a smaller size
of particles than SAE H13 (Figure 7) and Inconel 625 superalloy of Nickel (Figure 3).
4. Conclusions
The purpose of this work was to identify what the market is offering for ME AM and evaluate
what could be disruptive and mind changer for academia and industry. ME for metallic
materials as a long path to walk, and many challenges to overcome.
The selected materials have different industry applications: a nickel superalloy, tool steel, and
stainless steel. The filament supplier provides the mechanical and metallurgical
characterization of their filament, and it was intended to evaluate it and compare achieved
results with reference values provided in the material specification. As explained, since it is
under a non-disclosure agreement, specifications cannot be shared.
In this study, an analysis (and benchmark) of the metallic filaments market was made, and
much information was structured to improve the execution of additional investigations. All
selected materials have the potential to improve and achieve better results. Must be
evaluated separately and with furthermore and more in-depth work. Thus, and as initially
idealized, these metallic filaments confirm the effectiveness and feasibility of metal-based ME
processes, verifying their space inside AM processes. Inconel 625, SAE H13, and 17-4 PH can
compete with the same materials in the traditional processes, adding value to component
design and manufacturing inherent to the AM process advantages. Although some of the
evaluation results are under expected results, the potential – after optimization and
parametrization of processes – is high.
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We thank COMPETE 2020, PORTUGAL 2020, and European Union for supporting CARAVELA Desenvolvimento e Demonstração de building blocks para microlançadores (POCI-01-0247FEDER-039796). Several of these characterizations were made under the Master of
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, in the Advanced Materials Class of 2019-20, of the
University of Porto – Faculty of Engineering (FEUP).
U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 7:3 (2021) 53-69