Arcobacter A. butzleri infections report diarrhea associated with
abdominal pain; nausea and vomiting or fever also occur
Species in (10,11). A third species, A. skirrowii, has recently been iso-
lated from a person with chronic diarrhea (12). Despite
Humans1 these occasional reports, the contribution of Arcobacter
species to human diarrhea is still unknown. The aim of our
study was to compare the prevalence and the clinical fea-
Olivier Vandenberg,*† Anne Dediste,*
tures of A. butzleri isolated from stools with those of
Kurt Houf,‡ Sandra Ibekwem,§
C. jejuni.
Hichem Souayah,* Sammy Cadranel,¶
Nicole Douat,#** G. Zissis,* J.-P. Butzler,§
The Study
and P. Vandamme‡
From January 1995 to December 2002, all stool sam-
During an 8-year study period, Arcobacter butzleri was ples submitted to two hospital laboratories serving the
the fourth most common Campylobacter-like organism iso- Brugmann, Queen Fabiola, and Saint-Pierre University
lated from 67,599 stool specimens. Our observations sug- Hospitals in Brussels, Belgium, were examined macro-
gest that A. butzleri displays microbiologic and clinical scopically for consistency, gross blood, and mucus and
features similar to those of Campylobacter jejuni; however, microscopically for parasites, leukocytes, and erythro-
A. butzleri is more frequently associated with a persistent,
cytes. These samples were also cultured for common bac-
watery diarrhea.
terial pathogens. Stool samples of patients <2 years of age
were also evaluated for rotavirus and enteric adenovirus
C ampylobacter is the most common cause of acute bac-
terial enteritis in the United States and many other
industrialized countries (1,2). When the diagnosis of infec-
since viral diarrhea is mainly seen in young children.
A specific culture protocol for the recovery of
Campylobacter spp. and related organisms consisting of
tion is based exclusively on culturing on selective media, one solid selective medium and a filtration method was
>95% of Campylobacter infections are caused by systematically applied. In the selective agar method, the
Campylobacter jejuni or C. coli. However, with refine- fecal suspension (approximately 1 g/mL of saline) was
ments in isolation and identification methods, other related plated onto Butzler’s medium comprising Mueller-Hinton
species such as C. upsaliensis, C. jejuni subsp. doylei, C. agar (Oxoid Ltd, Basingstoke, United Kingdom) contain-
fetus subsp fetus, C. concisus, Arcobacter butzleri, ing 5% sheep blood and the antimicrobial supplement cef-
Helicobacter fennelliae, and H. cinaedi, have emerged as operazone 30 mg/L, rifampicin 10 mg/L, and amphotericin
potential enteric human pathogens (3). Since most labora- B 2 mg/L (Institute Virion, Rüschlikon, Switzerland) (13).
tories do not use appropriate culture conditions to detect all The plates were incubated for 48 h at 42°C in a microaer-
Campylobacter spp. and related organisms or do not iden- obic atmosphere (5% O2, 6% H2, 10% CO2, and 79% N2).
tify isolates to species level, data on the incidence and clin- The plates were examined daily for growth of
ical importance of these non–C. jejuni/coli organisms are Campylobacter species.
scarce. The membrane filtration method was performed
During the past decade, improvements in isolation tech- according to Lopez (14). Stool samples were diluted 1:5 in
niques in veterinary medicine have led to the discovery of Brucella broth. Cellulose acetate filters (50 mm in diame-
Arcobacter spp. as animal pathogens. Members of the ter) with a pore size of 0.45 µm were placed on the surface
genus Arcobacter are aerotolerant Campylobacter-like of Mueller-Hinton agar plates containing 5% sheep blood.
organisms. They were first isolated from aborted bovine Eight drops of the fecal suspension were placed on the top
fetuses by Ellis in 1977 (4). Arcobacter spp. differ from of the membrane and allowed to filter passively for 30 min
Campylobacter spp. by their ability to grow at lower tem- at 37°C in air. After filtration, the filters were removed,
peratures and in air (5). Later, Arcobacter infections in and the plates were incubated at 37°C in a microaerobic
humans were also described. Two species, A. butzleri and, atmosphere for up to 10 days.
more rarely, A. cryaerophilus, have been associated with Two specific procedures for isolating Arcobacter were
enteritis and occasionally bacteremia (6–9). Patients with used successively. Until April 1995, we used a membrane
filtration technique (15). Subsequently, we switched to
*Saint-Pierre University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium; †Free
University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium; ‡Ghent University, 1Presented in part at the 11th International Congress on Infectious
Ghent, Belgium; §Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium; Diseases, Cancun, Mexico, Mar 4–8, 2004. (Abstract P09.030);
¶Queen Fabiola University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium; and at the 12th International Workshop on Campylobacter,
#Brugmann University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium; and **Queen Helicobacter and Related Organisms. Aarhus, Denmark, Sept
Fabiola University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium 6–10, 2003 (Abstract K-07).
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 10, No. 10, October 2004 1863
direct plating on Arcobacter selective medium (16), for and patients from a foreign country referred for surgery),
which 0.5 g of stool samples was injected into an enrich- and underlying disease. Diarrhea was defined as at least
ment broth (Brucella broth + antimicrobial supplement three unformed or liquid stools per day for at least 3 days.
consisting of piperacillin 75 mg/L, cefoperazone 25 mg/L, Because of the study’s retrospective nature, we could only
amphotericin B 10 mg/L, trimethoprim 20 mg/L, and classify diarrhea as acute (duration <15 days) or chronic
cycloheximide 100 mg/L + 5% laked horse blood) and (duration >15 days). Treatment history included antimicro-
incubated for 24 h at 25°C in a microaerobic atmosphere. bial history and use of intravenous fluid therapy, and, final-
After incubation, 40 µL of enriched broth was plated onto ly, clinical status after 1 month of treatment (cure or
Arcobacter selective medium (16). The plates were then persistent diarrhea).
incubated for 3 days at 25°C in a microaerobic atmosphere All parameters were compared between index patients
and examined daily. and matched controls. Comparisons were made by Pearson
Gram-negative, motile, spiral, or curved rods were iden- χ2 test for 1:3 control data. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% con-
tified as Campylobacter by morphologic and biochemical fidence intervals (CI) were calculated.
characteristics consistent with the genus Campylobacter, as From January 1995 to December 2002, a total of 67,599
recommended by Vandamme et al. (5). A complementary stool specimens from 40,995 patients were submitted for
distinction between A. butzleri and A. cryaerophilus was bacteriologic stool culture. These cultures yielded
achieved by using sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide Campylobacter and related organisms in 1,906 patients,
gel electrophoresis of whole-cell proteins and by a multi- Salmonella species in 1,720 patients, and Shigella species
plex polymerase chain reaction assay (17). in 244 patients. Other identified pathogens include
To assess the pattern of clinical disease, patients with A. enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (137 patients), Yersinia
butzleri infection were matched against three randomly enterocolitica (87 patients), Plesiomonas spp. (22
selected control patients with C. jejuni infection. To patients), and Aeromonas spp. (21 patients).
achieve this, all charts of patients with A. butzleri infection Among the 1,906 Campylobacter and related organ-
and controls were reviewed retrospectively by combining isms isolated during the study period, 77.2% were C. jeju-
the records of the medical and microbiology departments. ni, 11.4% were C. coli, and 4.5% were C. upsaliensis
A structured, close-ended questionnaire was used to collect (Table 1). Ninety-seven Arcobacter isolates were obtained
the patient’s history, age, sex, status (outpatient or hospi- from 77 patients. Among them, A. butzleri was the most
talized for >48 h) and history of international travel. The frequently isolated species (84 isolates from 67 patients),
clinical history included diarrhea within the preceding 3 accounting for 3.5 % of the Campylobacter and related
months, duration of symptoms, nature of the diarrhea organisms bacterial group. Thirteen A. cryaerophilus iso-
(watery or bloody and presence of cells), intensity of fever, lates from 10 patients were obtained, but no A. skirrowii
nausea or vomiting, abdominal pains, asymptomatic car- isolates were found. Other species, such as C. concisus, C.
riage (routine screening of enteric pathogens in stools of fetus, C. curvus, C. lari, and C. hyointestinalis, were also
HIV-infected persons, other immunocompromised states, found in small numbers (Table 1).
1864 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 10, No. 10, October 2004
Arcobacter Species in Humans
Medical records were available for 61 of the 67 patients Rectal bleeding, inflammatory exudates, or both were
with A. butzleri infection. Ages of patients with A. butzleri significantly less common in A. butzleri than in C. jejuni
infection were 30 days–90 years; there were slightly more infection (OR 0.15, 95% CI 0.05–0.46). A concomitant
female than male patients. Fourteen patients were hospital- infection with another enteric pathogen occurred in a high-
ized for >48 h. Four patients had traveled abroad before er proportion of patients with A. butzleri infection than
onset of symptoms. Ten patients had underlying disease: 4 patients with C. jejuni infection, but the difference was not
were HIV seropositive, and 3 were immunocompromised significant. Twelve patients with A. butzleri infection had
(postrenal graft, celiac disease, and chemotherapy for cere- a coinfection with one of the following enteric pathogens:
bellar astrocytoma). Other chronic illnesses included Salmonella enterica (n = 4) (2 ser. Enteritidis, 1 ser.
dementia (n = 1), insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Typhimurium and 1 ser. Virchow), Rotavirus (n = 3), C.
(n = 1), and hepatitis C (n = 1). jejuni (n = 2), Giardia lamblia (n = 2), and Clostridium dif-
Thirty-one patients complained of acute diarrhea (>24 ficile toxin B positive (n = 1).
watery stools) lasting for 3 to 15 days, and 10 had persist- In 24 patients with Campylobacter jejuni infection, we
ent or recurrent diarrhea lasting >2 weeks–2 months. Six found a coinfection with one another enteric pathogen: S.
patients had abdominal pain without diarrhea. Twelve enterica (7) (3 ser. Enteritidis, 3 ser. Typhimurium, and 1
patients were asymptomatic. Sixteen patients received ser.Virchow), Rotavirus (5), Adenovirus (4), Giardia lam-
antimicrobial therapy, but only 7 were treated empirically blia (2), Shigella flexneri (2), Yersinia enterocolitica (1),
with an antimicrobial agent for which the strain was sus- and Clostridium difficile toxin B positive (1). In two addi-
ceptible. The symptoms resolved in all patients except one, tional cases of campylobacteriosis, we found a coinfection
regardless of the antimicrobial agent used. Among patients with two other enteric organisms: one patient was infected
treated symptomatically, three patients had persistent or with S. dysenteriae and Hymenolepis nana and the other
recurrent symptoms. patient with Rotavirus and Salmonella enterica serotype
Sixty-seven patients with A. butzleri infection were Typhimurium.
matched against 201 patients with C. jejuni infection. The To assess the prevalence of A. butzleri and
age and sex distributions were similar for patients colo- Campylobacter jejuni in diarrheic stool specimens, we
nized by each species. No significant differences in inter- considered only stools with loose or liquid macroscopic
national travel were observed. However, proportionally aspect as diarrhea. Among the 67,599 stool specimens
fewer patients with A. butzleri (79.1%) were treated as out- received, 12,413 were solid stools, and 55,186 were diar-
patients than those with C. jejuni (90.5%) (OR 0.40, 95% rheic. Among the diarrheic stool specimens, we isolated A.
CI 0.17–0.90) (Table 2). butzleri and C. jejuni in 77 (0.14%) and 3,209 (5.81%)
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 10, No. 10, October 2004 1865
stools, respectively. Among the nondiarrheic stool speci- Wenzel, and Jennifer Frost for their critical corrections;
mens, we isolated A. butzleri and C. jejuni in 7 (0.06%) Dominique Monnet for his help in performing statistical analysis;
and 205 (1.65%) stools, respectively. A. butzleri was more and Patricia Retore, Chantal Vandenborre, and Linda Vlaes for
frequently isolated from diarrheic stool specimens than their skilled technical assistance.
from nondiarrheic stools specimens. This difference was
This work was supported in part by grants from the
significant (OR 2.48, 95% CI 1.10–5.86) (p = 0.0175). We
Fondation Vesale Research fellowship (foundation for medical
observed a similar result for the recovery of C. jejuni from
research) to Olivier Vandenberg.
diarrheic stool specimens compared with nondiarrheic
stools specimens. This difference was even more signifi- Dr. Vandenberg is a staff microbiologist at Saint Pierre
cant (OR 3.68, 95% CI 3.18–4.25) (p < 0.0001). University Hospital in Brussels, Belgium. He is responsible for
Because medical records were unavailable for 6 the National Reference Center for Enteric Campylobacter. He is
patients with A. butzleri and 10 patients with C. jejuni, we also an assistant at the Infectious Diseases Epidemiology Unit of
compared the clinical features of 61 patients with A. butz- the Public Health School of the Free University of Brussels.
leri matched against those of 191 patients with C. jejuni.
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past issues
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 10, No. 10, October 2004 1867