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Additional insights which are not bound up in any single idea of core concept, but reflect correspondences between ideas.
Derrida Today Conference 2016, 2016
In the essay ‘Psyche: Invention of the Other’, Derrida outlines the paradoxical relation between invention, qua invention of the new, and the ‘statutory context’ which provides the conditions for its emergence. No invention can occur outside of a contextual framework governed by a more-or-less explicit set of rules and conventions, and yet no invention can have been programmable or predictable within this context. As such it must suspend and retroactively modify that which will have made it possible. This constitutes an aporia, where the inventor must – at once – work with and without the guidance of rules. Classically, the motif of genius has been invoked as a means of evading this aporia: genius obfuscates the problem by appealing to a mystificatory natural or divine agency. However, my argument in this paper is that, rather than being the solution to the aporia, genius in fact names the aporetic structure as such. I will show, through appealing to Ann Jefferson’s 2015 book Genius in France, that this structure is evidenced in the polyvalence of the word genius itself, where among its (apparently unconnected) significations are: genius of the language, genius loci, genius of the nation as well as the more conventional sense of exceptional creative ability. Typically this has been seen as evidence of its incoherence but what Jefferson’s study allows us to see is that it designates a dynamic structure, where collective genius (of language, place, etc.) provides the conditions for individual genius, which in turn transforms that collective context in what Bernard Stiegler (following Simondon) would call a ‘transductive’ relation. Finally, I will demonstrate that all of this is consistent with Derrida’s own account of genius in the late text Geneses, Genealogies, Genres and Genius, where the question of genius is mapped on the structure of the gift.
Paragraph, 2009
This article proposes a way of opening up the concept of genius to renewed understanding by analysing it in relation to the ‘others’ that are represented by melancholy, imposture and the reader. Discussions where genius is defined oppositionally are contrasted with those where such others are integral to the account of the phenomenon. The argument is based on a reading of three of the founding texts of the literature on genius, Aristotle's Problemata XXX, 1, Plato's Ion and Kant's Critique of Judgement.
The Journal of Creative Behavior, 2009
A central question in creativity concerns how insightful ideas emerge. Anecdotal examples of insightful scientific and technical discoveries include Goodyear's discovery of the vulcanization of rubber, and Mendeleev's realization that there may be gaps as he tried to arrange the elements into the Periodic Although most people would regard these discoveries as insightful, cognitive psychologists have had difficulty in agreeing on whether such ideas resulted from insights or from conventional problem solving processes. One area of wide agreement among psychologists is that insight involves a process of restructuring. If this view is correct, then understanding insight and its role in problem solving will depend on a better understanding of restructuring and the characteristics that describe it.
It is easy to observe that today’s society assigns its artists and mathematicians the status of genius. In this note I first introduce the phenomenon and then focus on the possible disadvantages of this stereotype. The problem In today’s popular culture, mathematicians and artists are both viewed as geniuses. The mathematician is a genius, who is seldom understood by his family and neighbors, and yet, left to his own devices he is bound to create astounding theoretical constructs. The artist too is not one of the common people. Her genius eludes her relatives and friends. And yet, we know that she is a free spirit who will reach unfathomable heights through her craft. Here I explore possible disadvantages of this stereotype. Note that here and in what follows, I have intentionally used the male pronoun for the mathematician and the female pronoun for the artist. My main purpose in this note is to analyze the stereotypes around these professions, and with this gendering I hope to poi...
Strategies of Genius, 1995
a great book that shows us a strategies, theories to become a genius
Ethos, 2004
From 1650 to 1900, the idea of genius shifted from a momentary gift of inspiration to a kind of person with inherent intelligence that directs great accomplishment. This article tracks early confrontations with the ascription of genius and the injustices sometimes enacted in genius touting. The historical materials are used to comment on the contemporary genius that crowns a hierarchy of terms for aptitudes, abilities, and disabilities in schools and workplaces that aggressively sort a best from the rest. Terms glossing and evaluating how individual minds work are only occasionally descriptively adequate, but the terms are always situated activities among people positioning each other inside cultural identities.
Journal of Studies in Social Sciences, 2014
Aspects of Problems ln Western Art History, Volume 10 (2012), [Department of Western Art History, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts], 2013
Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, 2019
Un poeta y pensador del septentrión. Homenaje a Arturo Rico Bovio , 2018
Anglica 30.1, 2021
Theologika, 2007
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2012
Field Notes Bulletin of the Arkansas Archeological Survey, 2008
Marcello Pera, Lo sguardo della Caduta. Agostino e la superbia del secolarismo, Brescia: Morcelliana, 2022
Estudios paraguayos, 2024
Revista Industrial y Agrícola de Tucumán, 2015
Idea. Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych, 2018
Journal of Family Violence, 1993
Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, 2025
BMC Nephrology, 2014
Indian journal of community medicine : official publication of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine
Investigacion y desarrollo./Investigacion & desarrollo, 2024
North Carolina Central Law Review, 2019