Recent papers in Coherentism
Precie to Post-Aristotelian Philosophy
The aim of this essay is to develop a coherence theory for the justification of evidentiary judgments in law. The main claim of the coherence theory proposed in this article is that a belief about the events being litigated is justified... more
The aim of this study is to examine the role of perception in the most traditional theories of epistemic justification, namely, foundationalism and coherentism. First, we analyze the main characteristics of each one of these theories. We... more
内容提要:本文综合评述当代认识论的现状以及主干近10 年来主要发展趋势和最新理论贡献。 它首先介绍一些必要的理论背景:盖梯尔难题,闭合原则,内在论与外在论之争 (第 2节),然后分 6 节集中讨论、评述:(i) 温和基础主义的兴起及发展 (第 3 节) ; (ii) 对认知怀疑论的最新表述及回应 (第 4 节) ; (iii) 认知无限辨明论 (第 5 节) ;(iv) 认知语境主义的兴起,其理论贡献,以及存在的问题;(v)... more
The value of these arguments might not be overstated.
Those who criticize as well as those who nowadays defend constructivism in metaethics consider John Rawls’s constructivism to be incomplete. According to them, his ontological agnosticism makes evident this incompleteness; I question this... more
This is the first edition of Haack's internationally-acclaimed book, published by Blackwell in 1993. readers may note with interest Putnam's observation, on the back cover, that Popper, Quine, Rorty, Goldman and the Churchlands, among... more
Extensive defense of all major components of Nathan Coppedge's TOE Equations, dated 2021/08/31
Thesis: In this essay I intend to argue that, Ross’s view cannot overcome the objection of having the moral knowledge. To make clear all ideas and terms, I will firstly explain prima facie duties, and then I will mention about the ways of... more
Recent critics of the coherence theory of truth (notably Ralph Walker) have alleged that the theory is incoherent, since its defence presupposes the correctness of the contrary correspondence theory of truth. Coherentists must specify the... more
Unique investigation into the nature of death for 4th- and 5th- dimensional beings.
Review / Philosophical critique.
It is usually accepted that deductions are non-informative and monotonic, inductions are informative and nonmonotonic, abductions create hypotheses but are epistemically irrelevant, and both deductions and inductions can’t provide new... more
In this article my aim is to address the issue of the public justification of political liberalism from the perspective of moral epistemology. I begin showing that a strictly political account of liberal legitimacy is hostage of tensions... more
This is the complete text of the Spanish translation of Haack's EVIDENCE AND INQUIRY. [There are, unfortunately, problems with the translation, starting with the title, which would better have been "Prueba e indagacion. For example,... more
An opposition to the problem in the Principal Principle as espoused by SEP, apparently intended as the meaning of Lewis' original use of the Principle.
On Epistemology there is a subject that discuss about structures of knowledge. Foundationalism and Coherentism, Foundationalism give orientation on structure which is have fondation analogy as a building that both steady and high, inside... more
[Coherent Systems A.3.C.1.]
JocBr,rrv Macrunr il i -Mark Hun;zadi et moi sommes entrés en fonction en même temps, à l,été 2004, à la Faculté de plrif"."pli" a" l'universit é Laval' Le dialogue que nous avons entretenu sur des questions de métaéthiq;, more
Radar systems, based on bistatic radar concept attracted a substantial attention in the recent years. Passive coherent location systems using "transmitters of opportunity" like radio or TV broadcasters, GSM base stations, satellite... more
Haack teaches epistemology in not-quite-the-usual way. first, her approach is historical; second, it is classical-pragmatist in tone and tenor. nonetheless she also covers most of the topics in contemporary analytic epistemology (context,... more
Alethic functionalism, as propounded by Michael Lynch, is the view that there are different ways to be true, but that these differences nevertheless contain enough unity to forestall outright pluralism. This view has many virtues. Yet,... more
Possible companion paper to How to Build a 21-Dimensional Universe. I'm not sure it's compatible, but there is some similarity. This is a later development that is not necessarily more perfect.
Research Articles Mark J. BOONE, Inferential, Coherential, and Foundational Warrant: An Eclectic Account of the Sources of Warrant T. Ryan BYERLY, A Dispositional Internalist Evidentialist Virtue Epistemology Tjerk GAUDERIS, On... more
Western science and philosophy are from the beginning inextricably linked with each other. As philosophical reflection accompanies the history of science, a good number of questions have accumulated over time: Do the theories or... more
This article examines the method of reflective equilibrium (RE) and its role in philosophical inquiry. It begins with an overview of RE before discussing some of the subtleties involved in its interpretation, including challenges to the... more
This essay argues that acknowledging the existence of mind-independent facts is a matter of vital importance, in that acquiescence before the layout of the world is something demanded of knowing agents from the most elementary empirical... more
Including arguments about The Dimensional Dollar and Profit through the Senses.
For many epistemologists, and for many philosophers more broadly, it is axiomatic that rationality requires you to take the doxastic attitudes that your evidence supports. Yet there is also another current in our talk about rationality.... more
Major ideas found in philosophy of logic and by implication Nathan Coppedge's philosophy.
Haack shows (1) that [the numerous versions of] foundationalism and coherentism do not exhaust the options and (2) that an intermediate theory of epistemic justification, foundherentism, is more plausible than either---combining their... more
Essentially an explanation of the 'Four Quarters of Knowledge' with greater detail and clarity.
In a recent paper, Appley and Stoutenburg present two new objections to Explanationist Evidentialism (EE): the Regress Objection and the Threshold Objection. In this paper, I develop a version of EE that is independently plausible and... more
[Coherent Systems A.4.B.4.]
Une partie de mon propos est de se demander quel est le point de vue à partir duquel regarder la réalité du droit et avoir un critère pour définir la vérité des énoncés sur le droit. Doit-on partir d'une approche empirique, selon le... more
A summary presentation of Haack's foundherentist account of the structure and quality of evidence, intended to introduce readers to the more detailed account given in her EVIDENCE AND INQUIRY (1993/2009).
After arguing in the previous lecture that the Gettier paradoxes arise from a mismatch between a categorical conception of knowledge and a gradational conception of justification, Haack moves to theories of epistemic justification.... more
Los límites del coherentismo en el derecho: a propósito de la tesis de Amaya Juan Vega gómez E n su libro The Tapestry of Reason: An Inquiry into the Nature of Coherence and its Role in Legal Argument, 1 Amalia Amaya argumenta las... more
Radar systems, based on bistatic radar concept attracted a substantial attention in the recent years. Passive coherent location systems using "transmitters of opportunity" like radio or TV broadcasters, GSM base stations, satellite... more
In his article Gorgias on the function of language, Mourelatos famously argued that while Gorgias aims to deny the possibility of communicating truth by means of speech, nonetheless a specific account of the function of language can be... more