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This article was first published in ,” Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy, ed. Michael L. Coulter, Stephen M. Krason, Richard S. Myers, and Joseph A. Varacalli. (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, Scarecrow Press, 2007).
Theological librarianship, 2008
Journal of Business Ethics, 2014
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The past 30 years have been a busy time for Catholic school researchers. Once focused almost exclusively on historical research, Catholic school research in recent years has diversified and multiplied to include new descriptive and comparative studies. This article summarizes the findings of the most significant studies from 1966-2002 concerning values, the Catholic school effect, and apparent sector effects. Suggestions for future research are also proffered.
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The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 2010
he Catholic Church's official teachings on social, economic, and political life are based on a Christian understanding of the human person as a spiritual being who is social by nature and whose ultimate spiritual destiny is achieved in community, as testified to by the Bible and as indicated by reason. The teachings presuppose that the Catholic Church is called by God to proclaim and defend the dignity of the human person and to call into question social, political, and economic structures that do not respect that dignity. The church, however, is neither a political party nor merely a humanitarian organization. The church's work in defending the dignity of the human person arises out of Christian faith itself and, as such, is a reflection of the church's religious mission to proclaim, in word and in action, the good news of our redemption in Christ. The view that the proper role of
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