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Inspired description of the degrees and levels of things that count as God to us. Very short.
Academia.Edu (© R. Schleyer, M.A.), 2023
Contemplation of the cosmos is discussed and exhibited as a system of scales to facilitate discussion of its invisible and visible parts. The zero-point vacuum, which is the "nothing" that can become anything according to validated physics, is hypothesized to be none other than the universal, immaterial, and infinite Body of God. Self-development is taken to be divine in origin and, in destiny, a shared quantity. Past and forecast studies by the author are described and used to demonstrate the infinite weight of the thesis. Illustrated. (Note: Fair Use and Quotation freely granted to world scholarship.)
God, the Absolute Fundamental, encompassing Potential collapsing into Essential in actuality.
Choice Reviews Online, 1998
In this book Millard Erickson tackles some of the most difficult and key issues in philosophical clarity and explanatory legerdemain. He presents a well-constructed coverage of the topics discussed and a surprisingly methodical explanation of some difficult concepts, views, and terms. While Erickson does tend to rely heavily upon the leaders in the field-the likes of Alvin Plantinga, Thomas V. Morris, Norman Kretzmann, William Hasker, Richard Swinburne, and a long list of others, he does weigh and evaluate the various texts of these individuals with fairness in light of his goal: to lay out a comprehensive idea of God that is amenable to the criticallyminded contemporary evangelical systematic or philosophical theologian. Much of the work that needs to be done for the advanced undergraduate or graduate student is to translate and understand the leading literature in the field of contemporary analytic philosophy of religion. Erickson has done a good job at providing such a translation and understanding.
P. Antes, A.W. Geertz, m. Rothstein (eds.), Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion in Celebration of Tim Jensen's 65th Birthday (Sheffield: Equinox 2016), 365–374.
<b>Abstract:</b> What follows is intended to be a kind of ‘white paper’ on the doctrine of divine simplicity (hereafter DDS). DDS is a radical doctrine. It proposes a radical view of God with extensive implications, which are not always appreciated. Here, I seek to set out: a] what DDS asserts, b] who has endorsed DDS over the centuries, c] some positive reasons to affirm DDS, and d] some of DDS’s more problematic implications. My discussion of these implications divides into concerns about: i] divine timelessness (combined with immutability), ii] the modal collapse engendered by DDS, and iii] the overall coherency of DDS. (The relevance of divine simplicity to Trinitarian theology is a whole different ballgame, which lies beyond the scope of the present paper.) As such, the aim of the present paper is neither to prove nor to disprove DDS. Indeed, as I will seek to show, DDS is not really the kind of doctrine which <i>can</i> be ‘proven’ (at least in a mathematical sense), and to disprove DDS is no easier, since, when it comes to a doctrine as difficult to process as DDS, it is hard to distinguish a genuinely problematic implication of DDS from an <i>apparently</i> problematic implication. My aim is, therefore, a more modest one: to set out the broad areas of theology and philosophy which DDS influences and hence to enable the reader to formulate his or her own view of DDS’s importance and tenability. <b>Key Words:</b> <i>divine simplicity, divine attributes, divine timelessness, modal collapse, the best possible world, metaphysics, constituent ontology, the coherence of theism, analogy</i>
Ars Disputandi; author: Dr. Jan Riemersma, 2007
This is a brief paper on the Eastern Orthodox concept of theosis.
Academia Medicine, 2024
Anuario Filosófico , 2005
New Approaches to the Study of Esotericism, 2021
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2006
Revista PH, 2021
BRILL eBooks, 2008
Brazilian Journal of Health Review, 2021
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2007
Pustaka Kesehatan, 2014
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe 1994 (Amsterdam Netherlands 28 August–2 September 1994), 1994
The General Science Journal, 2025
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Formatio Circumiectus, 2020
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2012
Toward a New Culture of the Material (eds. Frank Bauer , Yoonha Kim , Sabine Marienberg und Wolfgang Schäffner), 2024
International Journal of Molecular Sciences