Theological Anthropology
Recent papers in Theological Anthropology
This paper looks at using music as a spiritual practice for people living with dementia.
This paper examines the anthropological thought of the American Puritan theologian Jonathan Edwards. The study will discuss the point of departure used in Edwards's theological thought in contrast to medieval mysticism, the concept of... more
It is hard to think of an area of Christian theology that provides more scope for interdisciplinary conversation than the doctrine of creation. This doctrine not only invites reflection on an intellectual concept: it calls for... more
Nature, Grace, and Virtue: Iconic Dignity in the Theology of John Wesley and Thomas Aquinas
In this paper, as a final year student at the Faculty of Theology and Religion at the University of Pretoria, in fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Divinity Theology qualification, I aim to explore the history of Sexuality... more
Edith Stein (1891–1942) was a German-Jewish philosopher who joined the Carmelite Order after her conversion to the Roman Catholic faith in 1922. She has written a number of books, out of which the Potency and Act (1931) and the Finite and... more
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
Alfa e Omega è un breve manuale che, come indicato dal titolo, studia la protologia e l’escatologia cristiana, alla luce del cristocentrismo trinitario e del principio sintetico. La luminosità di Cristo risorto si espande verso gli inizi... more
An early undergraduate piece dealing with the extent to which theological language is metaphorical. This draws on concepts of divine transcendence and immanence, creation, the imago dei and the incarnation. Biblical materials used to... more
This thesis is primarily an examination into Eberhard Jüngel’s concept of theological anthropology. Secondarily, this thesis examines how Jüngel’s theological anthropology can support the correction that Howard Zehr for in his book... more
The author proposes a model for theological anthropology as embodied sensing that is based on an interdisciplinary exploration of the corporeal turn from a southern African perspective. The work of James B. Nelson is acknowledged, stating... more
to Great Britain to discuss the rise of the moral philosophy of Utilitarianism and Positivism. The final major philosopher to be discussed is Friedrich Nietzsche in Chapter 23, and Chapter 24 concludes the work with Evans providing a... more
The purpose of this dissertation is to promote full-spectrum expository preaching by producing a homiletical model that addresses the intellect, emotions, and will. The dissertation formulated this model through an analysis of the Bible's... more
Constructive and narrative intersex confessional queer liberation theology responds to the evangelical Christian anti-LGBTQ "Nashville Statement" of 2017 and also expands and updates 2013 coming out sermon that led to public / media... more
A book review published in Religious Studies Review.
The purpose of this research is to show the changing face of cultural participation in hidden sub-cultures of the West. Through repackaging social partnership to adapt to post-modern realities, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Gamers... more
Der am Institut für Evangelische Theologie der Universität Osnabrück lehrende Systematiker Gregor Etzelmüller (E.) legt eine theologische Anthropologie vor, die ihren interdisziplinären Sitz im Leben im Heidelberger Marsilius-Projekt... more
A partir del estudio de la antropología de Henri de Lubac (1896-1991) el autor investiga la relación de esta antropología con la cristología en el pensamiento del teólogo francés. Sobre la base de las grandes obras lubacianas y de un... more
The number of "single, never married" individuals is steadily on the rise in the United States, currently standing at 20% of the population over the age of 25. Among Catholics, 27% are single, never married. If we include other forms... more
Viewing the imago Dei as an act of God’s historical election whereby the human lineage is functionally designated as priests of creation, I propose that the neurobiological capacities for mirroring and mental simulation—if and when such... more
Going back 40 years, as this conference is doing, is at least in part not going back far enough. Going back 40 years is at the end of a long period of defeat for Christian theology, and that defeat has been written on theology's body. We... more
For centuries, Christian theology has understood the Eucharist in terms of metaphysics or in protest against it. Today an opening has been made to imagine the sacrament through the method of phenomenology, bringing about new theological... more
N.T. Wright has offered a proposal to Christian philosophers where it is apparently possible to hold the belief in the intermediate state-resurrection of the body and an ontological holism in the same sense at the same time. I argue that... more
Although familiar to academic theologians for almost two decades, and a frequent giver of retreats, talks, and workshops, James Alison remains an unknown figure for many Christian intellectuals and leaders. Yet from his writings many have... more
Dieser Artikel über Person bei Edith Stein wird gekürzt im Edith Stein-Lexikon 2017 bei Herder veröffentlicht. Er vermittelt die Quellen von Steins Personbegriff, die komplexe Entwicklung in ihrem Werk und die verschiedenen Bedeutungen.... more
This paper uses Robert Schreiter's model of reconciliation to lift up a definition of personhood which is inclusive of people living with dementia.
A teaching paper used with Christian Adults. It can be broken down into three lesson for an Adult Christian Education setting.
If the twentieth and twenty-first centuries are to be defined by anything it may well be the ubiquity of technology and the drive to advance it. From the dynamo to the smartphone, technology, like fire and water, has become part of the... more
Joseph Sverker explores the division between social constructivism and a biologist essentialism by means of Christian theology. For this, Sverker uses a fascinating approach: He lets critical theorist Judith Butler, psycholinguist Steven... more
We współczesnej interpretacji teologicznej (katolickiej) owoc z „drzewa poznania dobra i zła” rozumiany jest symbolicznie w kontekście biblijnej historii upadku człowieka. Dlatego „owoc” (i jego spożycie) jest utożsamiany z naturą grzechu... more
so dass Theologie in "die Rolle eines total entmündigten Hilfsarbeiters" 13 gerät. Auch wenn Theologie nicht wie das Lehramt autoritativ entscheiden kann, dürfen die Regeln des Diskurses nicht durch lehramtliche Eingriffe verletzt werden.... more
Existential Theology: An Introduction offers a formalized and comprehensive examination of the field of existential theology, in order to distinguish it as a unique field of study and view it as a measured synthesis of the concerns of... more
KatBl 137 241-247 | Bert Roebben Das Abenteuer »Mensch werden« Text: Bert Roebben Wofür lebt ein Mensch? Was bedeutet Bildung? In den gegenwärtigen Diskussionen wird zu wenig wahrgenommen, dass es auch um ein Wachsen und Reifen am und mit... more
This review was first published in The Thomist, 55, No. 3 (July, 1991), 522-526, and subsequently published in revised form in the Christian Scholar’s Review, XXII, No. 2 (Dec. 1992), 210-213.
There is a striking similarity, in terms of both strategy and purpose, between certain modern AI algorithms and the way demonic intelligence is described in some Christian traditions. Social media algorithms are constantly at work, trying... more
This contribution engages in presenting the underdeveloped thematic cluster of twentieth-century theological research designated by the umbrella-term, 'Christian anthropology' and in particular, the contribution of the Louvain Faculty of... more
Apophatic Measures: Toward a Theology of Irreducible Particularity is a work of constructive comparative theology examining select writings of Śaṅkara (Eighth Century, India) and Nicholas of Cusa (Fifteenth Century, Germany). It... more
Does Jesus save the Neanderthals? Do the Neanderthals need saving? Are they worth saving? And what about other non-human animals? What theological sense can be made of the boundaries of human nature when considered in light of... more
This essay introduces new horizons of study in the realms of technology and science. It suggests that technological advances challenge Christian scholars and pastors to readdress theological topics that these advances affect. The first... more
This is a critique of John Piper's Christian Hedonism published in a festschrift for him.
This study assesses the present themes and gaps in the theology of food literature (TFL) as well as where there is fertile ground for the development of an explicit theology of joy. This task is accomplished by examining the most... more