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This paper will investigate the general class theory of polycalculii, and theory originally developed and introduced on the Quora platform as a kind of philosophy of logic and mathematics. The ostensible goal at minima will be to demonstrate the exclusion of an array of class types which edicate the theorem of the polycalculus. The polycalculus is a general method for deriving equivalent calculus’s other than the traditional intelligent calculus. The domain of this discussion is not only mathematics, but also logic, philosophy, and philosophy of science, as well as philosophy of the foundations of mathematics.
“Mathematics and the Theory of Multiplicities: Deleuze and Badiou Revisited,” in Southern Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 41, No. 3 (Fall 2003), 15 September 2003, ISSN 0038-4283, pp. 411-449
The philosophy of mathematical practice. ed. Mancosu, Ch. 16, 2008
Certain commercial entities, equipment, products, or materials are identified in this document in order to describe a procedure or concept adequately or to trace the history of the procedures and practices used. Such identification is not intended to imply recommendation, endorsement, or implication that the entities, products, materials, or equipment are necessarily the best available for the purpose. Nor does such identification imply a finding of fault or negligence by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Disclaimer No. 2 The policy of NIST is to use the International System of Units (metric units) in all publications. In this document, however, units are presented in metric units or the inch-pound system, whichever is prevalent in the discipline. Disclaimer No. 3 Pursuant to section 7 of the National Construction Safety Team Act, the NIST Director has determined that certain evidence received by NIST in the course of this Investigation is "voluntarily provided safety-related information" that is "not directly related to the building failure being investigated" and that "disclosure of that information would inhibit the voluntary provision of that type of information" (15 USC 7306c). In addition, a substantial portion of the evidence collected by NIST in the course of the Investigation has been provided to NIST under nondisclosure agreements. Disclaimer No. 4 NIST takes no position as to whether the design or construction of a WTC building was compliant with any code since, due to the destruction of the WTC buildings, NIST could not verify the actual (or as-built) construction, the properties and condition of the materials used, or changes to the original construction made over the life of the buildings. In addition, NIST could not verify the interpretations of codes used by applicable authorities in determining compliance when implementing building codes. Where an Investigation report states whether a system was designed or installed as required by a code provision, NIST has documentary or anecdotal evidence indicating whether the requirement was met, or NIST has independently conducted tests or analyses indicating whether the requirement was met. Use in Legal Proceedings No part of any report resulting from a NIST investigation into a structural failure or from an investigation under the National Construction Safety Team Act may be used in any suit or action for damages arising out of any matter mentioned in such report (15 USC 281a; as amended by P.L. 107-231).
Lorenzo Tomasin (Section d’italien, UNIL) obtient un financement pour son projet libre consacré à l’élaboration d’une plateforme numérique visant à faire converger et à mettre en synergie les chantiers actifs dans le domaine de la lexicographie dialectale de l’Italoromania.
Please go to the entry at the top of this publication list.
Orthodontic movement of a tooth or group of teeth occurs due to the application of the force applied by active components and these acting forces always generate reciprocal forces of the same magnitude but opposite in direction which follows Newton’s third law. Basically, anchoring management aims to keep the force used light and increase anchoring resistance, so that the gear that is expected to move while the teeth that are not expected to move can be held or minimized. During treatment, anchorage loss must be detected immediately, the cause searched, and dealt with as soon as possible so that no more severe errors occur so that the treatment results can be as good as possible. The purpose of this paper is to examine how to manage anchoring problems in orthodontic treatment using removable appliance, especially active removable appliance so that treatment results achieve satisfactory results.
Scenari del conflitto. Atti del XXV Congresso dell'Adi - Associazione degli Italianisti (Foggia, 15-17 settembre 2022). A cura di Sebastiano Valerio, Antonio R. Daniele, Gianni Antonio Palumbo, Roma, Adi editore, 2024
La battaglia tra israeliti e filistei combattuta presso Gelboè è il contesto delle vicende di Saul, il tormentato re d’Israele, nell’omonimo capolavoro alfieriano (1782). Nonostante i contorni tra i due schieramenti siano nettamente tracciati e il ruolo del nemico sembri esclusivamente affidato all’«empia Filiste», un avversario in seno all’esercito d’Israele, ben più temibile delle armi dei filistei, ne insidia la forza e la compattezza. È infatti il «perplesso» e invidioso Saul, sul quale incombe la «punizione di Dio», che mina le sorti dello scontro. Questo contributo si propone brevemente di indagare, in un primo tempo, le caratteristiche del comandante in grado di garantire il buon esito di una guerra; infine, l’esito della «perplessità» del sovrano sulle sorti della battaglia.
"Summary: Socio-territorial organization of the standing stones systems in the Corso-Sardinian area: chrono-cultural evolution from two insulars examples. The study of the standing stones systems of the Corso-Sardinian area allowed the identification of some intrinsic laws to their distribution in space and time. The methodology, named for the occasion "systemic-analytical" is inspired by the General System Theory developed by Karl Ludwig von Bertalanfy which is both an alternative and a complement to the analytical method of Descartes traditionally used in European sciences. The isomorphic elements characterizing the standing stones phenomenon in their context allow a particular focus on the concepts of chrono-cultural dynamism and territory within a wide chronological framework. These factors may vary between the two islands, from the standpoint of chronology and archaeological or environmental contexts. These notions are they linked to some local variables? Have these limitations, dictated by man and by territory, evolved over time? To highlight the results gained through years of survey on the two islands and to provide some answers to these problems, we present here the general study of the Corso-Sardinian area and two test areas: Sartène in Corsica and Mamoiada in Sardinia."
Int. J. Netw. Secur., 2011
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 2012
Research in Africam Literatures, 2011
Medical and Veterinary Entomology
Scientia Horticulturae, 2014
ThE Papers, 2008
Advances in Polymer Technology, 2013
Tyndale Bulletin , 1992
Avances en Ciencias Veterinarias, 2010
arXiv (Cornell University), 2020
Not My Words: How and Why Elected Officials Quote, Requote, and Misquote Others , 2024
Journal of Applied Physiology, 1996
IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, 2012
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2010