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2019, Hastings Center Report…
4 pages
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For someone with an outsized influence on a field he helped to create, Dan Callahan was anything but overbearing. Physically compact, thin, and wiry in older age, he spoke at the rapid speed of his mind and with the same warm spirit that animated his eyes, which danced with a wise intelligence and good humor. When I met him I was in my late 20s, just finding my footing in bioethics. I had no idea what I was doing. My background was in cognitive science and philosophy, mostly, but through a series of accidents I had started writing essays about bioethical themes and submitting them to bioethical journals. Suddenly on the cusp of what would become a year-long residency at The Hastings Center-an experience from which I grew as much as a person as a scholar-in-training-I found myself seated in the decidedly quaint living room of Dan and Sidney Callahan, who had invited me to dinner.
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 2019
, days before his 89 th birthday. A pioneering intellect who eschewed the confines of the academy to co-found the Hastings Center and launch a field, Dan was a crisp thinker, a certain writer, and a devout communitarian. And he was a fantastic mentor who shaped bioethics through his personal imprint on the many scholars who he trained and influenced. I am personally in his debt and while I mourn this loss, I am immensely grateful that Dan lived a full life pursuing ideas with passion and intelligence until his final days. Just weeks before he died he chaired a meeting at the Hastings Center on the ethics of climate change. Colleagues who were there say he was in fine form. Climate change. It was the latest issue to trigger Dan's capacious curiosity. 1 For decades he anticipated trends, first as a preeminent lay Catholic intellectual after Vatican II and editor of Commonweal, 2 then as a bioethicist. It would not be hyperbole to assert that Setting Limits 3 anticipated and catalyzed health care reform, and that The Troubled Dream of Life: Living with Mortality 4 was instrumental in prompting a national discussion about palliative care and how we die. Dan was always looking forward, and yet, his passing prompts us to look back. It is indisputable that his death represents a generational shift for bioethics, with the loss of one of its remaining founders.
Hastings Center Report, 2005
The American Journal of Bioethics, 2019
The New England Journal of Medicine, 2009
become the next generation of multidisciplinary bioethics scholars. Taking stock of bioethics is the best way to ensure that they receive both.
Bioethics, 2011
I reflect on the past, present, and future of the field of bioethics. In so doing, I offer a very situated overview of where bioethics has been, where it now is, where it seems to be going, where I think we could do better, and where I dearly hope the field will be heading. I also propose three ways of re-orienting our theoretic tools to guide us in a new direction: (1) adopt an ethics of responsibility; (2) explore the responsibilities of various kinds of actors and relationships among them; (3) expand the types of participants engaged in bioethics.
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