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2020, The Sociological Review Monographs…
4 pages
1 file
Present-day academic work is mostly done in English. What happens, or so the contributions to this monograph ask, when we open a few windows, let in some air, and invite elements drawn from other linguistic traditions into our texts? Doing so does not simply mean welcoming other words. Along with this it also changes the conditions, the terms, that stipulate what is, and what is not, good-proper, interesting, international, academic-writing.
Language Teaching
We are living in an era characterized by multilingualism, global mobility, superdiversity (Blommaert, 2010), and digital communications. Mobility and multilingualism, however, have long characterized most geolinguistic contexts, including those where monolingual ideologies have influenced the formation of contemporary nation states (Cenoz, 2013). As language is a pillar of both curriculum and instruction, in many academic spaces around the world efforts are on the rise to acknowledge the colonial origins of English, decenter the dominance of Standard English(es), and decolonize knowledge production (e.g., Bhambra et al., 2018; de Sousa Santos, 2017). Additionally, many ‘inner circle’ (Kachru, 2001) Anglophone contexts have long witnessed the centrifugal forces of multilingualism. Yet what prevails in institutional academic contexts is a centripetal pull toward what has been captured in phrases such as ‘linguistic mononormativity’ (Blommaert & Horner, 2017) or ‘Anglonormativity’ (McK...
Apuntes de SPSS 1 APUNTES DE SPSS 1.-TIPOS DE FICHEROS. En primer lugar tenemos los ficheros de datos propios de SPSS. Siempre tienen extensión *sav, y su contenido aparece en la ventana del editor de datos.
Journal des anthropologues
Avertissement Le contenu de ce site relève de la législation française sur la propriété intellectuelle et est la propriété exclusive de l'éditeur. Les oeuvres figurant sur ce site peuvent être consultées et reproduites sur un support papier ou numérique sous réserve qu'elles soient strictement réservées à un usage soit personnel, soit scientifique ou pédagogique excluant toute exploitation commerciale. La reproduction devra obligatoirement mentionner l'éditeur, le nom de la revue, l'auteur et la référence du document. Toute autre reproduction est interdite sauf accord préalable de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. est un portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales développé par le Cléo, Centre pour l'édition électronique ouverte (CNRS, EHESS, UP, UAPV).
Fue un periodo de la historia iniciado en 1945 cuando acabó la segunda guerra mundial, y finalizado en 1991 con la desaparición de la URRS no fue un conflicto bélico directo, se enfrentaron los líderes capitalista Estados Unidos contra el bando comunista liderado por la URRS, su plan fue extender su ideología en Estados Unidos la capitalista por los países subdesarrollados del resto del mundo, algunos países aliados a Estados Unidos fueron: Vietnam del Sur, Corea del Sur, Gran Bretaña, España, etc. Los países que apoyaron el bando comunista fueron: Cuba, Afganistán, Vietnam del Norte, Corea del Norte, ect. Este conflicto, se puede decir que fue político, económico, ideológico, tecnológico, etc, pero nunca llegó a ser un conflicto bélico directo entre está dos grandes potencias. Algunas de las principales causas de este conflicto fueron: la Segunda Guerra Mundial tras acabar con los dictadores más peligrosos, ya no tenían nada porque luchar y por lo tanto se inventaron una nueva forma por la que luchar, una nueva diferencia que diferenciaba al mundo: Capitalistas y los comunistas. También como la doctrina Truman que consistió en defender militarmente a los países amenazados por el comunismo y fue obviamente un doctrina de origen estadounidense.
The Artefact, 2001
In 2001, the Dakhleh Oasis Project commenced the excavation of the remains of one of Dakhleh Oasis’s ancient capitals at Mut el-Kharab. The site was known to have been occupied from the Old Kingdom until the Byzantine Period, and to have been the cult centre of the god Seth, Lord of the Oasis. The excavations have revealed traces of activity also during the Old Kingdom, and unearthed part of the temple of Seth and a variety of objects and inscriptions that enable its history to be better understood. The excavations are part of a larger project to investigate the interaction between Egypt and the ‘Libyan’ occupants of the Western Desert. I: EGYPTIAN INTERACTION WITH THE WESTERN DESERT REGION OF DAKHLEH OASIS n 1978 the on-going Dakhleh Oasis Project undertook its first season of survey in the Dakhleh Oasis in Egypt’s Western Desert (FIGURE 1). This project, directed by Anthony J. Mills and sponsored by the Royal Ontario Museum and the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities, ai...
The handbook begins at the end of the Second World War, when most of the nation states (especially those within Latin America) were already consolidated. The mid-1940s has also been selected as the starting point for the work due to the period also marking the beginning of the Cold War. This project aims to provide the reader, whoever he or she may be, with an up-to date, general, yet detailed knowledge of the contemporary history of Latin America and the Caribbean, comparing the different realities of the continent over a certain period of time. In this way the varied views of the collected authors will offer impart detailed knowledge of the historical, socioeconomic, political and cultural aspects of Latin American history. The axes of analysis that run through history, economics, politics and social studies share the same comparative potential, especially in the case of countries that maintain close contact, share the same region and have other common characteristics that engender close interactions, as in the case of Uruguay and Argentina; Bolivia, Chile and Peru, Cuba and the Dominican Republic. These complex interrelationships are not only bilateral but also include relationships between groups of countries such as those of Mercosur, the Andean Pact and Caricom. In the scope of this project Latin America is seen to include the whole of the Caribbean, with its own set of diversities and similarities, with its growing political and cultural contacts and interrelationships, and its heritage and varied population demographics. The handbooks will chart the history of the region up until the present day. The fundamental objective of the handbooks is to provide a rational and critical historical explanation of Latin America and the Caribbean from 1945 to the present day with the purpose, among others, of deepening understanding of the present. In an increasingly globalized world, in which societies are far removed from the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious uniformity advocated by the nineteenth-century nation-states, the "traditional vision" of history must be put aside. The complex composition of today's society - especially that of Latin America and the Caribbean - demands a new interpretation of its recent history. Furthermore, this interpretation must recognise the diversity of identities and realities in Latin America. An attempt will be made to relate past and present events and processes and to shed light on their interrelated influences. The book relates the events and processes of the past with those of the present in a historical-political-social and economic continuity. In this way, the work will provide deep insights into the main events and processes of change and continuity in Latin America and the Caribbean. Each of the participants in the project will achieve these aims by using diverse methods, techniques and instruments of analysis in their critical examination of all historical sources and documents. This project aims to provide the reader, whoever he or she may be, with an up-to date, general, yet detailed knowledge of the contemporary history of Latin America and the Caribbean, comparing the different realities of the continent over a certain period of time. In this way the varied views of the collected authors will offer impart detailed knowledge of the historical, socioeconomic, political and cultural aspects of Latin American history The handbook will also provide an interpretation and explanation of the social inequalities and heterogeneities (class, gender, ethnicity, religion, ideology) of the region and their role in recent historical evolution. In summary, the purpose of these volumes is to inform, interpret and apply a scientific method to the historical study of the region allowing the reader to utilise his own critical reasoning and interpret the complex situation in Latin America and the Caribbean, with all its cultural, social, political and environmental diversity. The handbook not only seeks to convey information from author to reader, but it also seeks to engage the reader in a dialogue. The handbook aims to achieve this goal by refusing to impose a traditional and uncritical linear historical narrative onto the reader and will instead propose an alternative interpretation of the past and its relation to the present. This will enable the reader to form a broader understanding of the past and to select, use evaluate and develop a new point of view on the history of the region. The collective nature of this effort should be mentioned. This handbook will involve the participation of professors and researchers from more than 15 countries around the world. The project represents an excellent opportunity to better understand the recent history of Latin America in order to inform our thinking about the present. The project may also help to project a vision of the future for the whole continent. It will study the situation of Latin America and the Caribbean in relation to major recent world events, such as economic crises, the emergence of right-wing movements, and the transition from a bipolar to a multipolar international system and back again. Globalisation, renewed attempts at regional integration and the emergence of independent political projects are all shaping the current social panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean. The challenge for Latin America and the Caribbean is still that of moving towards the establishment of mature, participative democracies without corruption, ideological colonizations, or autocratic and demagogic pretensions.
This paper examines ways in which ecological economics, world-systems analysis, and differential accumulation might be synthesized to create a more holistic social metabolic research agenda that moves beyond simply quantifying energy and material flows. The impetus of this work is the likelihood of a forced energy descent caused by peak oil. Thus, I call for a research agenda which discards the “myth of progress” in favor of a methodology that embraces the possibility of economic contraction or collapse. Focus is limited here to the interaction between the monetary and physical spheres of society and the way these are influenced by institutionalized power.
prilled urea and urea super granule with or without organic manure
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