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values can exist relative to time, and that logic may be contingent upon metaphysics-qua-value. However, any sense of meaning may be emergent within the system (qua time, qua reality), creating a value for a variety of dimensional concepts, such as recursivity, extension, equivalence, and quantification, which ostensibly scale to the coherent meta-identity of the individual entity., 2023
Many, if not all, philosophers own a meaning of the word metaphysics. In this essay I intend to demonstrate that the lexical and user's meaning of the word are often far apart. In the spirit of A. J. Ayer, evidence suggests that it is largely nonsense and yet it is what most philosophers claim to be a study of "reality." This essays offers alternatives.
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2018
Meta-metaphysics concerns the nature and methodology of metaphysics and metaphysical inquiry. The emergence of meta-metaphysics as a systematic area of study is relatively recent, going back to the late 1990s. But the issues pursued in meta-metaphysics are certainly not novel: an age old question about the nature of metaphysics is whether it is possible to obtain knowledge about metaphysical matters in the first place, and if it is, how this knowledge is obtained.
Human Development, 2007
This paper would like to elucidate on the contemporary perspective of metaphysics, by tracing its etymological foundation in the ancient period. It primarily focuses on the metaphysics of: Universals, Space, Change, Causality, Reality and Appearance, Mind-Body Relation, Freedom, Modality, and Necessary Being.
American Journal of Systems and Software, 2015
Science has been developed from the rational-empirical methods, having as a consequence, the representation of existing phenomena without understanding the root causes. The question which currently has is the sense of the being, and in a simplified way, one can say that the dogmatic religion lead to misinterpretations, the empirical sciences contain the exact rational representations of phenomena. Thus, Science has been able to get rid of the dogmatic religion. The project for the sciences of being looks to return to reality its essential foundations; under the plan of theory of systems necessarily involves a search for the meaning of Reality.
Academia Letters, 2021
When one thinks of "metamathematics," one often thinks of logic or set theory. After all-both at certain key points in history and throughout the modern era-scholars have used these subjects in attempt to undergird all forms of mathematical reasoning. And, since both logic and set theory are seen as branches of mathematics in their own right, we see that the term metamathematics applies to them by definition.
Scientia - The International Journal on the Liberal Arts
Over the years, many philosophers have proclaimed the death of metaphysics, the death of that area of philosophy concerned with the study of reality as such. But what exactly do they mean by this? What does this death-of-metaphysics idea imply? In this paper, I offer a way to articulate this idea by formulating it as a metametaphysical thesis about the non-substantivity of metaphysical claims. I argue that given this formulation such a metametaphysical thesis seems implausible. References Balog, Katalin. “In Defense of the Phenomenal Concept Strategy.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 84, (2012): 1-23. Chalmers David, David Manley, and Ryan Wasserman, eds. Metametaphysics: New Essays on the Foundation of Ontology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Chalmers, David. “Verbal Disputes.” The Philosophical Review 120, (2011): 475–513. Chalmers, David. “Ontological Anti-Realism,” in Metametaphysics, 2009, 77-129. Hirsch, Eli. “Quantifier Variance and Realism.” Philosophical Is...
Chr. Riedweg - R. Schmid - A.V. Walser (Hrsg.), Demokratie und Populismus in der griechischen Antike und heute, Berlin - Boston , 2024
Revista Ártemis, 2012
Communication Education, 2003
Futurity Education, 2024
Journalism History, 2020
Frontiers in Chemistry
The Eurasia Proceedings of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, 2019
Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture
Human Gene Therapy, 2019
Physics of Plasmas, 2022
Journal of Mountain Science, 2008
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2020
Current Psychology
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022