M. Salerno, T. Mazzocchi, T. Ranzani, F. Mulana, P. Dario, A. Menciassi. “Safety systems in magnetic driven wireless capsule endoscopy'', IROS. 2013
Safety systems in magnetically driven wireless capsule endoscopy
M. Salerno, Student Member, IEEE, T. Mazzocchi, T. Ranzani, Student Member, IEEE, F. Mulana, P.
Dario, Fellow, IEEE, and A. Menciassi, Member, IEEE
Abstract— Magnetically driven wireless capsule endoscopy
(WCE) represents one of the last achievements in the research
of minimally invasive tools for gastrointestinal tract (GI)
diagnosis. Recently, capsule localization methodologies have
been employed to enable system autonomy maintaining a
magnetic link with the device and managing interaction forces
with GI tissues. To achieve these objectives, the locomotion
platforms exploit automatic motion in some degrees of freedom
and unsupervised contact with the external patient abdomen
can occur. In this paper safety issues are faced; in particular a
safety system, able to monitor pressure with patient abdomen,
has been designed, characterized, and integrated with a
magnetically driven WCE locomotion platform. New
technologies, such as smart textiles, have been employed as
sensible element. The proposed system showed promising
results in controlling the pressure exerted on the abdomen
respecting safety limits and increasing the efficiency and range
of locomotion.
Pre-symptomatic detection of gastrointestinal tract (GI)
diseases has a very high impact in public welfare.
Conventional colonoscopy with flexible endoscopes [1] is
currently used for navigating through the GI tract. The main
drawbacks of colonoscopes and associated procedures are the
limitation in reachable districts and the pain and discomfort
that most patients suffer during these examinations, thus
limiting their extensive use for screening purposes.
Wireless capsule endoscopes (WCE) may overcome the
above issues. High-tech swallowing pills embedding a
camera can explore the GI tract by peristalsis and transmit
images of anatomical areas unreachable by conventional
colonoscopies [2]. Pain and discomfort associated with such
technique are considerably reduced but, due to the limited
video stream rate and to the difficulty in associating the
image acquired with the capsule position, WCE diagnoses are
not completely reliable (high number of false negatives) [3].
The possibility to control the capsule position and orientation
can improve the current technology by joining the advantages
of traditional techniques where the endoscopist has the full
control of the camera view point with painless WCE. Many
locomotion methods have been designed for WCE [4] [5];
however, it is challenging to find a solution that fits with
WCE design constrains (less than 1.5 cm3 for actuators and
battery) [6]. Magnetic dragging of the capsule partially solves
these issues; indeed a magnetic coupling between a
permanent magnet embedded in the capsule (slave) and an
external magnetic field source (master) can be exploited to
*Research partially supported by the SUPCAM European FP7 project
no. 315378 and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pisa, in the framework of
Micro-VAST project
All authors are with The BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’
Anna, Pisa, Italy
M. Salerno is the corresponding author (m.salerno@sssup.it)
move the capsule without energy consumption [7].However
magnetic locomotion methods for WCE have to address a
common development step: the localization of the device
inside the GI for maintaining a stable magnetic link between
the capsule and the external source during the treatment. In
[7] [8], a robotic arm is used for holding a permanent magnet
thus allowing the medical doctor focus on the visualization of
specific areas of interest. A variety of solutions for
magnetically driven WCE localization have been investigated
in literature [9] [10] [11] [12] and a promising approach is
represented by onboard slave device measurements of the
master magnetic field source [13] [14] [15].Although this
approach could guarantee the conditions for a reliable
locomotion, high accuracy and high localization rate are
required to maintain the forces and torques under specific
thresholds. This is necessary since magnetic forces suddenly
change for small variations of master-slave relative positionorientation, and thus dangerous interaction with GI tract
tissues may occur.
These concepts have been introduced by the authors in
previous works [16] [17] where a closed control loop
exploiting a 2 degrees of freedoms (DoFs) localization
method with an accuracy of 2~5 mm and a rate of ~20 Hz has
been demonstrated adequate in maintaining the magnetic link
with a reliable control on the applied magnetic forces.
However, while an automatic closed loop control based on
localization feedback provides safe internal interactions
between the slave device and the tissues, autonomous motion
of the master magnet mounted onto robotic arm can be very
dangerous in case of contact with the patient body (Fig. 1).
In these circumstances, a safety system supervising contact
with patient is mandatory to guarantee safe operating
conditions. Furthermore, the possibility to control the contact
between the external master magnet and the abdomen during
the capsule driving could increase magnetic locomotion
effectiveness. Controlling the pressure exerted on the
abdomen may allow to apply a controlled force and thus to
safely compress the abdomen for reducing the distance
between the master and the slave.
Fig. 1: Example of unsupervised contact with patient abdomen due to
anatomy variability and localization based automatic distance maintenance.
M. Salerno, T. Mazzocchi, T. Ranzani, F. Mulana, P. Dario, A. Menciassi. “Safety systems in magnetic driven wireless capsule endoscopy'', IROS. 2013
This feature may allow to effectively perform the diagnosis
e.g. in over weight patients exploiting a safe compression of
the abdomen for moving the capsule. The dynamic tuning of
the distance between the capsule and the driving magnet may
allow reducing the necessary magnetic forces for the
locomotion thus minimizing the size of the inner magnets
(embedded in the slave) and improving miniaturization
without performance loss. In this paper, a textile pressure
sensor has been interfaced with the master magnet and
employed as safety system in magnetic WCE as shown in
Fig. 2. In order to monitor the pressure generated on patient
abdomen, many different solutions can be applied, but textile
pressure sensors present some relevant advantages; an
analysis of possible sensing solutions applicable to safe
magnetically driven WCE is reported in Section II. Sensor
choice, design and characterization have been conducted and
reported in Section IIIA, the safety system has been tested on
a dedicated setup and a closed control loop based on capsule
position and contact pressure has been implemented and
tested (Section IIIB); finally, experimental results have been
reported in Section IV.
concentrations may be caused during the master driven
locomotion. In order to control and avoid such high stress
concentrations, the sensing element should map the pressure
distribution on the contact area of the tool. Based on these
considerations, matrix pressure sensors have been considered
for our application.
Fig. 2: System overview: the master source is connected to the robot endeffector in order to drive the capsule through the GI tract; the textile
pressure sensor is wrapped below the master in order to detect possible
contact and forces with patient abdomen.
In order to monitor the contact pressures applied from the
master device during magnetically driven WCE, a distributed
pressure sensor was chosen.
In medical applications, such as tele-echography, a 6
DOFs load cell feedback is employed to maintain a target
force on human body [21] [22]. In the presented application,
the integration of a load cell interfaced with the robot endeffector has been rejected because, even if forces and torques
can be measured with high accuracy, there are three main
integration and implementation issues: first, the master
magnetic system should be connected with the load cell thus
generating a considerable offset and solicitations on the
sensing unit that have to be compensated by considering
manipulator dynamics; second, the magnetic force applied by
the slave device on the master magnetic source will
contribute to the measure force/torque, and it could be hard to
predict in what measure. Finally, highly concentrated
pressures, that are main responsible of discomfort or pain,
cannot be evaluated by end-effector load-cells.
Tactile sensing solutions for monitoring robot interaction
with the surrounding and with humans have been approached
in many different applications, from humanoid robots to
assistive robots and manipulators [18]. Different transduction
strategies were investigated, such as resistive/piezo-resistive,
tunnel effect, capacitive, optical, ultrasonic, magnetic,
piezoelectric, etc. [19] [20]. Such sensors have been
embedded/interfaced in humanoids, assistive robots and
manipulators, for allowing safe contact with humans and
leading to sophisticated high level tasks execution. In
industrial robotics, impedance control, implemented on
multi-degrees of freedom serial robotic arm with torque
sensors at each joint, has been employed to guarantee safety
maneuverability and
In the presented application, the aim of the safety system
is to identify stress concentrations that could result by
contacting the patient body. In particular in correspondence
of ribs, pelvis or other stiff areas where higher stress
A. Available pressure sensors
As regards pressure sensor integration, the sensor
thickness should be carefully considered in order not to
excessively increase the distance between the driving magnet
and the capsule. For this reason a thin sensor with no
significant encumbrance should be preferred. A possible
arrangement of master, slave and safety system is described
in Fig. 2.
There is a variety of off-the-shelf distributed pressure
sensors with different working principles and features that
could fit the proposed application needs [23].
One of the most widespread solutions is from Tekscan
(Tekscan Inc., USA, www.tekscan.com). These sensors,
based on thin layers superimposition, allow obtaining very
compact and uniform probes [24]. Unfortunately,
customization costs are very high due to the fabrication
technique, thus becoming convenient mainly for mass
The main types of commercially available distributed
pressure sensors exploit resistive or capacitive effect. Sensors
based on the resistance variation of a piezo-resistive layer are
more common since they need a rather simple read-out
circuitry. Capacitive sensors are based on capacitance
variation between two parallel plates when force is applied.
Capacitive tactile sensors are generally driven with a high
frequency AC signal, thus resulting in a more complicated
electronics for signal analysis. Other high performing
sensors, based on fiber optics light emission [25]and
diffraction evaluation, has been described in [26]but they are
currently hard to find on the market.
An interesting class of piezo-restistive pressure sensors is
represented by textile sensors [27], whose fabrication
customization/prototyping. In addition, the acquisition
system for piezo-resistive based sensors is quite simple and
can be designed by employing off-the-shelf components.
In this work, a piezo-restistive textile sensor has been
designed and characterized, the reading and power supply
M. Salerno, T. Mazzocchi, T. Ranzani, F. Mulana, P. Dario, A. Menciassi. “Safety systems in magnetic driven wireless capsule endoscopy'', IROS. 2013
electronics has been assembled and an acquisition system has
been set-up.
Fig. 3: Flexible matrix textile sensor.The layers composing the sensor
allow pressure evaluation due to the intersection of conductive rows
and columns embedded in the fabric and distanced by a piezoresistive
different sensors controlled pressures were applied using a
loading frame (INSTRON Co, USA). Increasing and
decreasing sequences of 30 loads equally spaced between
5 N and 300 N have been applied on a circular area of
2.8 cm2 corresponding to the area of a single sensel and
respective voltages have been recorded. The relation
between measured voltage and resistance is described in
Eq. 1:
R= (Vs-Vout)/(Vout/Rpd).
where Vs is the supply voltage, Rpd is the pull down
resistance connected with the ground and R is the sensel
A. Pressure sensors calibration
Three different matrix pressure textile sensors provided
by Texe (Texe srl, IT, www.plugandwear.com) have been
characterized. The sensors are composed by two external
layers of textiles with a piezo-resistive textile layer
interposed as shown in Fig. 3; an additional layer of cotton
protects the conductive layer from wear.
The outer layers have conductive rows (copper wire 100 µm
in width) and columns knitted in an insulating material
(coated copper wire 112 µm in width); consequently the
sensitive areas (sensels) are located at each intersection of a
row and a column, and the pressure measurement is executed
evaluating the resistance at each sensel (Fig. 4).
In order to execute the reading/powering sequence, two
multiplexers (ADG732 32:1, Analog Devices, USA) have
been interfaced to the sensor rows and columns and an
Arduino Mega board (Arduino, ITALY) has been employed
to manage the multiplexers (MUX), measure the output
voltage and send the voltage data via serial communication.
A scheme of powering/reading components is reported in
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5: Powerering/reading schema: the sensor powering voltage Vs is
applied to the rows while the sensel resistance is measured through the
acquisition board at the colums, the MUX/DEMUX are employed as
column/row selectors.
Experimental data resulting from sensors characterization
are reported in Fig. 6. Fitting the obtained data the transfer
function of eq. 2 was found.
P(R)= a Rb + c
The experimentally evaluated coefficients a, b, c relative to
each sensor and the corresponding root mean square error
(RMSE) are reported in Table 2. In the case of the SWITCH
the maximum pressure is not reported since the behavior is
only on/off.
Fig. 4: Flexible matrix textile sensor sensel location description.
The difference between the tested sensors consisted in the
piezo-resistive layer employed, EEonTex LG-SL-PA
(Eeonyx Co, USA) for high dynamic range (HIGHDYN),
EEonTex LR-SL-PA (Eeonyx Co, USA) for low dynamic
range (LOWDYN) and Velostat (3M, UK) used as a switch
(SWITCH).The size of the sensors is 16 x16 cm with 8
conductive rows and columns providing 64 sensels. To
determine the pressure-resistance relation of the three
Tested Sensor
Sensors features
a [MPa]
2.3 10-7
2.54 10-8
7.15 10-16
c [MPa]
1.2 10
0.8 10
14 10-3
Maximum detectable
pressure [MPa]
Minimum detectable
pressure [MPa]
1.8 10-3
2.3 10-3
0.2 10-3
Maximum resistance
[M ]
Minimum resistance
[M ]
0.8 10-3
M. Salerno, T. Mazzocchi, T. Ranzani, F. Mulana, P. Dario, A. Menciassi. “Safety systems in magnetic driven wireless capsule endoscopy'', IROS. 2013
Taking into account the characterized sensors calibration
curves, the HIGHDYN has been preferred due to its wider
pressure range and lower minimum detectable pressure. A
pressure of ~ 0.3 MPa has been considered as pressure pain
threshold according to [28], where different loads have been
applied on subjects’ leg providing a feedback on pain. Since
the minimum detectable pressure of HIGHDYN is two orders
of magnitude lower than the pain threshold, the selected
sensor is considered adequate for our safety requirements.
contact surface. Applied forces and Center of Pressure (COP)
coordinates have been selected as input for closed loop
control laws.
Fig. 8: Hardware and software involved in safe capsule locomotion; data
flow in blue, communication methodology in green.
The complete software has been coded in Matlab & Simulink
(Matworks, USA) and compiled exploiting the Real Time
Windows Target toolbox.
Fig. 6: Calibration curves raw data and fitting.
B. System development
With the described hardware, the single sensel powering,
reading and data communication lasts ~170µs. The
localization timing constrains (20 Hz [16], [17]) has been
considered in order to design a custom sensor with 256
sensels (resulting in an acquisition rate of ~22 Hz) and a
sensel distance of 4 mm which is sufficient to identify
concentrated pressures. The safety system has been interfaced
with the master magnetic source by exploiting a cylindrical
frame (Fig. 7a) and the powering/reading electronics has
been connected to the robotic unit (Fig. 7b).
Fig. 7: Cylindrical frame interfaced to the master source (a), pressure
sensor and relative electronics interfaced to the robotic unit (b).
The localization module components (including master/slave
magnets) are the same employed in previous works [16],
[17], but in this case the sensors have been assembled on a
custom transceiver board (see Fig. 8), thus increasing
acquired data signal/noise ratio and data transmission rate.
The prototype has been provided with a battery (3.7 V LiPo
cell, LP20 from Plantraco) in order to avoid wirings that
could interfere during capsule locomotion. The capsule
employed in the tests and described in section IIIC has an
outer diameter of 16 mm and a length of 36 mm.
The safety system has been integrated with the closed loop
localization based capsule locomotion software (see Fig. 8),
providing information about the pressure distributed on the
Fig. 9: Capsule endoscope embedding the localization module (top part of
the green component), the battery (red component), and the transceiver
board (bottom part of the green component). CAD model (left), preassembled prototype (rigth).The magnet case contains four rows of axially
magnetized cilyndrical magnets
C. Experimental Tests
A set of tests has been carried out to evaluate safety system
performances and to experimentally assess the parameters for
a stable control system.
The contact interaction has been considered as a single
contact of two convex surfaces (the abdomen and the robot
end-effector). Contact interaction with a 3 mm thick
Plexiglass sheet, with a curvature radius ranging from 30 cm
to 14 cm, has been selected as worst case condition. Indeed,
the abdomen generally presents lower curvature and it is less
stiff than the plexiglass sheet, thus allowing higher
deformations without generating pain in the subject.
Different driving speed (Vy) of the master unit along the y
axis (Fig. 10a) were tested for simulating the screening
procedure. The medical doctorcontrols the advancement of
the capsule while the robot automatically manage the
distance along the z axis.The implemented control law aims
at maintaining a target force in the direction normal to the
contact surface and the orientation of the master magnet
moved by the robot, normal to the contact surface (Fig. 10a).
The considered control parameters that influence stability
are: a) the speed of the robot approaching the surface (Vz)
because the robot needs to be able to stop before the
maximum allowed force is reached; b) the maximum angular
speed of the tool during the alignment of the robotic tool
orthogonal to the surface (exploiting the COP location
information); c) the horizontal translation speed (Vy) since if
the speed is too high the contact can be lost. In these tests the
system has been considered stable if the contact is maintained
without exceeding the pressure limit set at 20% of the
0.3 MPa target pressure (60 kPa).
M. Salerno, T. Mazzocchi, T. Ranzani, F. Mulana, P. Dario, A. Menciassi. “Safety systems in magnetic driven wireless capsule endoscopy'', IROS. 2013
Fig. 10: Force and orientation mantained at target values on plexiglass
curved surface (a). Lifting of the robot tool by applying a localized force on
the pressure sensor with the fingerr (b).
A qualitative test, involving an abdomen simulator made of a
polyethylene net covered with 2 cm of foam rubber and a thin
elastic layer, has been performed in order to evaluate the
possibility of distancing the robot end-effector from the
abdomen manually. Such task could be carried out just
interposing a hand between the surfaces in contact and the
pressure sensor and manually applying a force on the sensor
(Fig. 10b).
A set up reproducing the interaction of the capsule with GI
tract tissues and contact of robot end-effector with the
abdomen has been developed to evaluate the safe locomotion
effectiveness (Fig. 11, left); for more details on the described
setup see the companion video.
an instable behavior, since pressure maximum error is very
high (2,2 N which is 44% of target force) and loss of contact
occurs, while with lower speeds the system performs a
maximum error of 16%. The angular error shows similar
results of error in force; 10 mm/s and 30 mm/s performance
can be considered comparable, while at 50 mm/s loss of
contact occurred; from this result an upper limit to the
possible speed of the diagnostic procedure was found. Fig. 12
shows as an example the force deviation considering the 5 N
deformed curved surface as curvilinear abscissa at a
horizontal speed of 10 mm/s and 50mm/s. Figure 13 reports
as example the resulting trajectories at 10 mm/s and 50 mm/s
horizontal speed.
Horizontal motion
speed [mm/s]
Mean error in force [N]
Force standard deviation [N]
Maximum error in force [N]
Maximum applied pressure [kPa]
Mean angular error [deg]
Angular standard deviation [deg]
Maximum angular error [deg]
Fig. 11 Set- up employed in safe locomotion tests.
In this test, the control law takes advantage of capsule
position and contact pressure feedbacks. The parameters that
have been found to guarantee stability in the previous tests
have been applied to the control system whenever a contact is
detected, giving priority to a safe and painless contact
interaction rather than to the capsule distance maintenance.
Based on this, the system can automatically stop or generate
a warning during the procedure in case capsule magnetic link
distance limit is exceeded (i.e. magnetic link close to be
compromised) giving to the user the possibility to increment
the maximum applicable force and pressure.
The tests on curved Plexiglass set-up have been executed at
three different horizontal speeds Vy (10 mm/s, 30 mm/s and
50 mm/s), in Fig. 11, right with a maximum normal to
surface advancement speed of 9 mm/s and a maximum
angular speed of 30 deg/sec.
Mean maximum and standard deviation of applied force and
angular deviation by the normal to the surface direction has
been summarized in Table II. In these tests, maximum
applied pressures have been evaluated but, since the 60 kPa
pressure limit is never overcome, the performance evaluation
has been based on force measurements. Keeping constant the
other parameters, a horizontal speed of 50 mm/s resulted in
Fig. 12: Force deviation considering the 5 N deformed curved surface as
curvilinear abscissa at an horizontal speed of 10 mm/s (black line) and 50
mm/s (red line); the green dashed line represents the lower bound of 10 N.
In joined localization-pressure sensor tests, the translational
speed has been set at 30 mm/s in order to maintain stability
in case of contact as indicated by the previous results.
In safe locomotion tests, the capsule is constrained by the
soft tissue to a trajectory where the thickness of material
changes between the capsule and the driving magnet from a
lower distance to a higher distance (50 mm range).
Once the contact with the soft tissue is detected the robot
speed decreases switching to the previously identified
parameters (9 mm/s as maximum speed in surface direction
and 30 mm/s maximum horizontal speed) giving priority to
the contact management. A graph showing applied force and
master-slave distance in case of contact has been reported in
Fig.14. For test demonstration and more detailed descriptions
refer to the companion video.
M. Salerno, T. Mazzocchi, T. Ranzani, F. Mulana, P. Dario, A. Menciassi. “Safety systems in magnetic driven wireless capsule endoscopy'', IROS. 2013
Fig. 13: Robot end effector trajectory at 10 mm/s (black line) and 50 mm/s
(red line) horizontal speeds. In blue the theoretical curve if 5 N force, normal
to the surface, is applied along the whole surface.
Fig. 14: Force applied on the abdomen (top) and master slave distance
(bottom). After the first contact (around 50 s) the system maintains the
reference force of 5 N while the master-slave distance increases.
In the present paper, the robot-abdomen interaction during
WCE magnetic locomotion has been investigated and the
possibility of employing textile sensors as safety system has
been explored. Textile matrix sensors have been
characterized and resulted in a promising solution especially
in prototyping and testing phase due to their very fast and
low cost customization. The described safety system allows
controlling the magnetic link during the magnetic locomotion
of the capsule by managing the distance between the capsule
and the driving magnet. The integrated pressure sensor
demonstrated to allow controlling the pressure exerted on the
abdomen in order to increase the efficiency of locomotion
and the locomotion range. If the maximum allowed pressure
is overcome and the magnetic link is compromised the
operator can increase the maximum pressure, if tolerable for
the patient, or interrupt the procedure. In the latter case the
capsule will be expelled by natural peristalsis. The proposed
safety system has been integrated in the capsule locomotion
platform both at hardware and software level, showing
promising preliminary results. In future work, sensor
acquisition rate can be increased employing a more powerful
electronics or a set of acquisition boards in parallel
configuration; furthermore an extensive system stability
analysis considering the joined localization and contact
feedback will be carried out.
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