Impact of sporadic reporting of poultry Salmonella serovars from selected
developing countries
Elie K Barbour1,2, Danielle B Ayyash1, Wafa Alturkistni3, Areej Alyahiby3, Soonham Yaghmoor3,4, Archana
Iyer2,3,4, Jehad Yousef3,4,5, Taha Kumosani2,3,4, Steve Harakeh6
Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, American University of
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Biochemistry Department, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Experimental Biochemistry Unit, King Fahd Medical Research Center, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi
Production of Bioproducts for Industrial Applications Research Group, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi
Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Science for girls, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Special Infectious Agents Unit – Biosafety Level 3, King Fahd Medical Research Center, King Abdulaziz
University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
This review documents the sporadic reporting of poultry Salmonella serovars in South Africa, Egypt, Indonesia, India, and Romania, five
countries selected based on the importance of their distribution in different regions of the world and their cumulative significant population
size of 1.6 billion. South Africa reported contamination of its poultry carcasses by S. Hadar, S. Blockley, S. Irumu, and S. Anatum. Results
from Egypt showed that S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium were predominant in poultry along with other non-typhoid strains, namely S.
Infantis, S. Kentucky, S. Tsevie, S. Chiredzi, and S. Heidelberg. In Indonesia, the isolation of Salmonella Typhi was the main focus, while
other serovars included S. Kentucky, S. Typhimurium, and S. Paratyhi C. In India, S. Bareilly was predominant compared to S. Enteritidis, S.
Typhimurium, S. Paratyphi B, S. Cerro, S. Mbandaka, S. Molade, S. Kottbus, and S. Gallinarum. Romania reported two Salmonella serovars
in poultry that affect humans, namely S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium, and other non-typhoid strains including S. Infantis, S. Derby, S.
Colindale, S. Rissen, S. Ruzizi, S. Virchow, S. Brandenburg, S. Bredeney, S. Muenchen, S. Kortrijk, and S. Calabar. The results showed the
spread of different serovars of Salmonella in those five developing countries, which is alarming and emphasizes the urgent need for the
World Health Organization Global Foodborne Infections Network (WHO-GFN) to expand its activities to include more strategic
participation and partnership with most developing countries in order to protect poultry and humans from the serious health impact of
Key words: Developing countries; poultry Salmonella serovars.
J Infect Dev Ctries 2015; 9(1):001-007. doi:10.3855/jidc.5065
(Received 02 April 2014 – Accepted 17 November 2014)
Copyright © 2015 Barbour et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Salmonella are the most common causes of
foodborne illness worldwide [1]. The two foods that
are most commonly associated with Salmonella food
illness are eggs and poultry meat [2-4]. More than
2,500 serovars of Salmonella have been identified,
with many commonly infecting poultry and humans.
The frequency patterns of predominant serovars in
each country is challenged with a shift in prevalence
due to globalization, especially linked to livestock
trade, international travel, and human migration [5-7].
Meager Salmonella control programs in most
developing countries, and the presence of vigorous
globalization, will challenge other countries with new
serovars that could potentially be multidrug resistant
[8] and could disseminate throughout the food chain
[8,9]. The participation of different countries depends
upon a number of factors, such as availability of
financial and human resources, and also willingness to
participate in and support initiatives of the Global
Foodborne Infections Network (GFN). The World
Health Organization (WHO) program is now known as
the GFN [11,12]. The countries that are involved with
national and regional projects of the WHO-GFN
include fewer than 10 out of a total of 196 independent
countries worldwide. The lack of active GFN projects
Barbour et al. – Poultry Salmonella serovars in developing countries
and initiatives in many developing countries has
resulted in underreporting of Salmonella serovars in
humans and other food sources that are supposed to be
included in the web-based country data bank (CDB)
[11]. This present global situation urges the need to
build a hypothesis that compiling sporadic data on
poultry Salmonella serovars from selected developing
countries could highlight the importance of the
chicken reservoir as a potential source of Salmonella
infection to humans.
The purpose of this review was to compile
sporadic recent reports about the Salmonella serovars
isolated from poultry and their derived products in five
selected developing countries that represent,
cumulatively, around 22.2% of the 7.2 billion people
of the world. The global public health significance of
the sporadic reporting of poultry Salmonella serovars,
documented by developing countries, is highlighted.
Significant inclusion of the five selected developing
The significance of inclusion of the five selected
developing countries in this study lies in their
geographic distributions in different regions of the
world that represent major trafficking of people and
poultry products. The populations of the included
developing countries range from 0.05–0.25 billion
people, and cover countries in Africa, Asia, and
Europe. Poultry contributes significantly as a major
food source consumed by a total of 1.6 billion people
inhabiting these five selected developing countries.
The selected countries are South Africa (located at the
southern tip of Africa), Egypt (with one part in Africa
and the other part in Asia), Indonesia (located in the
Asian continent), India (located in the southern region
of Asia), and Romania (located in southeastern central
Europe, and joined the European Union in 2007).
Population and poultry product consumption
The total egg and poultry meat production in the
world is 65×103 and 103×106 tons, respectively. The
highest consumption of eggs per capita per year is in
Romania (13.6 kg) (population of 20 million), while
the lowest is in Egypt and India (3.0 kg) (populations
of 84 million and 1.2 billion, respectively). Indonesian
and South African populations have a moderate
consumption of eggs of 4.5 and 6.6 kg, respectively
(populations of 246 and 53 million, respectively). The
pattern of poultry meat consumption is different from
that of eggs in the five countries. The highest
consumption of poultry meat is in South Africa (24.5
J Infect Dev Ctries 2015; 9(1):001-007.
kg/capita/year), while the lowest is in India (2.7
kg/capita/year). The data from the other three
countries lie in between, with the following figures in
a decreasing order of consumption: Romania (10.0
kg/capita), Indonesia (6.1 kg/capita), and Egypt (5.9
kg/capita) [13,14].
Sporadic reporting of Salmonella serovars
The absence of controlled reporting of Salmonella
serovars through the WHO-GFN program in these five
selected developing countries [15] inspired the
compilation of data on the sporadic reporting of
Salmonella serovars in poultry. The 2014 regional
centers of GFN are only present in six countries:
Thailand (Faculty of Veterinary Science of
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok), Argentina (The
National Institutes and Laboratories of Health, Buenos
Aires), Mexico (The Autonomous University of
Yucatan, represented by the Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Merida, Yucatan), Poland (National
Institute of Hygiene in Warsaw), Cameroon (Institute
Pasteur Yaoundé), and Costa Rica (Costa Rica
Nutrition and Health Research and Training Institute,
San José). Unfortunately, none of these six centers of
the WHO-GFN reported the serovar distribution in the
five selected countries included in this study, due to
the lack of routine national surveillance and scarcity of
data in these countries.
Results and Discussion
The following is the compilation of reports related
to Salmonella serovars present in poultry of the five
developing countries.
South Africa
The presence of Salmonella in raw chicken
carcasses in South Africa has not been extensively
investigated. The first report from South Africa
included an examination of fewer than 10 samples of
raw poultry for isolation of Salmonella [16,17]. The
results of such studies are not by any means
considered representative of the overall situation of
Salmonella prevalence in the poultry of South Africa.
The other study by van Nierop et al. in 2005 [18]
included a larger sample of 99 raw chicken carcasses
(fresh and frozen) collected from butcheries,
supermarkets, and street vendors. The percentages of
Salmonella-contaminated chicken samples were found
in chicken carcasses fresh from butcheries (53.3%),
frozen from butcheries (64.7%), fresh from
supermarkets (43.8%), and fresh from street vendors
(50.0%). The level of contamination in the above2
Barbour et al. – Poultry Salmonella serovars in developing countries
mentioned chicken carcasses is alarming, as it
provides a potential reservoir for infecting human
consumers. The four most commonly detected
Salmonella serovars in the contaminated chicken
carcasses in decreasing order of frequency were S.
Hadar, S. Blockley, S. Irumu, and S. Anatum. The
following serovars were also detected in equal
Schwarzengrund, S. Westhampton, S. Typhimurium,
S. Derby, and S. Heidelberg. It is worth noting that the
invasive non-typhi Salmonella (NTS) results in a case
fatality percentage, among hospitalized patients in
Africa, equivalent to 4.4%–27.0% for children [19-22]
and 22%–47% for adults [23-25]. Unfortunately, a
routine national surveillance of the distribution of
Salmonella serovars in poultry of South Africa, and
their potential effects on humans in this country, are
Egypt is another developing country that lacks
routine Salmonella surveillance of chicken flocks. The
sporadic cases of salmonellosis in Egypt were first
reported by Ammar et al. in 2010 [26], who
documented the isolation of Salmonella Enteritidis
from chickens and other sources in Dakhlia
governorate, and incriminated these sources as
possible reservoirs for infection in hospitalized
patients. Another report from Egypt described the
development of a diagnostic-restriction enzyme and
plasmid profile analysis of S. Typhimurium recovered
from Egyptian poultry farms [27]. The numbers of
plasmids in the tested poultry isolates of S.
Typhimurium were one to six. One plasmid, with a
molecular size of 11,425 bp, was common to all
isolates. This study aimed to use a plasmid marker in
future epidemiologic targeted surveillance of S.
Typhimurium distribution in poultry farms.
Another report by Rabie et al. in 2012 [28]
documented a Salmonella food illness outbreak in
humans, associated with Salmonella recovered from
consumed poultry products. The samples included in
this study were 50 chickens with diarrhea, 50 pieces of
raw frozen chicken meat, and 30 patients with
symptoms of food poisoning. The common Salmonella
serovars isolated from different poultry samples and
from the affected humans were S. Enteritidis and S.
Typhimurium. This was confirmed by multiplex
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of
poultry and human Salmonella isolates, showing the
same size of specific bands on the gel.
J Infect Dev Ctries 2015; 9(1):001-007.
An excellent report on Salmonella serovar
distribution on broiler farms of Kalubia governate in
Egypt was documented by Abd- El-Ghany et al. in
2012 [29]. This study included 1,073 samples
collected from 293 broilers. The samples included
cloacal swabs, gall bladders, yolk sacs, spleens, and
livers. The frequency of Salmonella serovars
recovered from the broiler flocks were S. Enteritidis
(37.25%), S. Typhimurium (29.41%), S. Infantis
(19.6%), S. Kentucky (7.84%), S. Tsevie (3.92%), and
S. Chiredzi (1.96%). The prevalence of S. Enteritidis
and S. Typhimurium in broiler flocks of Kalubia
governate of Egypt requires drastic measures for their
control, since the two serovars are known for their
potential to cause severe foodborne illness in humans
El- Safey in 2013 [32] focused on the isolation of
S. Heidelberg from foods. A total of 200 samples were
collected in Cairo and Assuit cities from chicken, beef,
milk, kushary (traditional Egyptian food), and sausage.
S. Heidelberg was recovered from 15% of chicken
samples, 5% of beef samples, 2.5% of milk samples,
2.5% of kushary samples, and 10% of sausage
samples. The chicken seemed to be the main source of
this serovar. This is in agreement with what was
reported by Hennessy et al. in 2004 [33], indicating
that poultry is the main source of S. Heidelberg
contamination. S. enterica serovar Heidelberg is the
third most common cause of human infections in the
USA, after S. Typhimurium, and it contributes to
about 7% of all of the deaths caused by Salmonella
Another work was performed in the vicinity of
Assiut in Egypt, reporting the detection of S.
Typhimurium in retail chicken meat and giblets [36].
This work included the examination of Salmonella in
100 samples of frozen raw chicken meat, livers, and
hearts. S. Typhimurium was detected in 44% of
chicken meat samples, 40% of liver samples, and 48%
of heart samples. This high frequency of detection of
S. Typhimurium in chicken carcasses and giblets is
alarming, and is a threatening reservoir for this serovar
that may have adverse effects on the health of
Egyptian consumers.
The incidence of typhoid in Indonesia is high and
alarming (148.7 per 100,000 persons/year) [37]. More
than 90% of the world morbidity by typhoid occurs in
Asia alone [38]. For this reason, the research work in
Indonesia has been devoted towards the development
of a rapid PCR technique to detect S. Typhi, avoiding
Barbour et al. – Poultry Salmonella serovars in developing countries
the lengthy classical methods of isolation, biochemical
testing, and serology [39].
In 2012, another targeted surveillance of
Salmonella was documented in Indonesia; 125
samples were examined for Salmonella isolation and
serovar typing [40]. The 125 samples included 40
samples of chicken cuts. The results indicated a high
unacceptable percentage of Salmonella contamination
in the examined chicken cuts collected from open
markets (52.5%) as well as from supermarkets (50%).
The identified serovars in the chicken cuts, collected
from the open market, in decreasing order of
frequency, were S. Kentucky, S. Typhimurium, and S.
Paratyphi C. However, the only two serovars
recovered from the chicken cuts collected from
supermarkets were S. Kentucky and S. Typhimurium,
in equal frequencies.
These pilot studies in Indonesia indicated the
significance of Salmonella presence in high
frequencies in poultry products, which may act as
possible reservoirs of these organisms to a large size
of consumers in this country. The lack of routine
surveillance of Salmonella serovar distribution in
Indonesian poultry is a threat to the population’s
health, and to visitors from different parts of the
This developing country is more aware of the
Salmonella problem, as shown from its published
articles in this area. The National Salmonella and
Escherichia Center in India implemented routine
monitoring of Salmonella serovars, and shares its
isolates with different scientists in India for further
investigations. An earlier study by Ganguli in 1958
[41] revealed the importance of S. Bareilly as a human
pathogen. Majumdar and Singh in 1973 [42] pursued
the work on this predominant serovar, developing a
phage-typing system for it, helping later to implement
an epidemiology for tracing this serovar across the
country [43]. This system was further developed by
Singh et al. in 1988 [44]; 637 strains of S. Bareilly
were provided to these research works by the National
Salmonella and Escherichia Center in Kasauli, India,
collected from different parts of India between 1959
and 1989. This effective cooperation helped these
researchers to study the distribution of the phage types
of this serovar across India, including isolates
recovered from poultry and sheep products.
During the period 1990–1991, 3,222 Salmonella
isolates were serotyped, revealing 53 different
serovars. These isolates were recovered from humans,
J Infect Dev Ctries 2015; 9(1):001-007.
poultry, other animals, reptiles, birds, and other
sources [45]. Another interesting study was conducted
by Murugkar et al. in 2005 [46], analyzing poultry and
human samples for Salmonella. The percent positive
samples for Salmonella included human stool (20.5%)
and poultry cloacal swabs (14.7%). Three Salmonella
serovars were common between poultry and humans,
resulting in same pattern of decreasing frequency;
these serovars were S. Typhimurium, S. Enteritidis,
and S. Paratyphi B. This work added more supporting
evidence of poultry being the reservoir of Salmonella
serovars that are shared by humans.
Suresh et al. in 2011 [47] reported the prevalence
and distribution of Salmonella serovars in marketed
broiler chickens and processing environment in
Coimbatore, a city in southern India. This work
included 214 samples of broiler chickens and 311
environmental samples from cages. Salmonella was
found in chicken cloacae (1.4%) and chicken crops
(6.9%). The range of contamination of cage samples
was between 0 and 16.67%. The predominant serovar
was S. Enteritidis; the other less prevalent serovars
were S. Bareilly, S. Cerro, S. Mbandaka, and S.
Molade. Singh et al. in 2013 [48] reported the
prevalence of Salmonella serovars in chickens from
north India. One Salmonella serovar, S. Kottbus, was
recovered from eggs, feces of chicken, and cloacae S.
Kottbus. Another serovar, S. Typhimurium, was
common to eggs and cloacae. Rajagopal and Mini in
2013 [49] reported an outbreak of salmonellosis in
three different poultry farms in Kerala, India. The
Salmonella serovar that caused the outbreak on all the
surveyed farms was S. Gallinarum.
Last but not least, a prevalence of Salmonella in
pigs and chicken broilers in Tarai region of Uttarakh
and in India was documented in correspondence by
Kumar et al. in 2014 [50].
This work involved the isolation of Salmonella
from a total of 343 fecal samples of poultry and pigs,
and from 100 tissue samples of broilers. The study was
performed between January 2011 and July 2012. The
total prevalence of Salmonella in poultry was 12.28%
(8.4% of cloacal samples and 22.0% of tissue
samples). The detected poultry serovars, in decreasing
order of frequency, were S. Typhimurium, S.
Enteritidis, and S. Gallinarum.
Romania has a population of around 20 million,
with the highest consumption of eggs per capita and
the second-highest consumption of poultry meat per
capita, compared to the four other developing
Barbour et al. – Poultry Salmonella serovars in developing countries
countries included in this study. It is located in the
southwestern central Europe, and became a member in
the European Union (EU) in 2007. This merging with
the EU presented a sensitive situation to food safety of
Romania due to the pressure that the regulatory
agencies in Romania were put under from the EU to
permit Romanian poultry products to enter the whole
EU market.
The first study on Salmonella in poultry and pigs
of all the regions of Romania was performed in 2011,
four years after Romania joined the EU.
Unfortunately, the publication came three years after
the conclusion of the work [51]. The study was
conducted on 650 samples of chicken and pork meat
collected from production sites and retail markets. A
total of 149 Salmonella isolates were recovered, of
which 22.92% were contaminated with Salmonella: 48
pork isolates (32.21% of positive samples), and 101
chicken isolates (67.78% of positive samples).
Thirteen serovars were identified in this surveillance,
including, in decreasing order of frequency, S. Infantis
(70.87%), S. Typhimurium (18.45%), S. Derby
(14.56%), S. Colindale (13.59%), S. Rissen (5.83%), S.
Ruzizi (4.85%), S. Virchow (4.85%), S. Brandenburg
(3.88%), S. Bredeney (3.88%), S. Muenchen (0.97%),
S. Hortrijk (0.97%), S. Enteritidis (0.97%), and S.
Calabar (0.97%). The recovery of S. Typhimurium and
S. Enteritidis, two serovars with known pathogenicity
in human hosts, encourages the implementation of
strict rules on poultry and pork products containing
these two pathogenic serovars.
In 2013, the president of the Union of Poultry
Breeders in Romania declared that poultry flocks in
this country are routinely monitored for Salmonella,
and that all legal measures are taken in case of an
outbreak. This regulation is enforced in all EU
countries. At present, the Romanian Union of Poultry
Breeders controls around 550 farms across the
country; only 15 farms are the major producers of 60%
of the country’s chicken meat [52].
The transformation of Romania from a developing
country to a developed EU member country has helped
it to build proper laboratories and to implement routine
monitoring of Salmonella serovars, enabling it to take
rapid action once Salmonella is detected in foods,
before consumers are affected. The 2013 incident of
Salmonella contamination of poultry products in
Romania did not result in any food illness to
consumers, due to the rapid intervention of the
responsible Romanian authorities who adopted the EU
food safety regulations.
J Infect Dev Ctries 2015; 9(1):001-007.
This review focused on the sporadic nature of
targeted surveillance for Salmonella serovars in
poultry in South Africa, Egypt, Indonesia, and India,
and the conversion towards EU regulations for routine
Salmonella surveillance in Romania. Routine
surveillance of poultry farms for Salmonella and rapid
intervention will drastically improve global food
safety and security, while the sporadic nature of
targeted surveillance will miss the diagnosis of this
zoonotic pathogen in many areas of the poultry sector,
including breeders, hatcheries, commercial layers,
broilers, slaughterhouses, and chicken processing
plants. The absence of controlled routine reporting of
Salmonella serovars in these five selected developing
countries is expected to lead to more illness related to
consumption of non-monitored poultry products that
could be contaminated with Salmonella.
It is recommended that the WHO-GFN expand its
capacity-building program in the promotion of
intersectoral collaboration among the veterinary and
food-related disciplines and human health worldwide.
This indispensable expansion should include more
strategic participation and partnership of developed
countries in the WHO-GFN program, for the sake of
improving the livelihood of animals and the safety of
human consumers.
This work was funded by the EWABO Co., Germany, and
the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR), King Abdulaziz
University, Jeddah, under grant no. 32/67459. The authors
thankfully acknowledge the technical and financial support
from DSR.
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Available: Accessed 9 March 2013.
Corresponding author
Steve Harakeh, Ph.D.
Special Infectious Agents Unit – Biosafety Level 3
King Fahd Medical Research Center;
King Abdulaziz University
P.O.Box: 80216, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
Mobile: 00966559392266
Fax: 0096626952076
Conflict of interests: No conflict of interests is declared.