Manuscript Title
A typology of longitudinal integrated clerkships
Paul Worley, Ian Couper, Roger Strasser, Lisa Graves, Beth-Ann Cummings, Richard Woodman,
Pamela Stagg, David Hirsh and the CLIC Research Collaborative (Kenny Bahn, Amanda Barnard,
Maggie Bartlett, Kathleen Brooks, Gilles Brousseau, David Campbell, Narelle Campbell, Hoffie
Conradie, Byron Crouse, Dawn DeWitt, Michael Douglas, Jay Erickson, Deb Fearon, David Garne,
Jennene Greenhill, Lori Hansen, Alex Harding, Bill Heddle, Wes Jackson, May-Lill Johansen, Deborah
Jones, Scott Kitchener, Scott Knutson, Jill Konkin. Sarah Mahoney, Helen Malcolm, Lindsay Mazotti,
Bridget O’Brien, Daryl Pedler, Bruce Peyser, William Pieratt, Denese Playford, Ann Poncelet, Leonard
Reeves, Duplain Rejean, Torsten Risor, Lambert Schuwirth, Barbara Sheline, Branko Sijnja, Ruth
Stewart, Sarah Strasser, Robert Trowbridge, Richard Van Wylick, Lucie Walters, Henry Weil, Sarah
Wood, Lea Yerby)
Nb. All Authors are members of the CLIC Research Collaborative. Authors 9-55 could be designated as
such in the manuscript titlepage and listed separately in the manuscript. All authors have met the
ICMJE criteria for authorship of this article.
Corresponding Author:
Professor Paul Worley
Contact Information
Dean of Medicine
Flinders University
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide SA, 5001, Australia
+61 8 8204 4160
+61 8 8204 5845
Mobile :
+61 419 829 137
Ethical Approval.
Ethical approval was sought and obtained for this study from Flinders University, Australia, and
McGill University, Canada.
A typology of longitudinal integrated clerkships
Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships (LICs) are an example of an approach to medical education that
has an emerging evidence base for transformational professional and workforce outcomes derived
from small institution specific studies.
This study is the first from an international collaborative formed to study the outcomes of LICs across
multiple institutions. We aim to establish a baseline reference typology to inform further research in
this field.
We collected and analysed data on all LIC and LIC-like programs known to the members of the
international Consortium of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships (CLIC).
Our data represented 54 programs, 44 medical schools, seven countries and over 15,000 studentyears of LIC-like curricula. We found wide variation in program length, student numbers, health care
settings and principal supervision.
We identified and named three distinct program clusters - Comprehensive LICs, Blended LICs, and
LIC-like Amalgamative Clerkships.
We classified 3 distinct LIC clusters that also provide a foundational reference point for future studies
on the outcomes of LICs.
Longitudinal integrated clerkships (LICs) are an example of a transformative approach to clinical
education (1) that uses continuity (2) and relationships (3) between medical students and their
patients and teachers as guiding principles. The number of medical schools using LICs globally has
doubled in the last five years (4). Despite its rapid growth and general acceptance, this educational
approach has generated considerable discussion because it challenges the tradition of learning clinical
medicine utilizing sequential rotations through specialty hospital departments (5). In addition, what
defines a LIC is often still poorly understood outside of the LIC community, with the terms
“longitudinal” and “integrated” being used for a range of educational interventions (6).
Although medical schools have used this approach for over 40 years, the term “LIC” was only formally
defined when interested education leaders, including those at seven LIC-oriented schools met in
Cambridge, MA, USA in 2007. This group, the international Consortium of Longitudinal Integrated
Clerkships (CLIC), used an iterative process of discussion to characterize the elements of all the
known LIC programs and propose a consensus definition. They recognised that, despite differences in
their implementation, LICs encompassed three common elements (7):
1. Medical students participate in the comprehensive care of patients over time.
2. Medical students have continuing learning relationships with these patients’ clinicians.
3. Through these experiences, medical students meet the majority of the academic year's core
clinical competencies across multiple disciplines simultaneously.
This CLIC definition intentionally chose language to support inclusiveness in this new approach to
clinical education, such as ‘continuing learning relationships’, ‘over time’, ‘majority’ and
‘simultaneously’. Norris et al published a summary in 2009 of the 17 programs known to be using this
approach (4). By 2013, the meeting of CLIC had grown to involve over 230 delegates from 48 schools.
In this context of rapid uptake, examining the landscape of LICs and LIC-like programs becomes
critical, and serves to further clarify the original definition and current nature of LIC models.
In 2011, participants in an annual CLIC meeting in Yankton, South Dakota, initiated a process to form
a collaborative research group to further investigate and explore the nature of LICs. The CLIC
Research Collaborative now gathers researchers from 44 medical schools in 7 countries comprising
54 discrete programs. This study, the first from the Collaborative, undertook to describe the
variability in LIC characteristics, to establish a LIC typology, and to identify other characteristics
associated with this typology classification. This study describes the dimensions of LICs and LIC-like
programs across schools known to CLIC internationally in order to enhance our shared understanding
of this educational model.
Research Design
The Collaborative formed a Methodology Design Group (MDG) following the 2011 CLIC conference to
lead the research program. The MDG met regularly via Skype and used a Delphi process to develop the
survey tool (Appendix 1), seeking feedback from all Collaborative participants. Ethics approval was
gained at Flinders University in Australia and McGill University in Canada.
Data Collection
Members of the Collaborative contacted people by e-mail from all universities with representatives at
the 2012 and 2013 CLIC conferences, and any others known to be considering LIC-like models, and
invited them to participate in this study. To maximize response rates from participants across 4
continents, the survey team offered three options for completing the survey: online via Survey Gizmo,
by phone or Skype interview at a time of convenience to the respondent, or by face-to-face interview
at the 2013 CLIC conference in Big Sky, Montana. Surveyors recruited further participants from the
subsequent CLIC conference and data collected by phone or Skype interview in 2014. Researchers
completed all data collection between September 2013 and October 2014.
Statistical Analysis
We performed statistical analysis using SPSS (version 22) and Stata (StataCorp, Texas, USA) (version
13.1). We present numbers and percentages for categorical variables, and means and standard
deviations for normally distributed continuous variables. In order to classify the types of LICs we used
a qualitative review of the survey results that focused on the proportion of the academic year spent in
LICs, the length of the LIC and the number of disciplines taught within the LIC. We supported this
assessment with a k means cluster analysis of the percentage of time spent in rural locations, the
number of disciplines taught, and the size of the smallest and largest LIC site (data not shown). The
face validity assessment identified 3 broad types of LIC (see Results below). We then performed
univariate analyses to assess associations between the 3 broadly defined types of LICs (termed
Clusters A, B and C) and student and supervisor demographics using analysis of variance (ANOVA) for
continuous variables and Fisher’s Exact test for categorical variables. We assessed significance for
each test using a two-tailed type 1 error rate of p<0.05. We used all available data in the analyses and
response numbers are reported in the case of missing data.
Data Mapping
To provide a visual representation of the data, we mapped the geographical location of the medical
schools using an LIC program by using ArcGIS software (version 10.2.1) and the WGS 1984 World
Mercator coordinate system. The geographic latitude and longitude coordinates for each school were
based on the centroid of their respective postcodes/ZIP-codes. We obtained US based school geocodes
using US Zip Code data (Tele Atlas North America, Inc., 2006) and the remaining geocodes using the
latitude and longitude for postcodes individually entered into Google Earth.
Data Interpretation
The MDG viewed the collected data and then presented preliminary analyses to the study participants
to check for credibility. Subsequently, the MDG presented the preliminary results at plenary sessions
of the 2013 and 2014 CLIC conferences, allowing the broader Collaborative to provide input into the
interpretation of the results. The MDG led further descriptive analysis and characterization of the
data, and the commentary on this analysis included the views of the entire CLIC Research
Fifty-four distinct programs from 44 medical schools responded to the survey (see Appendix 2). These
programs represented over 15,000 student-years of LIC-like clerkships. Six universities offered two or
more distinctly different LIC models within their curricula.
Length of clerkship, discipline coverage and definition of cluster typology
All programs in the study met the first two CLIC criteria for an LIC, namely that students participate in
the comprehensive care of patients over time and have continuing learning relationships with these
patients’ clinicians. The 2007 CLIC definition is silent on the absolute length of a clerkship for it to be
included as an LIC program. However, the third criterion does specify that the students “meet the
majority of the year’s core clinical competencies” through the program.
Among programs submitting data, their clerkships’ length varied from 6 to 54 weeks. We reviewed
the data and by consensus delineated three clusters based on the educational criteria in the 2007 CLIC
definition. Table 1 shows the three clusters according to program length and discipline coverage.
Insert Table 1. LIC Clusters
Programs in Cluster A functioned as extended rotations that covered more than one, but not the
majority, of disciplines for the year. Programs in Cluster B covered all or the majority of disciplines in
that year, but utilised complementary discipline-specific rotations to complete the year’s study.
Programs in Cluster C comprised either the entire year’s study or had very short orientation programs
for individual disciplines followed by a full academic year covering all disciplines simultaneously. As
the length of the academic year varied considerably amongst the schools in this study (32-54 weeks),
some Cluster C programs that cover an entire academic year are actually shorter than Cluster B
programs that require complementary discipline-specific rotations to complete the academic year’s
Table 2 describes the univariate associations among the 3 clusters and each of the survey
demographic questions.
Insert Table 2. LIC Program Characteristics
Geographic location
Programs of Cluster C dominated in Australia, Canada and the US, while in other countries including
Norway, South Africa and the UK, Cluster A was more prevalent (p=0.01). Although the data derive
from seven countries, only two programs that meet all three current CLIC criteria were outside the
three countries of the USA, Australia and Canada (See Figure 1 below).
Insert Figure 1. GIS location of LIC programs by cluster and student numbers
Student entry into the Medical Education Program
There were significant associations among cluster types and the type of entry provided as well as the
length of the medical education program as a whole. There is a mix of high school entry and graduate
entry medical education programs that have incorporated LICs. Due to the geographic clustering of
the medical schools in North America and Australasia, 85% (46/54) of the programs have graduateentry admissions pathways and 83% (45/54) are 4-year programs (Table 2). There was no difference
in the student intake numbers into Year 1 of the medical education program across clusters (p=0.43)
which varied from 36 to 305 with a mean (SD) of 160(67) students.
The first LIC type program commenced in 1971. The number of medical schools with LIC programs
globally has expanded exponentially in the last ten years (Figure 2).
Insert Figure 2. Year LIC Commenced
Community Size and Locations
We asked the participating schools to describe the different communities in which they based their
LICs, noting that they may use multiple clinics or hospitals within each site/community. We included
the capital city as a separate category due to the perception of civic power inherent in some such
cities, independent of actual population. Historically, many of the early LICs focused on expanding
clinical education into rural and regional centres and 31/45 (69%) of Cluster B and C programs
continue to incorporate communities of less than 25,000 population, with nine (20%) being based
exclusively in communities this size or less. Currently, 24% (8/34) of Cluster C programs reside in
urban centres with a population over 100,000 people.
Number of distinct LIC-like programs in each school
The majority (38/44 or 86%) of the medical schools in the study have only one LIC or LIC-like
program. Four universities have multiple distinct Cluster B and C programs, and two medical schools
have a Cluster A program as well as a Cluster C program.
The majority of LICs occur in the penultimate year of the medical program, which tends to be the first
core clinical immersion (i.e. clerkship) year. However, this varies according to cluster with Cluster B
and C programs more likely to occur in the penultimate year than Cluster A programs (p=0.001)
(Table 2).
Number of students in the programs
The size of individual Cluster B or C programs varied from 2 to 85 students per year, while cluster A
programs had between 10 and 240 students per year. In 34/45 (76%) LICs in Cluster B or C, the size
of the program represented less than 20% of the full class. However, there are now four schools
where all students undertake a Cluster B or C program (Figure 1).
Clinical Supervision
Whilst in the shorter integrated Cluster A rotations, the allocated clinical supervisors were
predominately Family Medicine (FM) physicians, in the longer programs, there appear to be two
distinct types – programs which allocate predominately FM supervisors, and programs which allocate
predominately other specialist supervisors (Table 3).
Insert Table 3: Percentage of supervisors who are family medicine specialists
Programs that allocated predominately FM supervisors were more likely to be the programs that
included small communities of less than 10,000 people. Whilst 84% of programs with predominately
FM supervisors included small communities, only 18% of programs with predominately other
specialists as clinical supervisors included small communities (p<0.001) (Table 4).
Insert Table 4: Association between size of teaching sites and proportion of family medicine clinical
The report of the Lancet Commission on Education of Health Professionals for the 21st Century clearly
articulated the need for radical reform of medical education to serve societal needs better (1). Medical
education leaders established Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships (LICs) to address workforce, health
system, and public health imperatives (5,8,9,10,11) and to translate the sciences of learning into our
clinical education models (2,3). Our study demonstrates the diversity of approaches to this
transformative model of clinical education across seven countries.
Through this study, we identified three major clusters of programs. The 45 programs in 37 schools in
Clusters B and C meet the current CLIC criteria for LICs. The first cluster, Cluster A, comprised shorter
clerkships that combine learning from a number of disciplines, and are longer than the usual rotations
in their year, but do not meet the ‘majority’ criterion in the CLIC definition in regards to both
curriculum time and curriculum content. We propose that these programs not be referred to as LICs,
but rather be referred to as Amalgamative Clerkships (ACs).
We propose that Cluster B be referred to as Blended LICs, comprising LICs that incorporate all or the
majority of disciplines, but utilize complementary discipline-specific rotations to complete the
academic year.
We propose that Cluster C be referred to as Comprehensive LICs, comprising LICs that incorporate all
the year’s disciplines as their core, delivered as an integrated program, and thus incorporate only
limited brief inpatient discipline-specific immersive experiences.
This study also reveals a variation in approaches in terms of size of communities and types of clinical
supervision. Two major approaches emerge from the data,
1. Programs based around Family Medicine (FM) settings that include small communities of less
than 10,000 people, have a larger number of sites where students are based (see definition of
site in Table 2), and predominately engage Family Physicians as clinical supervisors
2. Programs based in more urban settings with hospitals and clinics where sub-specialists are
prevalent, have fewer sites with predominately non-FM clinicians as clinical supervisors
It is unclear from this study whether this divide is just a logical consequence of the healthcare
organization where the medical school is based, whether there are educational or strategic rationales
for this, or whether it may reflect the culture of the medical school. However, it is likely that the
association between FM supervision and the use of small communities is due to FM physicians being
the predominant specialty practicing in these small communities.
Amalgamative Clerkships focus upon the first approach, whereas Blended and Comprehensive LICs
use both approaches. There is no apparent preference for these approaches on the basis of the
country of the program.
Thus, a 5-category typology of programs that utilize LIC principles emerges from these data (Table 5).
Insert Table 5. LIC Typology
This typology reflects the historical trajectory of the LIC innovation. The early adopters were rural
and family medicine based, and this innovation has now diffused to urban and tertiary centre sites.
The linkage between rural settings and family medicine supervision in this typology probably reflects
the reality that, in Canada, USA and Australia, the majority of doctors practicing in rural areas are
family physicians.
This study has documented the rapid growth in the use of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships
internationally, with a more than doubling of known programs in the 5 years since the 2009 Norris
review (4). In 2013/14, approximately 1000 students undertook A, B, and C-type LICs in 46 programs
in 38 different schools, in seven countries on four continental regions, predominately in the
penultimate year of the medical education program, and with a median clerkship length of 40 weeks.
It would appear from these data, that, whilst in Europe and Africa the use of LICs is still confined to a
group of early innovators (12), in the USA this innovation has moved from the innovators stage to the
early adopters stage (18/141 = 13% of MD granting medical schools), well into the early majority
stage in Canada (8/17 = 47%), and to the cusp of the late majority stage in Australia (9/18 = 50%).
LICs are a growing innovation in both the established and newest medical schools. More established
schools chose to pilot starting with a small percentage of their cohort undertaking LICs, and four
newer schools have decided this is the best approach for their entire school cohort. Four schools have
more than one approach to the LIC model, possibly reflecting variations in the clinical contexts in
which their students learn.
This study has limitations. It is a single snapshot in a time of rapid growth, and probably
underestimates the actual prevalence of LIC programs. The Consortium is still predominately a
phenomenon of the English-speaking world. There may be similar approaches of which the
Consortium is not aware. The methodology of this study also excluded LIC programs that are no
longer active. The authors are aware of two pioneering programs that have since ceased – the 1993
Cambridge Community Clinical Course at Cambridge University in the UK (13) and the 1974 Upper
Peninsula Program at Michigan State University in the USA (14).
In addition, the study demonstrates the difficulty in finding a common language to describe aspects of
medical education. What is a ‘course’ in one school is a ‘topic’ or a ‘paper’ in another, and, a ‘program’
in yet another. Terms such as preceptor, supervisor, clerkship, rotation, curriculum, and faculty, also
have quite different meanings in different institutions and nations. This study used piloting of the
survey tool to inform the definition of terms as clearly as possible, but the researchers still found
explanations necessary during the data collection process by interview. This suggests that multiinstitutional data collected by survey across different countries may suffer from inconsistent
interpretation by the respondents.
This study has demonstrated both the common elements and the diversity of these LIC
implementations. The diversity raises critical questions. For instance, in regards to pedagogy, the
following are proposed, amongst others. What are the relative contributions of longitudinality and
integration to the observed outcomes? Are there differences in student outcomes from LICs where the
supervisors are predominately Family Medicine physicians? What disciplines are most commonly
included and excluded from LICs? What is integration, how is it operationalized, how can it be best
quantified, and could there be different impacts for different degrees of integration? How much time
is needed to achieve the longitudinal or other goals of LICs? How can we best study the other LIC
definitional elements of ‘continuing learning relationships’ and ‘comprehensive care of patients over
time’? What are the pedagogical mechanisms inherent in LICs, the generalizable student, teacher and
community outcomes, and the pitfalls that education planners need to avoid?
In regards to the sociology of medical education, we suggest the following questions are relevant. Why
is the LIC approach predominately a North American and Australasian phenomenon? Has the term LIC
become a ‘branding’ of the broader principles of integration and relationship based education? What
is the impact on the utility of the term ‘LIC’, and similar educational ‘brands’, when schools adjust the
defined model to fit their local contexts? What is the cost-effectiveness and sustainability of the
approaches and how can cost effectiveness include not just programmatic but institutional, patient,
population, and system outcomes? What is the cross-cultural applicability of the LIC model? Does the
successful implementation of LICs in small communities in the developed world suggest this could be
a suitable approach for schools in the developing world? Why are most schools only offering the LIC
approach to a small proportion of their students; what forces or constituencies are constraining
clinical education innovation?
There is accumulating evidence from small studies relating to these questions above (15-29). Through
the Collaborative, with the aid of this typology, we have the possibility to examine these important
questions with the alternative approach of large multi-centre studies similar to those used in clinical
trials research and thus create a complementary evidence base for the contribution of medical
education to health services and clinical practice. Further, it allows for the future possibility of
developing a tool or identifying a phenomenon in one type of clerkship (e.g. Type B – Blended
Clerkship) and validating this or generalizing this to other similar programs (i.e. another Blended
Medical education is part of the medical profession’s social contract with society. We believe that
translating the sciences of learning into improved educational models should underpin and
accompany clinical delivery and health systems transformation (1,5,8,11). The CLIC Research
Collaborative sees this future program of research as both an important opportunity and a critical
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Appendix 1. Sample questions from survey tool
Does your medical course accept students direct from high school i.e. undergraduate entry, or require
completion of a bachelor degree i.e. graduate entry?
Does your institution award an Allopathic or Osteopathic degree?
What is the total number of weeks of study required in your medical course?
What is the total number of years of study required in your medical course?
In this academic year how many students will you/have you admitted to Year 1 of your medical course ?
Please describe the key elements of your clerkship program
What year did this Clerkship Program commence with students? i.e. The Flinders University Parallel
Rural Community Curriculum commenced in 1997 (YYYY)
How many clerkship sites are in your program ie a discrete community, town, villages, neighbourhood?
How many clerkship sites do you classify as rural?
What is the largest population size of your clerkships sites?
What is the smallest population size of your clerkships sites?
What is the total length in weeks of the Clerkship Program?
How many weeks of the Clerkship Program are undertaken in a rural area?
In which year of the medical program is the Clinical Clerkship Program situated?
In this academic year how many students will undertake a Clerkship Program?
In this academic year how many students who will undertake a Clerkship Program have a rural
background (as defined by your institution)?
In this academic year how many male students will undertake a Clerkship Program?
What percentage of your clinical supervisors in the Clerkship Program are family physicians / GPs?
What is the name of your Clerkship Program e. g. Parallel Rural Community Curriculum?
If you have more than one clerkship program, can you please provide contact details of the person who
would be best able to complete the survey for their program and answer the interview questions?
Appendix 2. Contributing CLIC Research Collaborative programs
Cluster A
James Cook University
Integrated Rural Placement
Queens University
Integrated Delivery of Medical
Education in the Community
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Rural Practice Placement
University of Witwatersrand
South Africa
Integrated Primary Care Block
Keele School of Medicine
GP student assistantship
University of Exeter
POBLE Population based learning
Columbia University
Bronx VA Integrated Clerkship
University of Colorado
University of Wisconsin
Integrated Longitudinal Medical
Clerkship (ILMC)
Wisconsin Academy for Rural
Medicine (WARM)
Cluster B – Family Medicine
Flinders University
NT Community Based Medical
Education (CBME)
University of Melbourne
Extended Rural Cohort
University of Illinois
Rural student physician program (RSPP)
University of North Dakota
Rural Opportunities in Medical
Education (ROME)
University of Washington
WWAMI Rural Integrated Training
Experience (WRITE)
University of Minnesota
Metropolitan Physician Associate
Program (MetroPAP)
University of Minnesota
Rural Physician Associate Program
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa Longitudinal Community
Curriculum TLC
Cluster B – Other Specialties
Duke University
Primary Care Leadership Tract
Flinders University
Onkaparinga Clinical Education
Program (OCEP)
University of California San
Fresno LIC
Cluster C – Family Medicine
Australian National University
Rural Stream Integrated Year
Deakin University
Flinders University
Parallel Rural Community Curriculum
Griffith University
RMED LongLook Program
Monash University
Gippsland Regional Integrated
Community Curriculum
University of Adelaide
Rural Clinical Program
University of Western Australia
Rural Clinical School WA
University of Wollongong
Phase 3 Longitudinal Integrated
Clinical Placement Program
Dalhousie University
Dalhousie LIC Program
Northern Ontario School of
Comprehensive Community Clerkship
University of Alberta
Integrated Community Clerkship
University of Calgary
University of Montreal
University of Saskatchewan
Prince Albert Program
University of Otago
New Zealand
Rural Medical Immersion Program
Stellenbosch University
South Africa
Ukwanda Rural Clinical School
Longitudinal Integrated Model
Commonwealth Medical College
Year 3 LIC
Cluster C – Other Specialties
Flinders University
Alice Springs LIFT
Flinders University
LIFT (Longitudinal Integrated
Flinders Training)
McGill University
Gatineau Integrated Clerkship
University of British Columbia
Integrated Community Clerkships
Columbia University
Columbia-Bassett Program
Florida Atlantic University
Year 3 LICs
Harvard Medical School
The Cambridge Integrated Clerkship
Indiana University
BLIC (Bloomington Longitudinal
Integrated Curriculum)
Medical College of Georgia
Georgia Northwest Campus
Texas A & M Medical School
A & M Integrated Medicine (AIM)
Tufts University
Maine Medical Centre Program
University of California San Francisco
Kaiser KLIC
University of California San Francisco
University of Colorado
Denver Health LIC
University of North Carolina
University of North Dakota
University of South Dakota
Asheville Integrated Clinical
Minot integrated longitudinal
experience (MILE)
Yankton Ambulatory Program
Figure 1. GIS location of LIC programs by cluster and student numbers
Figure 2. Year LIC Commenced
of schools
Commencing Year
Table 1. LIC Clusters
Proportion of
Academic Year
(Range) in
12 (6 – 18)
28 (20 – 38)
42 (32 – 54)
40 (6-54)
Number of
Table 2: LIC program characteristics
A (n=9)
B (n=11)
C (n=34)
Country, n (%)
Australia/New Zealand
1 (6.7)
1 (11.1)
4 (80.0)
3 (12.0)
3 (20.0)
0 (0.0)
0 (0.0)
8 (32.0)
11 (73.3)
8 (88.9)
1 (20.0)
14 (56.0)
4 (50.0)
4 (10)
1 (16.7)
0 (0.0)
9 (22.5)
2 (33.3)
4 (50.0)
27 (67.5)
3 (50.0)
0 (0.0)
5 (11.1)
2 (100.0)
2 (33.3)
0 (0.0)
11 (24.4)
0 (0.0)
0 (0.0)
1 (100.0)
29 (64.4)
0 (0.0)
4 (66.7)
Year that the LIC commenced
1 (14.3)
0 (0.0)
5 (22.7)
3 (15.0)
4 (57.1)
0 (0.0)
6 (27.3)
1 (5.0)
2 (28.6)
5 (100.0)
11 (50.0)
16 (80.0)
Population of smallest site
Capital city
1 (11.0)
0 (0.0)
0 (0.0)
0 (0.0)
8 (88.9)
0 (0.0)
1 (9.1)
0 (0.0)
2 (18.2)
8 (72.7)
4 (11.8)
4 (11.8)
5 (14.7)
3 (8.8)
18 (52.9)
2 (5.9)
32 (94.1)
0 (0.0)
Medical course duration (years)
Number of 1st year students, mean ±
Number of sites, mean(±SD)
(note that ‘site’ refers to a
community/town and there may be
multiple practices or hospitals used
in a single ‘site’)
Year of course
Number of students in LIC
Mean ± SD
Mean proportion of total students
4 (44.4)
3 (33.3)
2 (22.2)
0 (0.0)
11 (100.0)
0 (0.0)
1 For
comparison between clusters. Obtained from Fishers Exact test for categorical variables and ANOVA for
continuous variables.
Table 3: Percentage of supervisors who are family medicine specialists
A (n=8)
B (n=10)
C (n=31)
Percentage of supervisors as family
medicine specialists
1 (12.5)
1 (10.0)
0 (0.0)
1 (10.0)
1 (12.5)
0 (0.0)
6 (75.0)
8 (80.0)
1 For comparison between clusters. Obtained from Fishers exact test.
13 (41.9)
1 (3.2)
3 (9.7)
14 (45.2)
Table 4: Association between size of teaching sites and proportion of family medicine clinical
(> 100k)
N (%)
Size of smallest teaching site
(10k- 100k)
N (%)
N (%)
% of clinical supervisors
that are family medicine
8 (53.3)
5 (33.3)
2 (13.3)
0 (0.0)
1 (50.0)
1 (25.0)
0 (0.0)
3 (75.0)
1 (3.6)
3 (10.7)
24 (85.7)
1 For comparison between clusters. Obtained from Fisher’s exact test.
Table 5. LIC Typology
LIC Program Typology
Program Type
1. Less than 20 weeks
(<50% of the duration of
the academic year)
2. Two or more, but
1. Median 11 sites, usually
<50% of disciplines
3. Treated as a one of
including small rural
2. Usually a family medicine
many rotations in a
rotation based course
4. Any of the last three
years of the degree
1. Median 9 sites, usually
1. 50-89% of the duration
of the academic year
2. All or majority of
disciplines covered
Blended LIC
rotations external to the
2. All disciplines covered
include large urban
2. Predominately non-FM
1. Median 9 sites, usually
1. Full duration of the
clinical academic year
2. Predominately FM
1. Median 2 sites, usually
LIC to complete the
4. Usually in penultimate
3. Linked complementary
academic year
including small rural
including small rural
2. Predominately FM
3. Limited brief inpatient
discipline specific
1. Median 1 site, usually
immersive experiences
within the LIC
4. Usually in penultimate
including large urban
2. Predominately non-FM