Molecular analysis of ancient caries
Marc Simón1, Rafael Montiel2, Andrea Smerling1, Eduvigis Solórzano1,†,
Nancy Dı́az1,†, Brenda A. Álvarez-Sandoval2, Andrea R. Jiménez-Marı́n2
and Assumpció Malgosa1
Unitat d’Antropologia Biològica, Department of Biologia Animal, Biologia Vegetal i Ecologia,
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Laboratorio Nacional de Genómica para la Biodiversidad, Unidad de Genómica Avanzada, CINVESTAV-IPN.
Km. 9.6 Libramiento Norte Carretera Irapuato – León, Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico
RM, 0000-0001-8052-0679; AM, 0000-0003-1723-3671
Cite this article: Simón M, Montiel R,
Smerling A, Solórzano E, Dı́az N, ÁlvarezSandoval BA, Jiménez-Marı́n AR, Malgosa A.
2014 Molecular analysis of ancient caries.
Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20140586.
An 84 base pair sequence of the Streptococcus mutans virulence factor, known as
dextranase, has been obtained from 10 individuals from the Bronze Age to the
Modern Era in Europe and from before and after the colonization in America.
Modern samples show four polymorphic sites that have not been found in the
ancient samples studied so far. The nucleotide and haplotype diversity of this
region have increased over time, which could be reflecting the footprint of a
population expansion. While this segment has apparently evolved according
to neutral evolution, we have been able to detect one site that is under positive
selection pressure both in present and past populations. This study is a first step
to study the evolution of this microorganism, analysed using direct evidence
obtained from ancient remains.
Received: 10 March 2014
Accepted: 27 June 2014
1. Introduction
Subject Areas:
evolution, molecular biology, palaeontology
Streptococcus mutans, dextranase,
neutral evolution, positive selection
Author for correspondence:
Assumpció Malgosa
Present address: Universidad de los Andes,
Campo de Oro, Mérida, Venezuela.
Electronic supplementary material is available
at or
In the past few decades, genetic tools have made it possible to confirm the presence of the bacteria responsible for some of the diseases observed in ancient
human remains. The aims of these studies have been numerous: to confirm
the early diagnosis based on skeletal evidence, to identify the causative agent
of a disease that has notably influenced some periods of human history, or to
improve the general knowledge on the interaction between the human beings
and the bacteria. Moreover, it has been used to reconstruct historical migrations
by characterizing the diseases of the past, their morbidity, their expansion/
diffusion and their evolution over time.
The diseases that have been molecularly studied so far are those believed to
have caused the majority of the documented human epidemics, such as tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) [1,2], plague (Yersinia pestis) [3,4], leprosy
(Mycobacterium leprae) [5,6] and syphilis (Treponema pallidum pallidum) [7,8],
among others [9–11]. However, there are other microorganisms, such as bacteria from the dental plaque, that have accompanied humans since remote
times for which their history is still not well established, and that could help
us to understand prehistoric populations in depth. Thus, besides assessing
issues such as the kind of diet and whether the meals were correctly handled
and prepared [12], the general hygienic conditions [13], the gathering of
people in populations [14], the routine contact of humans with animals,
especially during the process of domestication [15], the recent discovery that
some ignored illnesses can be traced back to far more ancient times than previously thought [16] implies that palaeogeneticists should be able to study
human-bacterial interactions in dental plaque since their emergence.
In fact, oral infections have generally been overlooked when studying infections from the past even considering that caries has been the most persistent
infection in the history of humanity. Palaeopathological studies have shown
that their incidence go back to at least 1.5 Myr ago, being already found in a
Paranthropus robustus specimen [17]. However, the most dramatic increase in
caries frequency occurred in the transition towards agriculture owing to a
change in diet. This change can be seen in both Europe and America [18–20],
& 2014 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
2. Material and methods
(a) Study species and sampling
Samples of different antiquity and geographical origin, European
and American, were chosen from different archaeological sites
and from a skeletal collection housed at Universitat Autònoma
de Barcelona (UAB) (see table 1 for Genbank accession numbers,
the electronic supplementary material for technical details
and electronic supplementary material, table S1 for further
description). The selection was made visually, as caries is
macroscopically detectable.
The samples were stored and analysed in the Palaeogenetics
Laboratory of the UAB. The conditions of sterility and the precautionary measures taken are previously described [11]: sample
preparation (see the electronic supplementary material), DNA
extraction and PCR reactions were performed in a laboratory dedicated specifically to work with ancient DNA (aDNA), positively
pressurized and physically isolated from the laboratories used to
carry out post-PCR processes. Laboratory overalls covering the
whole body of the investigator, masks and protective lenses were
also used. All the samples were amplified twice at the UAB, and
the majority of them (7 out of 10) were cloned. In addition, samples
T1, U1 and LO1 were analysed in the Laboratorio Nacional de Genómica para la Biodiversidad (Langebio, CINVESTAV-IPN,
Mexico). In the Mexico laboratory, DNA extractions were performed essentially with the same protocol and procedures as in
the UAB (see below) in an especially dedicated facility for aDNA
analysis. Also, PCR amplifications of a dextranase gene fragment
were conducted as described below, although in Langebio an endpoint PCR apparatus (Veriti, Applied Biosystems) was used. Two
of the samples (U1 and LO1) yielded positive amplification
and were cloned and sequenced, and from the U1 sample two
independent extractions were obtained.
The genome region of S. mutans chosen to be amplified was
an exonic fragment of 84 base pairs (bp) in length of the first variable region of the dextranase gene. This gene is one of the socalled virulence factors of the pathogen. It codes for an enzyme
which cleaves a-1,6-linkages of glucans and is thought to be
responsible both for the control of the amount and content of
extracellular glucans and for the metabolic utilization of extracellular glucans ([31] and references therein). The primers used
to carry out the PCR process were L-344 (forward primer) and
R-467 (reverse primer) [27].
Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20140586
synonymous rates (v), which measures the selective pressure
at the protein level and can take values of v , 1, ¼1 or .1
indicating negative, neutral or adaptive evolution, respectively. In addition, a method that can measure it in a whole
nucleotidic fragment, on the one hand, and at each single
codon on the other hand, will be especially important for
this matter, because in cases of very local action of positive
selection, the overall v ratio will not be significantly greater
than 1. The aim of this study is to recover genetic material
from the caries of individuals from the Bronze Age up to
the twentieth century in Europe and America, and to characterize a fragment of the gene that encodes the virulence factor
known as dextranase. This will permit us to carry out comparisons with current strains in order to determine whether
the genetic diversity in ancient times was as high as it is
nowadays, and whether there was any other relevant difference in relation to geographical or chronological
differentiation. Moreover, we want to assess whether any
specific site has been submitted to positive selection pressure
in past and present populations, and whether its intensity has
changed over time.
although there are places where such a relationship is not so
clear, as in mainland southeast Asia, where the relative noncariogenicity of rice, at that time an increasingly important
subsistence mode in the region, and the retention of broadspectrum livelihood strategies put the global application of
this theory into question [21]. But this looks like the exception
rather than the rule. Thus, study of Mesolithic–Neolithic transition has become a matter of great interest for learning about
the infectivity of the bacteria involved in the formation of this
lesion. Moreover, in recent times, the evidence that dental problems like the periodontal diseases and caries can cause other
serious health problems have increased, so their development
has been a matter of growing interest. New research suggests
that periodontal diseases may contribute to the development
of heart diseases [22], increase the risk of stroke [23] and may
be a serious threat for people whose health is already harmed
by diabetes, respiratory diseases or osteoporosis [24]. Thus,
characterizing the microorganisms involved in these processes
would be a step forward to gain a better knowledge of their
interaction with human beings and the consequences that
result from it. Following this reasoning, this study focuses on
DNA characterization of the main agents responsible for the
carious lesions from ancient remains.
Even though caries is the consequence of the loss of
enamel as a result of the acidification of the oral plaque by
a quite heterogeneous group of bacteria [25], Streptococcus
mutans has been consistently associated with its presence
[26]. The current advances in biomolecular technology offer
the possibility of genetically characterizing these bacteria in
human ancient remains, as well as determining the characteristics of the virulence factors that they need to carry out a
successful infection. Preceding this study, in 2007 our group
showed that it was possible to recover S. mutans DNA from
human ancient remains [27]. On that basis, it has been possible to begin an evolutionary study of S. mutans in relation to
the development of caries in humans [28], which has been
extended in this work.
Caries lesions could be used to obtain information about
the health of the individuals and their way of life in ancient
times. Two combined factors increase the feasibility of carrying
out the genetic analysis of this disease in ancient times. First,
the resistance of teeth, which makes them particularly suitable
for the study of the evolution of an organism that has one of its
niches there. Second, the results of the activity of the cariogenic
agents are evident in the teeth and make caries easy to detect.
Good markers of the S. mutans adaptation to its human host
can be found in its virulence factors, thus their study may clarify some aspects of the evolution of this widely extended
infection that has accompanied humankind during millennia,
and therefore give us a more complete image of our evolutionary history. One of the most relevant points would be to know
whether this microorganism has evolved according to the
changes in the way of life of the host.
Moreover, the direction and strength with which natural
selection has acted in different genomic regions of this bacterium could provide some clues over how good the adaptation
to its host has been, and open the possibility to predict its
evolution. Some things must be taken into account: (i) in
many proteins, a high proportion of amino acids may be largely invariable owing to strong functional constraints [29],
and (ii) adaptive evolution most probably occurs at a few
time points and affects a few amino acids [30]. Thus, it is
necessary to detect the ratio of non-synonymous to
Table 1. Alignment of the obtained sequences. (Sample references can be found in the electronic supplementary material, table S1. En dashes ( – ) indicate the same nucleotide as the reference sequence D4930.1 in that position, while
polymorphisms are shown in bold. Samples U1 and LO1 were duplicated at the Laboratorio Nacional de Genómica para la Biodiversidad from Mexico.)
accession no.
NN 2025
APO 10655
AEO 14133
North America
North America
twentieth century
Bronze Age
Can Reiners,
seventh century
ninth to tenth
Sant Pere
fifth to twelfth
Sant Pere
fifth to twelfth
precontact twenty-
fifth to twentysixth centuries
Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20140586
Positions where the polymorphism results in a synonymous change.
fifth century
Positions where the polymorhism results in a non-synonymous change.
postcontact twentyLos Olmos,
sixth century
postcontact twenty-
Los Olmos,
sixth centuries
fifth to twentyMexico
precontact twentyTlatelolco,
accession no.
(c) Statistical analyses
The nucleotide diversity per site ( p) and haplotype diversity (H )
were calculated using SPSS 15.0.1 software (IBM, New York, NY,
USA). The best-fit model of nucleotide evolution was selected
using the Bayesian Information Criterion implemented in the
best-fit model test included in MEGA 5.05 software [33,34]. The
FST distance between the two groups was calculated with
ARLEQUIN v. 3.11 [35] and finally, a median-joining network
was constructed using the NETWORK software (Fluxus
Technology Ltd, Suffolk, UK).
Maximum-likelihood estimations (MLEs) of the dN/dS ratio
(v) were obtained by using the CODEML program from the PAML
package [36], and normalized values of dN– dS on a codonby-codon analysis were obtained using the HYPHY software
[37]. The ML phylogenetic tree was reconstructed with the
PHYML package [38] (see the electronic supplementary material
for technical details).
A branch-site test of positive selection was applied to both
groups of samples to check whether they were evolving according to neutral evolution. Moreover, three of the tests supported
by PAML package, M0 versus M3 to test for variable v among
sites, and M1a versus M2a and M7 versus M8 to test for possible
positive selection at specific sites, were carried out [39]. To calculate the posterior probabilities that each site belongs to a
particular site class, a Bayes Empirical Bayes approach [29] was
Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20140586
For DNA extraction, 0.5 g of powder were collected from the
teeth cavities of each individual. Samples were divided into
groups of three to five for the DNA extraction process, to keep
a low sample-to-blank control ratio. A real-time PCR reaction
using the Qiagen Rotor-Gene Q (QIAgen, Turnberry Lane,
USA) and the Type-it HRM PCR kit(400) (QIAgen, Turnberry
Lane, USA) was then carried out in a final volume of 25 ml.
The PCR process consisted of the following steps: an initial denaturation step at 948C for 5 min, followed by 45 cycles of PCR
including 10 s at 948C and 30 s at 558C. The obtained product
was purified using the PCRapace kit (Invitrogen, Carslbad,
CA, USA) following supplier instructions.
In the cloned samples, after purification the amplified product was cloned into the TOPO TA cloning kit (Invitrogen).
Cloned fragments were amplified by colony-PCR using pM13
forward and reverse primers with the following profile: an initial
denaturation step at 948C for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles of PCR
including 1 min at 948C, 1 min 30 s at 558C, 1 min at 728C and a
final extension step of 7 min at 728C. The amplified product was
purified again as described above and then sequenced.
Sequence reactions were carried out using the sequencing kit
BigDye Terminator v. 3.1 (Applied Biosystems, Carslbad, USA)
according to the manufacturer’s specifications, and run in an
ABI 3130XL sequencer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA).
The BLAST program [32] was used to search for similar
sequences in the GenBank database (NCBI). The consensus
sequence for each gene fragment was determined by alignment
of the forward and reverse sequences using BIOEDIT v.
(Ibis Biosciences, Carslbad, USA).
Finally, two teeth were purposely chosen to be of different
geographical origins for parallel DNA extraction from dentine.
MtDNA haplogroup identification was carried out in order to
have a general overview of the degree of conservation of the
samples, and to check whether the results were consistent with
the population of origin. The samples were amplified in the
second half of the mitochondrial Hypervariable Region I
sequence and the obtained haplogroup was corroborated by
means of restriction fragment length polymorphisms.
The data sequence assembly is available at the electronic
supplementary material.
Table 1. (Continued.)
(b) Experimental protocol
U159 (USA), KK21 (GER) KK23 (GER)
NN2025 (JAP), GS5 (USA), AC4446 (GER),
NCTC11060 (DK), M1, SP1, SP2, LO1, LO2
LJ23 (JAP), 5DC8 (ENG), U1, CR1,
V1, T1
D4930_1 (ENG)
ATCC25175 (ENG)
Figure 1. Median-joining network of the sequences presented in this study. Modern sequences (11 modern strains from Genbank obtained in this study) are: U159
and GS5 (USA), NN2025 and LJ23 (Japan), D4930.1, ATCC 25175 and 5DC8 (England), KK21, KK23 and AC4446 (Germany) and NCTC11060 (Denmark). Ancient
samples frequency is in black inside the circles and their names are highlighted in bold, and modern samples frequency is represented in white. (Online version
in colour.)
applied, and sites coming from the class with v . 1 with a high
posterior probability ( p . 0.95) were inferred to be under positive selection. Branch lengths were fixed at their MLEs under
M0 (one-ratio). In addition, the v rate ratios, estimated using
the method of Nei & Gojobori [40] for pairwise sequence
comparison, were compared between the total amount of
sequences and those from current populations to check whether
any change in their values could be detected over time (see the
electronic supplementary material for technical details).
3. Results
A 84 bp DNA fragment of the dextranase gene of S. mutans was
obtained from caries samples from 10 individuals (see table 1
for Genbank accession numbers). Six samples belonged to
ancient European populations and four belonged to ancient
American ones. The results are summarized in table 1, with
the sequences obtained in this study aligned with the 11
modern sequences of this segment of the dextranase gene currently available in the Genbank database (see the electronic
supplementary material, table S1). Seven of the samples (M1,
CR1, LO1, LO2, SP1, U1 and T2) were cloned (see the electronic
supplementary material, table S2) and the consensus
sequences obtained from each one always matched the one
obtained by direct PCR. The sequences from the samples that
belong to the caries of the ancient individuals were identical
to those observed in some modern populations, with the exception of the American sample T2, a sample prior to European
contact. In addition, two of the ancient samples (U1 and
LO1) were independently replicated in Langebio, Mexico,
giving coincident results.
The results showed that five of the nine ancient samples
(M1, SP1, SP2, LO1 and LO2) matched up exactly with one
of the two modern Japanese strains (NN2025) and also with
modern North American (GS5), Danish (NCTC11060) and
German (AC4446) ones. The remaining five showed a G to
A transition in the nucleotide position 367 (U1, CR1, V1, T1
and T2), which is also currently extended worldwide as
observed in current Japanese (LJ23) and English (5DC8)
strains. One sample (T2) also harboured a C to T transition
in the position 368 that was not seen in any other sample,
as the other two samples that showed a change in that position were two modern English strains harbouring a C to A
transversion (ATCC25175 and D49430.1).
Amplifications of human mtDNA, as quality controls,
were successful and yielded the expected results. One
sample originally coming from Mexico (LO1, accession no.
KJ950642) harboured an haplogroup of American origin
(A), and one coming from Catalonia (M1, accession no.
KJ950641) harboured one of European origin (K) (see the electronic supplementary material, table S3).
The nucleotidic (p) and haplotypic (H ) diversity indexes
were higher in the modern than in the ancient sequences
(0.019 + 0.004 versus 0.009 + 0.002 for the p values, and
0.848 + 0.074 versus 0.639 + 0.126 for the H values). Both
the increase in nucleotide and haplotype diversity was
statistically significant (one-tailed Mann –Whitney test [41],
p , 0.01 and p , 0.05, respectively) (see the electronic
supplementary material, table S4).
The best-fit model of nucleotide evolution was the Kimura
two-parameter model [42], with a discrete Gamma distribution
of rate variation among sites (þG), with five gamma rate categories and alpha shape parameter of 0.06 and a transition to
transversion ratio of 6.31. Pairwise FST distances between the
ancient and the current population were calculated, showing
that there were no significant differences ( p . 0.05; see the electronic supplementary material, table S5). A phylogenetic
network was constructed under the assumptions of this
model (figure 1).
The maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree was calculated
with PHYML [38] using the best-fit model of nucleotide evolution obtained, and used as the basis to estimate the mean
number of changes per codon per branch. The test statistics M0
versus M3, M1a versus M2a and M7 versus M8 gave significant
results in both the current and the ancient populations, and also
whether all the samples were considered as a single population
( p , 0.01 in all cases) (see the electronic supplementary
material, table S6). We considered the signal of positive selection to be strong when both M1a versus M2a and M7 versus
M8 were significant at the 5% level. Only codon site 2 showed
Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20140586
The physical presence of S. mutans in ancient samples was first
detected by our team in 2007 [27], and some of the preliminary
sequences of this study were published in 2011 [28]. In
addition, this bacterium was recently detected by other
groups using the gold-labelled antibody transmission electron
microscopy [43], and in 2012 an aDNA segment from S.
mutans DNA was amplified from an ancient dental calculus
of an individual dating from approximately 500 years BP
[44]. Ten sequences from the Bronze Age to the beginning of
the twentieth century from ancient dental carious lesions are
presented in this study, allowing our team to carry out a
phylogenetic analysis of the ancient strains of this bacterium.
This sample size is related to the difficulties inherent to
the analysis of aDNA. The work on aDNA is subjected to
important difficulties: (i) the biochemical damage it can
suffer [45,46], (ii) the risk of amplifying exogenous (contaminant) DNA that may outcompete aDNA in downstream
analyses [47], and (iii) the possible inhibitors that the samples
may carry [48]. Owing to this, all the samples suspicious
of bearing postmortem damage, as an excess of type II transitions [45,46], and those that did not amplify after three
amplifications were discarded to avoid obtaining sequences
affected by miscoding lesions or products resulting from
carryover contamination.
Regarding other authenticity criteria, no positive controls
had been used, and no DNA from S. mutans had been previously amplified in our laboratories. In addition, some of
the obtained sequences were cloned in order to obtain the
consensus sequences, which always matched up with the
one obtained by direct sequencing of PCR products. Moreover, two samples from different origins were amplified
with primers for human mtDNA, and the results coincided
with the expectations, as each sample harboured a haplogroup that made phylogenetic sense, considering their
different geographical sources. The diversity of the results
further guaranteed that they were not the product of a general process of contamination. Finally, two of the samples
were successfully replicated in the aDNA laboratory of Langebio, CINVESTAV-IPN, in Mexico, showing that the products
obtained were not affected by intra-laboratory contamination.
Thus, the authenticity of these results can be verified [47],
Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20140586
4. Discussion
and it can be stated that it is possible to isolate DNA from
this bacterium in archaeological remains from periods as
ancient as the Bronze Age (Montanissell sample, M1).
Focusing on the sequences, six polymorphic positions can
be seen (367, 368, 385, 429, 432 and 437) in present-day populations, while in ancient samples just the first two of the cited
polymorphisms have been observed. In the near future, more
ancient samples sharing a similar origin with the samples
used in this study, such as Asia, shall be analysed to warrant
a minimum representation of geographical variability. The
African continent, not represented here, must also be a focus
of interest in future studies regarding past and present populations. Therefore, it will be necessary to increase the sample
size of both modern and ancient groups. Nevertheless, and
although the small sample size recommends taking these
results with caution, it seems that both the nucleotide and haplotype diversities of this region of the dextranase gene are
increasing over time (both values are significantly higher in
the modern than in the ancient populations).
Alternatively, the increase in the genetic diversity we
found might be attributed to a bias in the choice of the
modern strains of S. mutans. However, this seems unlikely
because in any of the original papers reporting the modern
sequences it is specified that the strains were chosen for
any particular reason other than characterizing partially or
totally the genome from different strains of this organism
[49 –54], or distinguishing the different functional regions of
the dextranase gene sequence in relation to its enzymatic
activity [55]. Therefore, no sampling bias is evident.
This increase in diversity is not translated into an increase
of the v value, as the new observed substitutions bring a negative value in the overall dN – dS difference (see the electronic
supplementary material, table S8), pointing to a slight decrease
of v over time, and suggesting a constraint of the selective
pressure in this dextranase segment over S. mutans recent history. In fact, empirical data have demonstrated that in closely
related microbial sequences, a relative preponderance of nonsynonymous changes is seen, leading to a high value of v
[56]. The interpretations of this fact have been numerous,
from statistical artefact [57], to relaxed [58] or positive [59]
selection, recent ancestry [60,61] or a lag in the removal of
slightly deleterious non-synonymous mutations that have survived via hitch-hiking to a nearby strong adaptive mutation
[56]. Whatever the reason, the advantage of our study is that
obtaining samples from archaeological remains allows comparison of the v of this population at different points in time,
separated by hundreds and thousands of years not by inferred
phylogenetic reconstruction, but by directly observed data. As
a fall in the v value is detected, we can rule out the possibilities
that neither relaxed nor positive selection have been the driving
forces in the full segment over time. The fact that no positive
selection is observed when considering the segment as a
whole, in spite of being a known factor of virulence, agrees
with the fact that dextranase has not been included among
the genes that were under Darwinian positive selection in previous studies [62,63]. Nevertheless, using likelihood-ratio tests
of codon evolution one specific site (site 2) appears to have
been subjected to positive selection throughout the evolutionary history of the segment and continue to do so, although to
a lesser extent, and a second one (site 25) could be departing
from neutral evolution.
The majority of the samples, both modern and ancient,
belong to the two central nodes, reflecting that the full segment
positive selection with a high posterior probability ( p . 0.99)
in both sets of sequences, once the Bayes Empirical Bayes
approach was applied [15]. Site 25 fell near the threshold
value to reject neutral evolution in the M7 versus M8 test (see
the electronic supplementary material, table S7).
At site 2, the selective strength seemed stronger in ancient
populations than in modern ones, using all the models of
amino acid evolution available at the HyPhy package (see
the electronic supplementary material, table S8).
Among the ancient sequences, only non-synonymous substitutions were observed. As no orthologous sequences from a
closely related species could be found performing a BLAST
search (see the electronic supplementary material, table S9),
two samples from this study, M1 and NN2025, were used as
background branches to carry out the branch-site test for positive
selection. These tests showed that v was not significantly greater
than 1, neither in the ancient nor in the modern population (see
the electronic supplementary material, table S10).
Data accessibility. DNA sequences: Genbank accessions KJ950631–
Funding statement. This work was supported by Generalitat de Catalunya (grant no. 2014 SGR 1420), and Conacyt (Mexico) (grant no.
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Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20140586
implied a major dietary shift to increased animal fat, sugar
and processed foods [74]; and finally, the decrease since the
1970s throughout industrialized countries related to dental
treatment, the introduction of fluoride water and toothpaste
[75,76] on the one hand, and a range of changing social factors linked to improvements in general health indicators
[77 –79] on the other. Caries has such a well-documented
story that once this technology can be routinely applied the
palaeogeneticists will know which populations warrant this
kind of study.
The analysis of S. mutans in individuals from these historical periods could start an interesting field that aims to
understand more issues about the way of life of ancient
people. The information obtained could also be used to reconstruct past population movements. In this sense, this work
reports molecular genetic evidence obtained from ancient bacteria associated with archaeological caries lesions that will help
in this aim. Analysing such an ancient genetic material also
brings about the possibility of determining whether its evolution can be somehow correlated with changes in the way of
life of its hosts. Owing to S. mutans being, to some extent,
maternally transmitted [80], it could consequently reflect the
migration pattern of women, which may be inferred by
mtDNA analysis. A first paper reporting this kind of study
was published by Moodley et al. [81] by using another
human pathogen, Helicobacter pylori, demonstrating that two
different strains of this bacterium accompanied the two
human prehistoric migrations along the Pacific.
Also, it would be important to check the adaptation of
this bacterium at molecular level to the different niches that
it can find inside a human host.
The answer to some of these questions may be related
to the changes that the virulence factors of the bacterium
have experienced over time; so this field needs to continue
expanding in order to be able to respond to them.
is still evolving neutrally while, with the exception of sample T2,
the extremes of the phylogenetic network are represented by
modern-day sequences, thus reflecting the increase in genetic
variability over time. This is supported by the previously mentioned rise in the genetic diversity of the segment and a recent
study showing that the S. mutans population started expanding exponentially around 10 000 years ago, approximately
coinciding with the onset of human agriculture [63].
Finally, as observed in previous studies focusing in S. mutans
comparative genomics of current strains [50,63,64], no characteristic differences in relation to geographical distribution were seen
either in the modern or ancient population.
Nevertheless, more samples of different periods and
longer sequences will be needed in future studies in order
to fully certify the constriction of selective pressure in this
segment inferred from our results. Tracing back S. mutans history demands the review of the history of caries. As stated
previously, adaptive evolution most probably occurs at a
few time points [17], where the frequency of caries has significantly changed, so those periods in time are the ones most
likely to show a process of non-neutral selection, marking
interesting moments to check the evolution of the bacteria
involved in the process.
Six such moments in the history of this illness stand out
and it will be worth studying them in depth in future
works: the first stage of farming in the American continent
(8000–5000 BP) when caries has been recorded with relatively high indices as a consequence of the consumption of
endemic fruits rich in maltodextrines and sugar [65–67];
the introduction and spread of cereals in the Old World,
reaching a 75% in caries frequency around 4500 BC [68]; its
increment in America since 2300 BC, clearly related to
maize consumption (Zea mays) [69,70] and more specifically
to a gradual replacement of popcorn for a more cariogenic
and amylaceous maize [66,71]; the contact between the
people of the Old and the New World, especially from
before and after AD 1550 when sugar and sugar cane started
being imported in large scales from America to Europe
[72,73]; the advent of Industrial Revolution that gave rise to
cooking technologies that broadened the dietary breath and
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