Papers by Assumpció Malgosa
<p>MtDNA sequences between positions 16051 and 16400, from ancient populations from the Mon... more <p>MtDNA sequences between positions 16051 and 16400, from ancient populations from the Mongolia (present study and <a href="" target="_blank">[1]</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">[2]</a>), Russia <a href="" target="_blank">[3]</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">[4]</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">[5]</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">[6]</a>, Kazakhstan <a href="" target="_blank">[7]</a> and China <a href="" target="_blank">[8]</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">[9]</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">[10]</a> were used. Additional information concerning each population can be found in <a href="" target="_blank">Table S2</a>.</p
<p>A- Pre-Iron Age period; B- Iron Age period. Frequency values and detailed information fo... more <p>A- Pre-Iron Age period; B- Iron Age period. Frequency values and detailed information for populations 1–8 are shown in <a href="" target="_blank">table 3</a>. 1- Mongolia (Altai), 2- Gorny Altai, 3- West Kazakhstan, 4- Central Kazakhstan, 5- South Kazakhstan, 6- East Kazakhstan, 7- SW Siberia, 8- Mongolia (Egyin Gol).</p
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2017
Objectives: The locomotor and manipulative abilities of australopithecines are highly debated in ... more Objectives: The locomotor and manipulative abilities of australopithecines are highly debated in the paleoanthropological context. Australopithecus afarensis and Australopithecus sediba likely engaged in arboreal locomotion and, especially the latter, in certain activities implying manipulation. Nevertheless, their degree of arboreality and the relevance of their manipulative skills remain unclear. Here we calculate the pronation efficiency of the forearm (E rot) in these taxa to explore their arboreal and manipulative capabilities using a biomechanical approach. Materials and methods: Three-dimensional humeral images and upper limb measurements of A.L. 288-1 (Au. afarensis) and MH2 (Au. sediba) were used to calculate E rot using a previously described biomechanical model. Results: Maximal E rot in elbow flexion occurs in a rather supinated position of the forearm in Au. afarensis, similarly to Pan troglodytes. In elbow extension, maximal E rot in this fossil taxon occurs in the same forearm position as in Pongo spp. In Au. sediba the forearm positions where E rot is maximal are largely coincident with those for Hylobatidae. Conclusions: The pattern in Au. afarensis suggests relevant arboreal capabilities, which would include vertical climbing, although it is suggestive of poorer manipulative skills than in modern humans. The similarity between Au. sediba and Hylobatidae is difficult to interpret, but the differences between Au. sediba and Au. afarensis suggest that the capacity to rotate the forearm followed different evolutionary processes in these australopithecine species. Although functional inferences from the upper limb are complex, the observed differences between both taxa point to the existence of two distinct anatomical models.
El primer caso corresponde a una litiasis renal de tipo coraliforme, asociada a un individuo de s... more El primer caso corresponde a una litiasis renal de tipo coraliforme, asociada a un individuo de sexo masculino y edad madura. El cálculo encontrado mide en su fragmento mayor 3x2 cm; los otros dos fragmentos 2x0,5 y 1,5x0,5cm respectivamente. El fragmento mayor presenta distintos orificios que convergen en una gran cavidad central, mientras que los fragmentos menores muestran una forma tubular. El cálculo es de color marrón claro, consistencia dura y su composición de oxalato cálcico. La radiología muestra una imagen radiopaca, no uniforme con una zona cavitada que corresponde a la mayor parte del cálculo. Se presentan dos casos patológicos hallados en sendos esqueletos durante la excavación en la necrópolis visigótica de Casserres (Berguedà), cuyos diagnósticos son compatibles con litiasis. La necrópolis se compone de más de 200 individuos, excavados tanto por una antropóloga como por arqueólogos. En este caso, el trabajo de los especialistas en el campo ha permitido la diferenciación entre nódulos de piedra del estrato geológico y los cálculos hallados en las fosas.
Forensic Science International, 2014
Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 2014
An 84 base pair sequence of the Streptococcus mutans virulence factor, known as dextranase, has b... more An 84 base pair sequence of the Streptococcus mutans virulence factor, known as dextranase, has been obtained from 10 individuals from the Bronze Age to the Modern Era in Europe and from before and after the colonization in America. Modern samples show four polymorphic sites that have not been found in the ancient samples studied so far. The nucleotide and haplotype diversity of this region have increased over time, which could be reflecting the footprint of a population expansion. While this segment has apparently evolved according to neutral evolution, we have been able to detect one site that is under positive selection pressure both in present and past populations. This study is a first step to study the evolution of this microorganism, analysed using direct evidence obtained from ancient remains.
Ameloblastoma is a not uncommon tumour reported in the clinical literature and is characterised b... more Ameloblastoma is a not uncommon tumour reported in the clinical literature and is characterised by a multilocular cavity with 'soap bubble' pattern usually in the posterior body of the mandible. A review of the palaeopathology literature did not reveal any examples of ameloblastoma. In this paper, a probable case of ameloblastoma in a male skeleton, 45-55 years at age of death, from Casserres, Barcelona, Spain, (ca AD V-IX centuries) is presented. This case was identified during the anthropological study of the remains in the laboratory of biological anthropology in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. The mandible of this individual (AEC'07-C2-139) exhibits unusual features, like cavitated lesions in the posterior side of the right gonion and the expansion of the right ramus of the mandible. All these features are consistent with ameloblastoma.
Quaternary International, 2012
The site from La Cova des Pas, located in Menorca, is a funerary cave with a collective burial da... more The site from La Cova des Pas, located in Menorca, is a funerary cave with a collective burial dating from the Late Bronze Age. This cave presents a good conservation of the remains of both humans and other organic elements. In spite of the good preservation, the first DNA amplification tests showed a low amplification success rate, probably owing to the presence of substances from the process of decomposition of the bodies and substances of the soil present in the samples. To overcome this problem, 41 samples were processed by means of two different extraction methods, following sterility criteria used in ancient DNA research. Two fragments of different sizes of mitochondrial DNA were amplified in order to evaluate the success rate of both methods. The results did not show a statistically significant better recovery of DNA from either teeth or bones. For the length of the retrieved DNA, the recovery was significantly better with the QIAamp kit procedure than with the phenolechloroform method.
Quaternary International, 2012
The present research proposes a new way of reconstructing the taphonomic history of the human rem... more The present research proposes a new way of reconstructing the taphonomic history of the human remains recovered at Cova des Pas (Minorca, Balearic Islands, Spain). The cave was used as a collective burial site during the later stages of the prehistory of the island and contains a minimum of 66 individuals in a strongly flexed position. Environmental conditions in the cave enabled the preservation of organic remains associated with the skeletal remains, unusual in archaeological contexts, such as hair or shrouds. A new taphonomic reconstruction of Cova des Pas is proposed, based on the analysis of cortical surfaces, fractures, and disturbance of human bones. This study shows that the observable taphonomic damage is the result of body modification due to the interrelationship between the perimortem treatment of corpses, burial space and taphonomic agents and processes.
<p>Genetic distance based on HVRI variation of ancient and current Eurasian populations. An... more <p>Genetic distance based on HVRI variation of ancient and current Eurasian populations. Ancient populations (in red): AMGBR- Mongolia Altai Bronze Age, present study; PAZMG1- Mongolia Altai, Pazyryk, present study; PAZMG2- Mongolia Altai, Pazyryk; EGOL - Mongolia, Egyin Gol; PAZRA- Rep. Altai, Pazyryk; BRNRA- Rep. Altai, Neolithic and Bronze Age; SBBR- Siberia, Bronze Age; SBIR- Siberia, Iron Age; KZBR- Kazakhstan, Bronze Age; KZIR- Kazakhstan, Iron Age; LAJ- Lajia; YUAN- Xinjiang; INMG- Inner Mongolia. Current populations (in black): CRT- Crimean Tartars; TURK- Turks; KZAZ- Kurds Zazaki; KKUR- Kurds Kurmanji; IRAN- Iraqis; KGEO- Georgians Kurds; GEOR- Georgians; KYR- Kirgiz; UZB- Uzbeks; KAZ- Kazaks; TURKM- Turkmens; TAJ- Tajiks; MONG- Mongols; TUV- Tuvans; TUB- Tubalars; ALT- Altaians; BUR- Buriats; KAL- Kalmiks; SIB- Siberians. Additional information concerning each population can be found in <a href="" target="_blank">Table S2</a>.</p
Los restos esqueléticos estudiados proceden de la tumba nº 7 (STC.CLS 3041), datada con posterior... more Los restos esqueléticos estudiados proceden de la tumba nº 7 (STC.CLS 3041), datada con posterioridad al s. XIV, y fueron exhumados durante las excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas en 2001-2002 en el claustro del monasterio benedictino de Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona). Aunque no se conserva la mitad inferior del esqueleto, se pudo determinar que el individuo, de estructura grácil, pertenece al sexo femenino según los criterios de Ferembach et al. respecto el cráneo y el coxal (1980) y a las funciones discriminantes de Alemán et al. (1997) para los huesos largos. La edad de muerte es imprecisa (&gt; 45 años), ya que sólo son observables las suturas craneales (Masset, 1982) y el desgaste de las caras oclusales dentales (Brothwell, 1987). La estimación de la altura, según Pearson (Olivier, 1960), es de 163,70 cm. La anquilosis que presenta el codo izquierdo incluye la fusión total de las epífisis distal del húmero y proximal del cúbito, con un proceso de neoformación ósea alrededor de la articulación, provocando en vida del individuo la inmovilización del brazo en flexión semipronada (fotos 1 y 2). La neoformación ósea se halla en forma de ligero engrosamiento en la parte anterior de la metáfisis del húmero, desarrollada para encajar el cuello del radio, y en forma de cresta en la parte posterior, alcanzando hasta la zona oleocraneana del cúbito. / / Material Material y y metodología metodología Análisis Análisis macroscópico macroscópico alcanzando hasta la zona oleocraneana del cúbito. La imagen radiográfica confirma que la fusión es total, sin variaciones en la estructura del hueso perilesional ni en el resto de las diáfisis afectadas. Por otra parte, la imagen de TC muestra una completa desaparición de la línea articular, con la neoformación de una superfície articular hipertrófica desarrollada por la fosa articular del cúbito para la cabeza del radio y su ligamento anular, para evitar su luxación durante el movimiento de prono-supinación. Artropatía de orígen desconocido, pero de morfología compatible con una artritis reumatoide (AR) unilateral.
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2018
Dental calculus, or calcified plaque, is a potential source of archaeological information relatin... more Dental calculus, or calcified plaque, is a potential source of archaeological information relating to the lives of past societies. The recovery and identification of organic microremains entrapped within dental calculus provide new data regarding diet, health and lifestyle. This paper presents, for the first time, microscopic evidence of the sporangium annulus of a fern within the dental calculus of an adult male from the medieval necropolis of Can Reiners (Balearic Islands, Spain). The sporangium evidence was compared with modern sporangia collected in northern Mallorca and the Iberian Peninsula. The results revealed that the features of the Can Reiners sporangium sample were compatible with the species Asplenium trichomanes. Through a historical and modern botanical literature review, it is known that this species has been widely regarded as a cure for kidney stones and alopecia. Moreover, this species was used as an expectorant, diuretic, and emmenagogue (herb which provokes menstruation or abortion). Considering that sporangia are attached to leaves and This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. when they are mature only spores are released in the air, the presence of the annulus within dental calculus provides direct evidence of the consumption of ferns by the population living in the Balearic Islands during the Middle Ages. Since the use of these plants as constituents of diet is not attested, we may suggest that they could be employed as medicinal plants.
HOMO - Journal of Comparative Human Biology, 2017
Occlusal characteristics, fundamental to assess the presence of malocclusion, have been often une... more Occlusal characteristics, fundamental to assess the presence of malocclusion, have been often unexplored in bioarchaeological analyses. This is largely due to the fragmented condition of the skeletal remains. By applying a method that considers dental and maxillary features useful to evaluate occlusion in ancient fragmentary material, the purpose of this work is to define the occlusal features and explore the causes of malocclusion in a medieval population from Mallorca. The findings of this study suggest that normocclusion was present in ca. 60% of the individuals (N=31), and that some characteristics, such as molar relationship, were slightly different from those of modern populations. The analysis of the occlusal features revealed for example that open-bite was absent in 85% of the sample, posterior open-bite was completely absent and overbite and overjet were normal in around 90% of the individuals. Statistically significant correlations between canine and molar relationships and between molar relationship and dental wear of the superior and inferior canines and incisors were observed. In addition, wear could affect the curve of Spee. All these findings strengthen the hypothesis that in ancient times malocclusion was not as generalized as in modern times. Although the factors that lead to malocclusion throughout centuries could have several causes, we suggest that in this population dental wear, which is strongly associated with the diet, was the fundamental causing factor.
Trabajos de Prehistoria, 2017
En el presente artículo se estudian las características genéticas de la población del yacimiento ... more En el presente artículo se estudian las características genéticas de la población del yacimiento talayótico de la Cova des Pas, que revelan una importante endogamia a nivel de ADN mitocondrial. La comparación con otras series contemporáneas de las Islas Baleares permite hipotetizar la existencia de grupos cerrados, con limitados linajes femeninos y necrópolis de difícil acceso, como esta. Tales comunidades contrastarían con otras más abiertas con un mayor intercambio de linajes femeninos situados en las zonas llanas centrales de Menorca.
Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2016
BACKGROUND: In ancient times, maternal mortality would occur frequently, particularly during labo... more BACKGROUND: In ancient times, maternal mortality would occur frequently, particularly during labor. Evidence of dystocia resulting in the death of a pregnant woman is very infrequent in paleopathologic literature, with only a few cases being demonstrated. CASE: In the early medieval site of Casserres, the skeleton of a young woman with a fetus in the pelvic region was found. Some abnormal findings of the maternal skeleton were evaluated, including a sacral anomaly, femoral head wound, the rare position of the lower left limb with the femoral head dislodged anteriorly and cephalad from the socket, and a fibular fracture. CONCLUSION: Examining the anomalies all together, a case of anterior hip dislocation related to a McRobertslike maneuver performed during labor is a plausible explanation of the findings.
RESUMEN Los traumatismos torácicos pueden provocar la muerte de forma directa o indirecta en homi... more RESUMEN Los traumatismos torácicos pueden provocar la muerte de forma directa o indirecta en homicidios, suicidios o accidentes. En antropología forense, la reconstrucción de los traumatismos torácicos ante la ausencia de tejidos blandos requiere conocimientos adecuados de los patrones de fractura de la parrilla costal. Los tipos de fractura que observamos en las costillas no están suficientemente explicados en la literatura médico forense clásica. Nuestro trabajo se ha centrado en la revisión de las lesiones por arma de fuego, traumatismos contusos y por arma blanca en la zona costal con la finalidad de simplificar este tema. Palabras clave: antropología forense, lesiones costales, lesiones parrilla costal, lesiones tórax.
DESCRIPTION The anthropological dental and maxillary study in human skeletal remains usually refe... more DESCRIPTION The anthropological dental and maxillary study in human skeletal remains usually refers to alterations or conditions of the oral cavity. These alterations could have repercussions on life style, dietary habits and diseases. In this particular context, dental occlusion is not often analyzed due to the fragmented condition of the remains, and especially due to the lack of methodology adapted to study ancient remains. The aim of this study is to propose an anthropological method based on clinical dental practice. In the method presented in this work, odontological parameters such as overjet, overbite, and Angle’s Classification of Malocclusion, are evaluated.
Papers by Assumpció Malgosa