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Attempt to reduce the problems of virtual reality to four key ideas.
The problem of perception in a virtual environment could be reformulated as: what can we learn in the philosophy of perception from a theory of " perception in virtual environments " , given the specific nature of that environment? It is obvious that the discourse goes in circles, because it is always from theories elaborated in the field of the so-called " real " that we develop the difference, but it is a process typically philosophical, which, on the other hand, can make sense only if it can be shown that the virtual is an existent being that has (is) an ontological structure of its own. It is thus distinguished by asking the elementary question: what are the elements that make it possible for one to perceive a virtual environment? How are difference and the subject-object relation constituted in virtual environments? What does it mean, in short, to perceive a virtual object? The answer to these simple questions may emerge from a phenomenology of the virtual body. In my paper, after having indicated the direction in which to think of the body endowed with technological prostheses, I can rethink it in terms of Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception. I will approach the specific notion of " virtual body " by preliminarily clarifying the qualities or features of any experience of virtuality; I will thus define the concept of virtual and eventually the concept of " virtual reality ". First of all, every experience of virtual reality is multimedia and interactive. The multimediality feature indicates the peculiar representational richness of a mediated environment that may be accounted for as made up of two factors: wideness (quantity: number of senses which are simultaneously involved), and deepness (quality of perceptions, or sensory information). Furthermore, the interactivity feature designates «how much the users interact in the 1 For further reading please see Roberto Diodato, Aesthetics of the Virtual, revised and edited by S.
Virtual Reality and Its Application in Education, 2021
UMI Dissertations A Bell & Howell Information & Learning, 2000
Virtual reality (VR) is examined in principle as an interface concept and in practice as computational communications media. A Delphi forecasting method is used to support a theoretical core of natural and critical philosophy. The virtual world is seen to be ideal for supporting an understanding of how we construct objects of consciousness. We actively construct these objects. Virtuality supports awareness of the active nature of perception and awareness that all experience is constructed. Virtuality suggests fluid boundaries and dissolution of difference, with a synchronous intermingling of inner self with outer world. Traditional categories are too limiting. Virtuality suggests a qualitative change in the environment of thought. A qualitative change in thought suggests a qualitative change in the nature of consciousness. Beneath a change of age lies a change of thought. Virtuality supports reflection upon intentionality and the role these new media play in supporting cognitive appreciation, or 'mindfulness,' of the connections between action and experience. Freedom and choice are seen to be foundational, with attendant accountability and responsibility attached. Seen in this light, everything is at stake. Virtuality is the intentional, technologically mediated effort to amplify, to extend, and to manifest intentionality by extending experience. Virtual objects are acts of volition. They are minded information. The teleology of virtual reality media is to point to the inscription of media as intention. The thrust towards experiential, tangible manipulation of virtuality aims to extend our understanding of the role of intentionality in the creation and apprehension of the subtleties of reality. Virtuality inscribes a novel re-presentation of the theoretical concepts of the natural philosophy of the early twentieth century. These created a profound paradigm shift in the intellectual and philosophical apprehensions of reality and consciousness. VR media embed this re-presentation into the collective mind. These principles condition basic assumptions of this age and take on global cultural significance. Virtuality provides dynamic indication and sensate feeling of the demise of a mechanistic, deterministic, and linear paradigm. i
Virtual Reality systems have drawn much attention by researchers and companies in the last few years. Virtual Reality is a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds. Interactivity and its captivating power, contribute to the feeling of being the part of the action on the virtual safe environment, without any real danger. So, Virtual Reality has been a promising technology applicable in various domains of application such as training simulators, medical and health care, education, scientific visualization, and entertainment industry. Virtual reality can lead to state of the art technologies like Second Life, too. Like many advantageous technologies, beside opportunities of Virtual Reality and Second Life, inevitable challenges appear, too. This paper is a technical brief on Virtual Reality technology, issues and its challenges
In today's world we are surrounded by a wonderful array of technologies. We have assimilated many of these technologies into our everyday lives. Increasingly, these different technologies are becoming integrated to provide new capabilities and services. And most frequently a computer is the heart of this integration. This is the case with Virtual Reality-a so-called technology which actually is a very sophisticated integration of a number of technologies.Virtual Reality (VR), sometimes called Virtual Environments (VE) has drawn much attention in the last few years. Extensive media coverage causes this interest to grow rapidly. Very few people, however, really know what VR is, what its basic principles and its open problems are. In this paper aoverview of virtual reality is presented, basic terminology and classes of VR systems are listed, followed by applications of this technology in science, work, and entertainment areas. An insightful study of typical VR systems is done. All components of VR application and interrelations between them are thoroughly examined: input devices, output devices and software. Additionally human factors and their implication on the design issues of VE are discussed. Finally, the future of VR is considered in two aspects: technological and social.
Abstract Twentieth-century art favors an aesthetic no longer oriented to beauty (which is associated with harmony and unity), but to “sublime”. Immersion by itself is a triumph of the experience the sublime offers over a detached viewpoint of the object-artwork; it mobilizes the entire human body seeking to offer a full experience, which is essential for the artwork to move us; it can fill us, though, with awe and make us weak-willed beings that accept without criticism the value system and the ideological choices inherent in the artwork. Virtual worlds are increasingly seductive, and people immersing in them end up perceiving reality through the lenses of virtual reality; and wanting to create a reality resembling virtual reality. The current paper attempts to investigate how it is possible to achieve a kind of immersion that allows for a full experience not marginalizing thought. It will provide an in-depth analysis of the nature of immersion, and of the means used to achieve it. This will help highlight which kind and which “quantity” of immersion has to be sought for, in order not to provoke adverse and unwanted results, such as the creation of the feeling of uncanny, or create empty signifiers, that make us loose interest in the artwork.
This paper will discuss the ethical proponents of Virtual Reality by casting light two film theorists who had opposing conceptions of VR.
Virtual Reality is a hot catch phrase in pop culture, mass media, and academics. Modern Western culture seems taken with the idea of a total technology of representation. The idea of VR is to technologically 'trick' the mind so that it perceives the body as existing in another place. Such a technological proposition has caused a glut of speculation and commentary on the future of computers and communication technology. This project is a critical reaction to this popular cultural interest, a philosophical discussion of idealized VR and the culture that conceives of it. VR proposes a method for technologically extending the individual mind from the body and uniting social minds in electronic space, a separation of mind and body. The metaphysical and epistemological implications of this proposition are discussed in relation to the VR 'Ideal Type'. This analysis seeks to examine what the fundamental implications of an ideal VR system are, how this technology proposes to alter our perception of reality and existence, by asking key philosophical questions: How does VR restructure our environment and perceptions of reality? Does improved communication technology mean better or more democratic human communication? Does VR extend our comprehension of knowledge? And finally, does VR dehumanize or enhance our humanity? In examining these issues, the body of this project is an ethical proposition for analyzing VR, with the end of policy formation ultimately in mind. In examining ideal VR, this project also more generally seeks to critique advancing communication technology and the breakdown of meaning in the modern hyperreal world.
The last century has been a period of time during which humanity witnessed technologically revolutionary developments. We can say that the aspect of these developments which penetrated into human life to the greatest extent is the innovations and inventions experienced in field of digital technology. Apparently, the effect of this occurred technological rise that increases human life comfort is not only visible in many fields, but also felt in the context of interior space. The increase in new materials and production diversity based of technological development, emergence of techniques and strategies which support the design process are also included in such changes. Some other approaches including digital based CAD/CAM programs, 2D, 3D modeling, animation, virtual image production and virtual reality practices may also be specified within the instruments belonging to this strategy. Particularly, the fact that virtual reality enables to experience physical world in realistic sense and makes progress in mobilization points out that this technology would be critically important in the forthcoming process. Intervention of virtuality into experiencing the real space in this way may be stated as a natural selection of architecture in a sense. The purpose of this study to discuss the use of virtual reality as an interior interface and to scrutinize technically that how can virtual reality devices be used for this purpose. Elements that constitute the general structure of the study are the experience of interior organization in the virtual environment and the role of virtuality in the space-human interaction as an interface. In this context, the effect created by three-dimensional diving into the synthetic environment and virtual experience of different spatial probabilities created are mentioned. Also, the historical development of virtual reality technology and examples, the use of the interface concept and expressing at the interior point constitute another approach.
Institute Of Economic Development And Social Researches Publications®, 2024
Haaretz - Sfarim, 2007
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, 2019
To be published as an article in an Int Journal
Archeologische Berichten Nijmegen – Rapport 119, 2024
Sciences Humaines, 2024
Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 2016
Journal of Animal Science, 2015
Revista de Enfermagem UFPE on line, 2014
Chemical biology & drug design, 2017
Memoria Ecclesiae, 2020
Biophysical Journal, 2010
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi, 2018
La Incorporacion De Los Valores De La Arquitectura Vernacula En La Ensenanza De La Arquitectura En Ix Foro Internacional Sobre La Evaluacion De La Calidad De La Investigacion Y De La Educacion Superior Santiago De Compostela 12 15 De Junio De 2012 Pag 1069 1074 Asociacion Espanola De Psicologia C..., 2012