Byzantine Hagiography
Recent papers in Byzantine Hagiography
Taft R. F. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. [A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II]. Roma, 1975. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta;... more
Often simply called the Holy Mountain, Mount Athos was the most famous center of Byzantine monasticism and remains the spiritual heart of the Orthodox Church today. This volume presents the Lives of Euthymios the Younger, Athanasios of... more
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En 2011, avec le volume À la recherche du temps sacré, J. Le Goff essaya d’expliquer la perception médiévale du temps en s’appuyant sur un des « best-sellers » du Moyen Âge occidental, La légende dorée de Jacques de Voragine : au-delà de... more
La littérature hagiographique d’époque tardo-antique et byzantine conserve le souvenir, historique ou légendaire, de nombreux martyrs, en particulier en Asie Mineure où fut déclenchée la dernière persécution générale des... more
This short article tentatively explores the nature of different "levels of style" in the Greek of five works belonging to the hagiographical and monastic literature of Late Antiquity, by investigating the distribution of different... more
In his article the author presents an overview of the entire corpus of Byzantine multistrophic ecclesiastical hymns — canons and kontakia — dedicated to Saint Nicholas. Without any doubt, for the Byzantine hymnographers Nicholas of Myra... more
The Passio of St Sebastian and his companions published by Migne in PG 116 (cols. 793-816) under the name of Symeon Metaphrastes is in reality an abridgment of the text found in Metaphrastic December meno¬logia. The source used by... more
The anonymous author of the “Life of Michael Synkellos” in his account about the act of confession of the brothers Theodore and Theophanus Graptoi uses a genuine document, a letter of Theodore, where the confessor describes what he and... more
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Anthropophagy in Medieval Sicily: a cultural theme between chronicle and representation. Anthropophagy is the consumption of human flesh and the most extreme form of destruction of the human body, a physical violence which is the... more
The medieval notion of the body embraced phenomena spanning two extremes – the holy and the corruptible. In seeking to analyze it, we have considered the views of the body and corporeality in medieval Serbia, taking also into account both... more
Біблійна герменевтика ґрунтується на богодухновенності та христоцентричності Св. Письма. Обидва ці положення виведені завдяки найголовнішому способу тлумачення сакральних текстів – герменевтичному колу. В Євангеліях за допомогою... more
The journal publishes scientific articles on the problems of the Greek language, literature and culture throughout their historical existence: from Ancient Greek and Byzantine literature, culture and language to the Modern Greek period.... more
The Byzantine Southern Italy (876-1071) consisted of the themes of Longobardia (modern Apulia), Lucania (modern Basilicata) and Calabria, is the least studied region of the Byzantine Empire. After the Byzantine reconquest of this region... more
DOBRUDJA IN OTTOMAN TIMES: THE KAZA OF HÂRȘOVA (16TH C) Abstract The Ottoman chancery documents, such as defters, orders, regulations, are a key source for studying Dobrudja under Ottoman rule, revealing its administrative, military and... more
By Hay Horom (i. e. Armenian Orthodox) Hieromonk Cosmas Synaxarion preserved in the Gospel of the year 1203 (№ 99 of Kyurtian collection in Library of Mechitarists in Venice) is a calendar with commemoration of saints and the fests of all... more
[résumé français ci-dessous] This article contains the edition of an encomium of the five martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugenius, Mardarius and Orestes (BHG 646b), together with an English translation. The text is preserved in a single... more
Julian the Apostate in Johannes Antiochenus. Uncorrected draft of a paper forthcoming in A. Marcone (ed.), L'imperatore Giuliano. Realtà storica e rappresentazione. Firenze: Le Monnier, 2015. This paper anticipates a few conclusions of... more
The paper examines Byzantine views on different types of social and religious outcasts – holy fools, imaginary Ethiopians (blacks), heretics, infidels (Jews and Muslims), women – and the attitudes of the Byzantines towards the others.... more
Some pieces of Syriac literary production have gained a relative popularity among the scholars, although their fate is marked with different sorts of prejudices and no clear idea about their literary specificity has been made. This is the... more
Доклад «’’Звенигородский чин” прп. Андрея Рублева: современные проблемы изучения» на III Чтениях памяти В.А. Плугина на историческом факультете МГУ 14 ноября 2017 г. В докладе полностью доказана по данным всего комплекса источников... more
On the basis of liturgical manuscripts the author makes an attempt to clarify the date of liturgical commemoration of Diadochus of Photica, the exact day of which has hitherto remained controversial. The author analyzes the studies of... more
The cult of St George in the Eastern Mediterranean is one of the most extraordinary examples of cohabitation among different religious communities. For a long time, Greek Orthodox, Latins, and Muslims shared shrines dedicated to the... more
Review, Saints and Sacred Matter: The Cult of Relics in Byzantium and Beyond ed. by Cynthia Hahn and Holger A. Klein. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection, 2015, 376 pp. ISBN: 978-0-88402-406-4, Hardback, £71.95, in: Journal of... more
del cosiddetto «Menologio Imperiale» (BHG e BHG Nov. Auct. 1410m) 3 e dalle versioni in lingua slava, georgiana, armena e araba 4 . Dal personaggio di Menia, leggendaria fondatrice di Taormina e protagonista di uno degli episodi più noti... more
Autorka prezentowanej pracy stawia sobie za cel przybliżenie szerszemu kręgowi odbiorców sylwetki księżnej kijowskiej Olgi (X w.), pierwszej władczyni Rusi Kijowskiej, która przyjęła chrzest i podjęła próbę chrystianizacji Słowiańszczyzny... more
The so-called "miracle of the black leg", in which Saints Cosmas and Damian miraculously perform the first leg transplant, was made famous by Jacobus de Voragine's "Legenda aurea" and has been a source of inspiration for artists and... more