Recent papers in Ethnography
Auto-ethnographies tracing the fieldwork encounters of anthropologists have become integral to understand the processes of the ethnographic endeavor. In ethnomusicology, ethnographic methodology remains the sine qua non distinguishing our... more
What are the legacies of violence on gendered patterns of political representation? We examine the long-term effects of a watershed conflict of the twentieth century: the Khmer Rouge genocide, during which 50–70% of Cambodia’s working-age... more
39. Kongress der DGS: Komplexe Dynamiken; Komplexe Dynamiken zwischen Medizin und Alltagswelt. Wiederkehr, Verschwinden oder Entfremdung des Selbst? Ereignishafte Figurationen des Unbestimmten in der Behandlung von Patienten durch die... more
This thesis aims to contribute to the discussion of everyday multiculturalism focusing on El Raval, a neighbourhood in Barcelona with a growing presence of Pakistani migrants. Among immigrant populations in Barcelona, Pakistanis are most... more
On the Shoulders of Grandmothers won the 2020 Mirra Komavrsky Book Award from the Eastern Sociological Society (ESS). Through in-depth interviews and ethnographic work with migrant grandmothers caring for the elderly in Italy and... more
The Early Music movement has generated a shift in performance practices of Western Art music and in its pedagogy. Musical analysis, if it became a key in the production of Historically Informed Performances, was always accompanied by a... more
This article analyzes the experience of one of the author's acquaintances, who served almost a month in jail and compares the mechanisms within a current Italian prison with those described in the classics of ethnography and sociology of... more
Jordan, Mandy M. Building Resiliency: The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in the Trauma-Affected Community of Santa Fe, Texas. Master of Science (Applied Anthropology), August 2021, 205 pp., 2 tables, 15 figures, 8 appendices,... more
Review of Alex E. Chávez, Sounds of Crossing: Music, Migration and the Aural Poetics of Huapango Arribeño. 2017.. Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies, 3(2), pp.170–171.
Abstract: This study elaborates the cultural categories of meanings used by seventh-graders at a junior high school to describe their teachers. It examines the common expressions students used in open-ended interviews to describe their... more
The goal of this unit is to build into the mindset of the students a sociocultural and anthropological understanding of space and place. The key method that this unit aims to provide the students with centers around the notion of empathy... more
MER. 23.10.2019 | JEU. 24.10.2019
MER. 23.10.2019 | JEU. 24.10.2019
Wie viele Sprachen gibt es auf unserer Erde? Wie verschieden sind sie voneinander? Wie hängen sie miteinander zusammen, wie beeinflussen sie sich gegenseitig, wie sind sie miteinander verwandt -- und was heißt "verwandt" bei Sprachen... more
The book charts the attempts of Islam's largest missionary movement, the Tablighi Jamaat (TJ), to build Europe's biggest mosque in London – the so-called Mega Mosque. The book follows TJ from its founding in India in 1926, to its... more
The twenty-first century workplace compels Americans to be more flexible. To embrace change, work with unpredictable schedules, be available 24/7, and take charge of one's own career. What are the wider implications of these pressures for... more
Votive objects or ex-votos are a broad category of material artifacts produced with the intention of being offered as acts of faith. Common across historical periods, religions, and cultures, they are presented as tokens of gratitude for... more
What is ethnomusicology? What is it that ethnomusicologists do? In which ways are ethnomusicologists initiated into the musical culture that they study? How do musical performance and experience help us understand a musical culture?... more
MID-LENT (MIJINQ) AND THE FEAST OF THE FORTY MARTYRS OF SEBASTE IN THE ARMENIAN CHURCH AND FOLK CALENDARS In the Armenian folk calendar Mid-Lent (Mijinq) and the feast of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste belong to the winter-spring... more
Puţine sunt manifestările de civilizaţie tradiţională care să suscite atât de mult interes dar şi să se păstreze vii până astăzi, precum s-a întâmplat cu Târgul de pe Muntele Găina. Faptul se datorează întâi de toate complexităţii lui... more
This thesis is a study of Tottenham High Road, and how the urban blocks which comprise its depth are composed. Depth has a number of components: architecture, space and time; depth is the armature in which people live their social lives,... more
Human culture and language are deeply intertwined. Anthropologists would have difficulty understanding a culture without becoming familiar with its language and vice versa. In fact, neither one can exist without the other. Like culture,... more
Peacebuilding presents a formidable challenge to anthropology, because it “enframes” our contemporary world in particular ways. In our introduction to the special section on peacebuilding and anthropology we highlight the changing... more
South Asia is a region with unity in diversity, having at least twenty different dominant languages and over two hundred basic dialects. And yet, most of South Asia continues to remain economically poor and "developing" with gender... more
Resumen: en los sistemas religiosos de inspiración afro, como el espiritismo cruzao, la santería, el palo monte y el vodou, entre otros, la oralidad ocupa un lugar relevante. Esto se puede apreciar en diferentes niveles, como la enseñanza... more
Conducting an online ethnography involves applying ethnography to virtual and/or digital settings.
"In recent projects I have used flip cameras with participants from ethnic minority communities who were recording their experience of adult learning as enrichment. In another project we used more expensive cameras in a health setting in... more
In this article, a researcher and collaborator present stories about the second author's survival during the Holocaust. They propose that their approach of collaborative witnessing is a form of "relational autoethnography" that allows... more
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. No part of this book may be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, electrostatic,... more
This chapter builds on the final section of the last, continuing the focus on female workers. Bodies in space form the primary emphasis of the chapter. This involves an exploration of the relationship between bodies and work and also an... more
VITA Life in a Zone of Social Abandonment With photographs by Torben Eskerod Updated Blurb (2013) Zones of social abandonment are emerging everywhere in Brazil’s big cities—places like Vita, where the unwanted, the mentally ill, the... more
Asupra omului văzut ca entitate dinamică cu tendinţe de perfecţionare (intelectuală, socială, economică) acţionează concomitent o serie de rituri cu valenţe diverse, uneori chiar contrare. Astfel, integrarea într-un nou context nu se... more