Exile Literature
Recent papers in Exile Literature
At some point between the writing of 1 and 2 Corinthians, there has been a significant falling out between Paul and some in the Corinthian Christian community. As a result, Paul leaves Corinth with the intention of returning to deal with... more
Letter to the Editor: Amerisov— is a vicious anti-Soviet emigre who is a master distortionist.
Cuadernos Dieciochistas es una revista en la que los artículos recibidos serán evaluados por revisores externos mediante el sistema conocido como de doble ciego. La revista figura en el directorio LATINDEX y en el portal Dialnet. Además,... more
As the advent of the 'postmodern' and theoretically appointed 'postcolonial' ages have brought to the forefront of academic attention, the global history of First Peoples has been mired and desecrated by countless aspects of... more
Este artículo analiza los testimonios: En estado de memoria de Tununa Mercado (1994), Una sola muerte numerosa de Nora Strejilevich (1997), Sueños sobrevivientes de una montonera: a pesar de la ESMA de Susana Jorgelina Ramus (2000) y... more
Lors de la publication de l’Enfant noir en 1953, la domination coloniale française en Guinée s’essouffle en raison de la contestation de la population, des prises de position des leaders syndicalistes et des auteurs anticolonialistes.... more
Eine Seminararbeit über die Exil- und Migrationsliteratur des russischen Exilautoren Vladimir Nabokov und des albanischen Autoren Gazmend Kapllani. Angefertigt für ein Seminar zu Albanischer Literatur. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem... more
This article focuses on France as a refuge for unaccompanied Central European Jewish children on the eve of World War II. Contrary to the United Kingdom, which accepted 10,000 Jewish children through Kindertransport, only 350-450 children... more
Este artículo discutirá la participación de las voces femeninas en la producción y debate de la cultura chilena en el exilio en quizás la más importante y prestigiosa publicación de este tipo: la revista Araucaria de Chile publicada en... more
Il saggio intende dimostrare che, subito dopo la pubblicazione, da parte di Alberico Gentili, dei De iuris interpretibus Dialogi sex (1582) e delle Lectiones et Epistolae (1583-1584) i rapporti fra Jean Hotman e il giurista di San Ginesio... more
Although the first world, as seen through the lens of academia, seems to be prospering, and the third world has found its own place in the postcolonial intellectual order, the post-cold war world of semi-peripheries in East and Central... more
En décembre 2019 j'ai soutenu à l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne ma thèse de doctorat intitulée "La Performativité dans l'oeuvre et la pratique artistique de Gao Xingjian". Dans ce document, on peut lire une courte présentation de... more
Exilul, înscrierea voită în axa nemiloasă a uitării, implică sfâșietoarea luptă între două lumi: cea veche cu orânduirea sa generoasa și cea nouă cu precarități și cioburi de vieți și vise adunate într-o batistă. Uneori fuga însăși,... more
Deadline September 30st, 2020
Journée d'étude des programmes Migrobjets (INALCO) et Non-lieux de l'exil en partenariat avec le festival Migrant'scènes / La Cimade, pour le solo "SICILIA" de Clyde Chabot (La communauté inavouable). 21 novembre 2016
Џојсова драма Изгнаници (1918) сматра се његовим најмање успешним делом, нарочито када се упореди са комплексношћу симбола и техником „тока свести“ коју Џојс мајсторски експлоатише у романима Портрет уметника у младости, Уликс и... more
This paper deals with literature written in places that are different from the origin places of authors. Exile literature, diaspora literature and other kinds of displacement literature are included within the concept of ectopic... more
The history of American expatriation in post-World War II Paris offers a rich archive through which to explore historical tensions between notions of freedom and citizenship. Less known is that this history offers a valuable lens through... more
Cartographies of Exile: A New Spatial Literacy (Routledge, 2016) proposes a constitutive relationship between exile and mapping. It seeks to understand the cartographic imperative inherent in the exilic condition, the exilic impulses... more
Bremmer offers a much-needed reassessment of the career and biography of the famous outlaw. Asking “what national or ethnic sen- timents did the author [of the Gesta] entertain in his description of Hereward?” Bremmer concludes that he... more
Este libro aspira a recoger y analizar de modo crítico la complejidad de la poesía de los exiliados republicanos de 1939. En este sentido, su horizonte de expectativas no se limita al establecimiento de un relato que clausure las... more
idioma no importa, ros hombres ribres hablan su |engua" """""176 M.LourdesPradesArtigasyRamónNayaOrtega Reescribiendo Guadalaiara' El-tratamiento iconográfico de la Guerra Civit espanoi" "n lo" primeros'if,t"to" OJel Legionario""l9l... more
A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book... more
Resumen: A propósito de la celebración del bimilenario de la muerte de Ovidio, acaecida el 17 d.C., me propongo analizar el exilio del poeta como un fenómeno histórico con resonancias literarias y culturales. A partir de las formas de... more
Mahmoud Darwish, palestinernes nasjonalpoet, skrev om savn, krig, flukt og eksil. Hans livshistorie rommet den palestinske kampen, og poesien manifesterer lengselen og lidelsen som banker i alle eksilhjerter: “an incurable malady called... more
George M. Hoellering (1897-1980) was born the 20th July1897 as Georg Michael Höllering in Baden, Austria-Hungary, near Vienna. At the beginning of the 1920’s he moved to Berlin, , and worked in the film industry in different jobs, as... more
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En este estudio se analizan las figuraciones y construcciones de la voz poética en la obra de Tamara Kamenszain, en relación con su experiencia en el exilio y la necesidad de reconstruir una memoria tanto individual como colectiva en el... more
The present thesis is a study of how body and space interrelate in the novel La Plaça del Diamant (1962) by the Catalan writer Mercè Rodoreda (1908-1983). I will in the following argue that these relations are important effects of the... more
In this essay, I argue that the publication of this book opened up a symbolic space for Jewish immigrants in the lettered culture of Buenos Aires and also in the future of the country. Paradoxically, this is achieved, not through... more