History of Life Sciences
Recent papers in History of Life Sciences
In this essay I examine Kant's analogy with life from §65 of the Critique of the power of Judgment. I argue that this analogy is central for understanding his notion of a natural end, for his account of the formative power of organisms in... more
Operational Excellence has succeeded in employing innovation initiatives while avoiding waste, improving customer experiences, and keeping processes in control.
Contributors to this theme issue examine the history of the life sciences at the Botanical Gardens in Bogor (Kebun Raya Bogor) in Indonesia. Each of the essays in this theme issue focusses on a major transformation that the garden, its... more
Around 1800, several natural philosophers admitted the existence of `imponderable' (weightless) fluids: special fluids which, when added to ordinary, 'ponderable' matter were expected to explain a wide range of phenomena. Depending on the... more
Resumen. Propósito: identificar, en la obra del filósofo francés Michel Foucault, el uso del concepto diagnóstico como un instrumento de comprensión de las identidades individuales y colectivas en el mundo contemporáneo y su relación con... more
We edited and translated a so far unpublished manuscript ("Sur la generation des insectes et d'autres petits animaux") drafted by Leibniz in 1714. The text is written on the same paper of the first draft of the "Monadology" and, as we... more
_The Physiology of Love and Other Writings_ is the first English annotated collection of Mantegazza’s selected works. In my extensive introductory essay, Mantegazza’s hybrid contributions from fiction, travel-writing, and ethnography to... more
La forme vitale est-elle virtuellement fixée dans le germe ou se détermine-t-elle au cours du devenir embryonnaire ? Dans les années 1880, Wilhelm Roux cherche à résoudre ce problème par la création de l’embryologie expérimentale. Au... more
L'impatto dirompente della teoria di Darwin sull'ipotesi di un disegno divino in natura è un'immagine che ha scarso bisogno di illustrazione. Si ritiene comunemente, in ambito extra-accademico ma non solo, 2 che prima del 1859 naturalisti... more
Empedocles-the-scientist got a minoritarian attention, and this paper was meant to do something in order to redress the situation. Two preliminary questions are addressed here at the beginning: (1) how folklore, speculation and 'science'... more
For some years, many publications are suggesting a return of Lamarck due to the findings of epigenetics, because this research field seems to dust off the idea of the inheritance of acquired characters. A closer look to the history of... more
De mi r i ş2 0 0 2 De mi r i ş , B e d i a , E s k i ç a ğ d aYa z ıAr a çv eGe r e ç l e r i , E s k i ç a ğ E n s t i t ü s üYa y ı n l a r ı , İ s t a n b u l . E r g i n ö z2 0 0 7 -2 0 0 8 E r g i n ö z ,Ga y eŞ . ," Hi t i t l e r i... more
This is an inquiry into the meaning of "soul itself" in Aristotle. It is argued that (i) the soul itself is the first explanatory principle of the science of living things. (ii) the soul itself contrasts with the "per se accidents" of... more
An essay commissioned for a history of science project that never got published. Some revisions since then.
1 ère conférence : Chercher à comprendre la nature : une histoire vieille comme l'humanité 1 Résumé.-L'être humain s'est toujours interrogé sur la nature, il a toujours cherché à comprendre ses propres origines et, pour cela, il a élaboré... more
In the following paper, an account of Charles Darwin’s ideas on the topic of animal mind and its evolution is provided. After a survey of Darwin’s reflections on the relationship between instincts and intelligence from the “Notebooks” to... more
The topic of my Ph.D. dissertation is the debate over the origin of animal instincts in nineteenth-century Britain. I focus on the emergence of the evolutionary explanations of animal mind, in close comparison with the previously... more
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
L'origine de la vie est une question de toujours. Après avoir brossé un historique des visions anciennes de cette origine, les diverses théories scientifiques seront données, depuis celle de la « soupe primitive » d'Oparine et de Haldane,... more
In this work I explore the interrelationships between metaphors, techno-cultural environments and theories in the life sciences. Essentially, the thesis of the Metaphoric Body deals with a multi-directional interactive metaphor.... more
Increasingly, a range of 'things' (e.g. infrastructure, data, knowledge, bodies, etc.) are configured and/or reconfigured as assets, or capitalized property. Accumulation strategies have changed as a result of this assetization process,... more
Cette conférence sera consacrée à une vue d'ensemble de la structure du vivant. Après un aspect historique de la théorie cellulaire, les connaissances actuelles concernant les cellules, constituants primordiaux de la matière vivante,... more
Invasion Biology, the study of biota redistributed via human agency, has traditionally traced its founding to Charles Elton’s 1958 book The Ecology of invasions by Animals and Plants. But there were many substantial, scientific... more
H. G. Wells was one of the most celebrated writers in the world during the first half of the twentieth century. Famed for his innovative fiction, he was also an influential advocate of socialism and the world state. What is much less... more
e d e c o n f é r e n c e s 2 0 0 4 Vendredi 15 octobre 2004 1.-JARDINS BOTANIQUES ET HISTOIRE DE LA MÉDECINE 1.1.
L'exposé sera consacré à l'importance de la génétique dans le développement de la théorie de l'évolution. Contemporain de Darwin, Gregor Mendel énonce les premières lois de la génétique qui, redécouvertes au début du XXème siècle,... more
The analogy of human beings to plants is widespread in ancient medical and biological writing, clustering, in particular, in embryological texts. But the stakes of the analogy and what it makes visible are raised, as more attention is... more
The first section of this paper discusses the Greek notions of parthenos (virgin), and parthenia (virginity). More precisely, I will revisit the arguments made in Le Corps virginal (1986: Paris: Vrin), a book translated into English, as... more
This article is the first one to offer an investigation, from a biological perspective, of “natural philia” or “kin-based” philia (commonly translated as “friendship”) in Aristotle’s practical philosophy. After some preliminary... more
Personne d'autre [que Descartes] n'a expliqué mécaniquement toutes les actions de l'homme, et principalement celles du cerveau ; les autres nous découvrirent l'homme même ; M. Descartes ne nous parle que d'une machine qui pourtant nous... more
Spiace doverlo dichiarare, ma è molto improprio dire che Parmenide è stato il grande filosofo dell'essere. Questa idea di Parmenide è il frutto di sedimentazioni millenarie e si traduce in una immagine molto (= insopportabilmente)... more
Cette conférence sera consacrée à l'évolution de la théorie de l'évolution. Après avoir rappelé les grandes lignes de la théorie synthétique qui décrit l'évolution des espèces par le gradualisme, seront exposées d'autres théories, telle... more
My main claim is that the teachings of Anaximander are much better knowable than they actually appear, since a number of his teachings have the privilege of being almost transparent in their predicative content as well as in their logic.... more
This paper is a discussion of the way natural history film-making got institutionalised on television as a culture of knowledge production, in Great Britain in the post-war period. It is centred on an examination of the establishment and... more
The Siku quanshu’s claim that Chinese medical learning split into rival schools in the Jin (1115–1234) and Yuan (1260–1368) periods has misled generations of historians. By reappraising conceptions of illness, textual forms, and... more
Résumé : Dans cet article nous souhaitons montrer comment la connaissance approfondie que Canguilhem avait de la tératologie expérimentale a contribué à ses analyses des concepts d’anomalie et d’anormalité. Dans la première partie... more
This article deals with the role played by few objects in the studies of Natural History from the 17th to the mid-20th century. In particular, several scientifi c instruments and physical techniques relevant for the development of... more
Che il darwinismo abbia reso più difficile scorgere l’esistenza di un disegno in natura, è un luogo comune entrato ormai a far parte della cultura popolare. Negli ultimi decenni la ricerca storica ha tuttavia mostrato i limiti di una... more