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In recent years, slavery has been redefined in new frames that emphasizes the enslaved’s perspective. This change brings a new morality that denounces the process of victimization of the enslaved. But these narratives are permeated by... more
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      AnthropologyCultural HeritageBlack/African DiasporaHuman Remains (Anthropology)
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      Forensic PsychologyForensic AnthropologyForensic ScienceDeath Studies
In Central Europe, human remains from the Magdalenian are a rare phenomenon. In Central and Western Europe, these remains are usually fragmented and often manipulated. The discovery of 50 human bone fragments from Maszycka Cave in the... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyPhysical AnthropologyHuman Remains (Anthropology)Magdalenian
This article will query the ethics of making and displaying photographs of human remains. In particular, we will focus on the role of photography in constituting human remains as specimens, and the centrality of the creation and... more
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      HistorySociologyPhotographyHuman Remains (Anthropology)
After attending this presentation, attendees will better understand current cadaver dog training practices in the United Kingdom, how trained cadaver dogs react to individual odors associated with decomposition, and how results indicated... more
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      DecompositionHuman Remains (Anthropology)Victim recoveryForensic Taphonomy
In an effort to make well-reasoned determinations of cultural affiliation for Utah's state NAGPRA law, a number of radiocarbon accelerator mass spectrometry dates were run on human remains that had been recovered from state and private... more
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      Human Remains (Anthropology)Great Basin ArchaeologyUtah HistoryHuman remains in Archaeology
Excavations at Cova Bonica (Barcelona, Spain) have revealed 98 human remains, grouped into five age clusters and corresponding to a minimum of six non-articulated individuals. The remains are clearly associated with Cardial pottery,... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyTaphonomyHuman Remains (Anthropology)Early Neolithic
Examining the dark and violent world of the trade in albino body parts, this film investigates the practice by interviewing albinos who have survived attacks, family members who have lost loved ones, and traditional healers.
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      AfricaMagicHuman Remains (Anthropology)Albinism
Despite an increasing literature on the decomposition of human remains, whether buried or exposed, it is important to recognise the role of specific microenvironments which can either trigger or delay the rate of decomposition. Recent... more
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      ForensicsForensic AnthropologyForensic ScienceArchaeological Science
Background and aim: In recent years, archaeologists and anthropologists involved in the study of human remains have had to take into consideration ethical issues, which have come to the fore. The aim of this study is to illustrate the... more
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    • Human Remains (Anthropology)
This chapter is concerned with the human rights of the deceased victims of mass atrocity. It addresses these rights in the context of forensic anthropological work to establish the individual and collective identities of the victims. This... more
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      Forensic AnthropologyBioethicsForensic ScienceMuseum Studies
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      HistoryIndigenous StudiesWorld HistoryColonialism
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      Physical AnthropologyHuman Remains (Anthropology)Repatriation of Indigenous Human RemainsHistory of Physical Anthropology in Germany
Controversy about museums’ possession and exhibition of human remains has usually affected those identified as ancestral remains by indigenous peoples. Egyptian mummies, with their long tradition of exhibition, seemed exempt from such... more
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      EgyptologyEthicsMedia AnthropologyVictorian cultural studies
Zusammenfassung -Vorgestellt werden die borealzeitlichen Tierund Menschenreste aus dem kleinen "Abri am Galgenberg,, bei Beratzhausen in der Oberpfalz (Bayem), nördlich der Donau gelegen, die zusammen mit frühmesolithischen Stein... more
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyMesolithic/Epipalaeolithic ArchaeologyHuman Remains (Anthropology)Mesolithic Europe
THIS IS THE LAST LESSON OF THE COURSE Archaeology of Death E-learning Dear Colleagues, As the Covid-19 safety measures are limiting our communication, please use the following web link to download presentation of the Archaeology of Death... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyEthicsIndigenous or Aboriginal Studies
The author presents an ecological-necrological perspective on the ontology of the human dead body and remains in the context of Holocaust studies. The article examines the environmental history of mass graves and reflects on the... more
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      Soil ScienceHuman Remains (Anthropology)Mass GravesHumus
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyHuman Remains (Anthropology)Iron Age
Alongside research concerning the provenance of human remains and ethical issues, a scientific discourse about repatriation must also take into account political questions. Remains of the dead have always been effective political symbols... more
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      Death and Burial (Archaeology)Human Remains (Anthropology)Repatriation (Archaeology)Repatriation of Indigenous Human Remains
This book examines the sometimes fraught interactions and relationships between contemporary Pagan groups and archaeological heritage managers in the first decade and a half of the 21st century. It uses ethnographic field research,... more
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      ArchaeologyEthicsCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
To download click here : "A pesar del importante corpus documental producido en el campo de los Genocide Studies –y paradójicamente cuando se piensa en el modo en que se desarrollaron los... more
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      HistoryCriminologyAnthropologyForensic Anthropology
Authors: Layla Renshaw, Marina Álamo Bryan, Zuzanna Dziuban and Claire Moon.

Independent Social Research Foundation Bulletin (ISRF), Issue XXI: The Secret Life of Objects, July 2020
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      Forensic AnthropologyHuman RightsDNA (Forensic Science)Holocaust Studies
For the first time a 3D-print was produced from a human bog body. The famous Yde-girl from the collection of the Drents Museum in Assen (The Netherlands) was taken as example to investigate the possibilities and limitations of scanning... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyRoman HistoryLandscape Archaeology
Controversy about museums ’ possession and exhibition of human remains has usually affected those identified as ancestral remains by indigenous peo-ples. Egyptian mummies, with their long tradition of exhibition, seemed exempt from such... more
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      EgyptologyEthicsArtMedia Anthropology
Course Objectives • Attendees of this hands-on workshop will learn proper search and recovery methods used to locate, document, and recover scattered and buried human remains. *Improper recovery techniques, however well intentioned, have... more
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      Forensic AnthropologyHumanitiesForensic EntomologyDecomposition
This article discusses mummification processes, both natural and intentional, and presents a brief history of ancient Egyptian mummification procedures. The article then provides an overview of existing technologies for analyzing mummies,... more
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      Human Remains (Anthropology)Ancient EgyptaDNA AnalysisMummies
Despite valid criticisms, the archaeology of the Northeastern United States is still driven by culture historic taxonomies. Recent research has shown that the attributes once considered diagnostic to specific cultures or time periods may... more
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      ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyIroquoian Societies (Archaeology)Taphonomy
For many years, a poster has, in various forms, appeared frequently on websites and within material that discuss a global conspiracy to hide an “ancient race of giants” from the public, presenting several giant human skeletons that are... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPaleontologyEvolution
Bei dem vorliegenden Heft handelt es sich um die Ergebnisse eines Projektes, das hauptverantwortlich vom Kustos des Lehrstuhls Ur-und Frühgeschichte Dr. Enrico Paust durchgeführt wurde. Gefördert wurde das Projekt vom Deutschen Zentrum... more
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      Human Remains (Anthropology)Post colonial studiesErnst Haeckel
Die Reihe "Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie" soll einem in der jüngeren Vergangenheit entstandenen Bedürfnis Rechnung tragen, nämlich Examensarbeiten und andere Forschungsleistungen vornehmlich jüngerer... more
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      Ancient HistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologyMedieval History
isbn 978 086159 197 8 issn 1747 3640 © The Trustees of the British Museum 2014 Front cover: Detail of a mummy of a Greek youth named Artemidorus in a cartonnage body-case, 2nd century ad. British Museum, London (EA 21810) Printed and... more
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      Museum StudiesBioarchaeologyPhysical AnthropologyHuman Remains (Anthropology)
TTTH 0742 TEOLOGÍA SISTEMÁTICA II POR RAFAEL BAMPI DE OLIVEIRA VINTO, COCHABAMBA MAYO 2012 INTRODUCCIÓN En el descorrer de la historia Dios siempre tuvo un pueblo, representante suyo, que de diversas maneras fue incumbido de dar a conocer... more
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      GenreDisabled God/ Disabled People and ThologyIntertextualityRevelation
The Corded Ware is one of the major archaeological traditions of Late Neolithic Europe. Its burial customs are characterized by single graves but multiple burials also occur. We present a detailed study of antemortem and perimortem trauma... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyBiological AnthropologyBioarchaeology
Enthesopathies, in the guise of musculoskeletal skeletal stress markers (MSM), have been widely used to reconstruct activity levels in human skeletal populations. In general, studies have focused on their presence in the upper limb, which... more
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      BioarchaeologyPaleopathologyHuman Remains (Anthropology)Musculoskeletal Stress Markers (MSM)
This work shows an easy and fast methodology based on LIBS technique for trace element analysis of human bones with special reference to diet and nutrition. The presented methodology does not require a sample preparation. The analysed... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyBiological AnthropologyForensic Anthropology
Die Reihe "Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie" soll einem in der jüngeren Vergangenheit entstandenen Bedürfnis Rechnung tragen, nämlich Examensarbeiten und andere Forschungsleistungen vornehmlich jüngerer... more
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      Military HistoryEthnohistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
“It is difficult, indeed, impossible to extract and preserve fresh eyeballs within one hour after death in order to preserve them.” This quote is taken out of the obituary of comparative anatomy professor, anthropologist, and photographer... more
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      History of AnthropologyHuman Remains (Anthropology)German Colonial EmpireHistory of Color Photography
We are a group of archaeologists, anthropologists, curators and geneticists representing diverse global communities and 31 countries. All of us met in a virtual workshop dedicated to ethics in ancient DNA research held in November 2020.... more
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      EthicsProfessional EthicsArchaeogeneticsHuman Remains (Anthropology)
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      Human Remains (Anthropology)Human OsteologyTrephinationGaramantes
La necropoli di via Peschiera, rinvenuta negli anni ’80 a Castelfranco Emilia, ha evidenziato la presenza di differenti tipi di rituali funerari, oltre a uno sfruttamento intensivo dello spazio sepolcrale. Circa 20 deposizioni si sono... more
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      Human Remains (Anthropology)RomanizationNecropolisRoman Archaeology
Live burials constitute a point of departure and centre of this study, where the use of multidisciplinary approaches is emphasized, highlighting the importance of combining forensic and archaeological science with other areas of research... more
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      Emergency MedicineAvalanche SafetyTaphonomyForensic Archaeology
International repatriations of colonial human remains have generated numerous questions regarding the status of indigenous communities, the responsibility of museums, and the importance of retrieving the histories... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesHuman Remains (Anthropology)Cultural AnthropologyMaster's Thesis
Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României BERECKI, SÁNDOR The Bronze Age site from Luduş / Sándor Berecki. -Cluj-napoca : mega, 2016 Conţine bibliografie iSBn 978-606-543-718-0 902(498 luduş)
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Ceramic TechnologyArchaeozoologyFunerary Archaeology
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data on file isbn (hardcover): 978-0-295-74282-3 isbn (paperback): 978-0-295-74283-0 isbn (ebook): 978-0-295-74284-7
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesThe TattooHistory of Collections
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      Museum StudiesHuman Remains (Anthropology)Provenance research
The subject of watery areas as archaeological hotspots is under debate. Many archaeologists believe artefacts recovered from rivers have been eroded and have lost their context, particularly when recovery is a result of dredging... more
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      PalaeogeographyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Human Remains (Anthropology)Iron Age (Archaeology)
In Deutschland wurden im späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert Sammlungen menschlicher Überreste außereuropäischer Herkunft angelegt, die auch heute noch Teil der Bestände von Museen, Universitäten und anderen wissenschaftlichen... more
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      ColonialismPost-ColonialismHuman Remains (Anthropology)Bioanthropology
The emotive immateriality of human remains This chapter is about the human remains and how human remains inhabit the public sphere after their exhumation. It is, however, about a curious form of inhabitation. Usually, when we think of... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesHistory of MuseumsHuman Remains (Anthropology)Settler Colonial Studies
A log-coffin excavated in the early nineteenth century proved to be well enough preserved in the early twenty-first century for the full armoury of modern scientific investigation to give its occupants and contents new identity, new... more
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      ConservationArchaeological ScienceCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage Conservation
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