Recent papers in Inculturation
Proponemos una identificación entre la categoría de semina Verbi y la categoría de praeambula fidei, dentro de la categoría de praepatatio Evangelii. Siguiendo los estudios de autores como Antonio Orbe y otros, podemos hablar de semina... more
Un cours de christologie pertinent pour notre temps
Review of the book by C. Hurst on Emmanuel Milingo, the controversial Archbishop of Lusaka. The issue at stake is the need of Christianity being truly inculturated in Africa.
The article discusses the definition of inculturation of Christianity in the missionary activity of the Roman Catholic Church. With respect to the research methodology of the study of this definition, the author refers directly to the... more
This paper is written in the context of the fiftieth anniversary of the start of the Roman Catholic Church's Second Vatican Council, known as Vatican II. Written from an Aboriginal Catholic perspective, this paper aims to examine the... more
Nowadays the Roman Catholic Church is one of the leading in the confes- sional structure and missionary activity of Christianity, not only in Europe, but also in a number of countries in Asia, Africa and South America. In many re- gions... more
Anand Amaladass SJ, "Mission der Kirche definiert von der Kultur eines Missionslandes: Am Beispiel eines missverstandenen Genies in der Missionsgeschichte Indiens: Roberto de Nobili (1577-1656)" in Glaube in der Welt von Heute: Theologie... more
Plus que de vérités nues, pures et dures, l’Eglise vit d’images, de rythmes, de symboles, de couleurs et d’odeurs. Le sacrifice eucharistique est ainsi « source et sommet de toute la vie chrétienne1 ». A travers l’histoire, on admire... more
Amaladass SJ, Anand. ‘Art and Liturgy: A Re-Visioning of Reality to Discover the Divine at Work’. In "Christian Art and Indian Cultural Patterns", edited by George Plathottam SDG, 57–78. Shillong: Don Bosco Publications, Don Bosco Centre... more
When Christians meet together, we sing. Music is essential to our experience of faith, and many of us will be able to tell of times where singing or being present to music has shaped our sense of vocation and calling. 1 Music not an... more
Niniejsze opracowanie stara się wskazać drogi odpowiedzi na trzy grupy pytań, będących odpowiednikami trzech pierwszych części książki: 1) Jak jest rozumiana kultura w tekstach soborowych i misjologii? Na czym polega nowość inkulturacji?... more
« Les chrétiens dans le monde comme l'âme dans le corps » Témoignage et inculturation aux débuts du christianisme Sr Pascale-Dominique Nau, OP L'inculturation est un des thèmes forts dans l'important message vidéo que le pape François a... more
The significance and influence of the Second Vatican Council in respect of the reform of the Catholic Church are no longer in dispute. The issue now at stake is how the Vatican II documents are understood and implemented in each church... more
pubblicato in Orientamenti Pastorali, 12/2004) INTRODUZIONE Non è difficile scorgere tra le righe dei documenti della Chiesa, nonché in vari studi o articoli di riveste specializzate, grande preoccupazione sul futuro della Chiesa.... more
This paper explores the unique Filipino way of celebrating Christmas. It investigates the syncretism of Filipino culture and religious tradition. In this contemporary world, such traditions and practices have been continuously... more
In Wietse de Boer, Aliocha Maldavsky, Giuseppe Marcocci, Ilaria Pavan (eds.), "Space and Conversion in Global Perspective", (Leiden- Boston: Brill, 2014): 214-232
Pensiero di alcuni missionari sulle culture indigene dell'America Latina in tutto il periodo dell'egemonia spagnola
Cinquante ans après sa fondation, certaines pièces musicales du répertoire liturgique de l'Abbaye de Keur Moussa (Sénégal), peuvent encore arracher quelques exclamations, surprendre, interpeler, bousculer la sensibilité ou la curiosité... more
Qui organise aujourd'hui des funérailles catholiques à Abomey, dans le sud du Bénin? Comment, pourquoi, et dans quelles conditions? Voici quelques-unes des questions auxquelles ce texte s'efforce de répondre, en replaçant ce cas dans la... more
In the Sukuma language of the Sukuma Ethnic Group in Western Tanzania there is a proverb: "Mbuli ya kitambo ikachaga yumela." The English translation is: "The sacrificial goat dies while screaming in anguish." This proverb... more
The project of inculturation needs hermeneutics or a theory of interpretation. Hermeneutics traces its origins to Hermes' role of unraveling to humans the messages of the gods. Hermes, thus,
Anand Amaladass, "The Writing Catechism and Translation Strategies of Three Jesuits in South India: Henrique Henriques, Roberto de Nobili and Joseph Beschi", in "Translating Catechisms, Translating Cultures: The Expansion of Catholicism... more
耶稣会教士在中国的文化浸礼/帕斯卡,莱布尼茨,伏尔泰关于中国礼仪之争, traduction en chinois par He Weidong, professeur à L’Université Normale de Henan
Une christologie pertinente pour notre temps de contextualisation
The dynamic interfaces of religious diversity heightened by the experience of mission from the margins raise afresh questions of the terminology needed for meaningful discussions about the processes and outcomes associated with conversion... more
This study begins with a survey of Roman Catholic and Evangelical approaches to popular religiosity and moves on to deepen a theological framework for dialogue with the El Shaddai movement as a case in point. The succeeding sections offer... more
his paper is an attempt at conversation. I find it difficult to start since my dialogue-partners are my elders in the Philippine theological family, many of whom were my revered professors or favorite authors from whom I will be forever... more
The neologism “inculturation” has been described as a new “Programme for mission theology”. Inspired not least by the Second Vatican Council’s broader Interpretation of revelation, it accentuates the importance of culture and has... more
A new era began in the Roman Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council. Instead of holding the classicist worldview of a single normative culture, a new and more positive attitude towards the modern world and bearers of modern... more
Овај рад бави се инкултурацијом, мисионарским методом који је првобитно формулисан у римокатоличкој теологији, и њеним потенцијалним смештањем у оквире православног мисионарског богословља. Основни циљ рада је, према томе, доказивање... more
Notre propos est de tenter de recadrer, dans un contexte donné, une musique religieuse de plus en plus conforme à l'esprit du Concile. Pour y arriver, nous retracerons, d'abord, l'évolution de l'application des prin- cipes de musique... more
Inculturation and Indigenization in today's Church mission from Youth Perspective
Esta "Sinopsis" permite visualizar el cruce entre la evolución diacrónica y la integración sincrónica de todos mis libros, videos y podcasts concernientes a "TEOLOGÍA DEL CAMBIO DE ÉPOCA", a la vez que posibilita el acceso gratuito al... more
"The paper presents the liturgy of a section of Africa as a most suitable inculturation project done in Africa, and thus calls for the entire Church in Africa to engage in similar enterprise
Regnum Studies in Mission are born from the lived experience o f Christians and Christian communities in mission, especially but not solely in the fast growing churches among the poor o f the world. These churches have more to tell than... more
Understanding the true meaning of the message of Christ is indispensable for the study and assimilation of inculturation. This paper attempts to identify the elements of inculturation in the Bible. This is because Jesus, whose message is... more
This paper inquired the vivid picture of Philippines as a bastion of Christianity in the Southeast Asian region being concretized through its people's rich religiosity being affected by the connubial of western and eastern cultures.... more