LGBT Issues
Recent papers in LGBT Issues
Violence against lesbians and gay men has increasingly captured media and scholarly attention. But these reports tend to focus on one segment of the LGBT community—white, middle class men—and largely ignore that part of the community that... more
My heart is racing, and I am short of breath because I am hurrying to get ready to go. I am running late as usual. Finally, I slip on my shoes, jump in my car and race off. I am going to see my friend Marty for the first time in many... more
Numerous scholarly works extol the use of LGBTQ themed literature as part of English language arts instruction with the implication that its use may improve the school climate for LGBTQ students; however, there is a dearth of research... more
La sessualità, oggi, si "vede" ovunque, non occorre andarla a cercare; ci troviamo di fronte ad un flusso costante di immagini più o meno velatamente riferite al sesso ma di sessualità non si parla. Forse la si balbetta, pressappoco,... more
Individuals with multiple devalued subordinate group identities can face different challenges related to those identities simultaneously, which may put them in risk psychologically. Despite these challenges, many disadvantaged minorities... more
In light of recent "bathroom bills" in several states, this essay addresses gender identity in the Bible, which proponents of the bills claim supports their legislation. However, this essay argues that the Bible challenges many aspects of... more
Within interpersonal and family communication, researchers have tended to construct and describe LGBTQ relationships in regards to a heterosexual norm. A review of recent research reveals the conceptual limitations of this framework,... more
Suicides among marginalised groups are one of the few occasions in which self-harm and suicide are framed as having cultural, social, environmental, historical or structural causes. Suicidology, psychology and public discourse typically... more
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Women's Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) and can in no way be taken to reflect the views... more
As the health care needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population become increasingly important, health care professionals require appropriate academic and clinical training in preparation for the increased demand... more
We make out of the quarrel with others, rhetoric, but of the quarrel with ourselves, poetry. Unlike the rhetoricians, who get a confident voice from remembering the crowd they have won or may win, we sing amid our uncertainty; and,... more
Queering Australian Museums addresses the problem of how queer or LGBTIQ communities can be further included in Australian museums on their own terms. It looks at four areas of museums—management, collections, exhibitions, and connections... more Volume Editors: Kamden K. Strunk and Stephanie Anne Shelton Queer studies is an extensive field that spans a range of disciplines. This volume focuses on education and educational research... more
Our scholarship on aids must be located at the crossroads of art and politics, life and art, and life and death.-Alberto Sandoval-Sánchez, "Response to the Repre sen ta tion of aids" Activism is an engagement with the hauntings of... more
From its inception, depiction of sexuality on screen outside of heteronormative behavior has consistently been met with censorship by the state and negative criticism from the media. Yet, beginning with mid 1960s and spanning latter... more
This article addresses the identity politics that serve as a base for collective action for many groups active in fighting for LGBT rights and looks at queer theory and queer politics as an alternative to identity based politics. Queer... more
Proposing a radical vision of cinema's queer globalism, Karl Schoonover and Rosalind Galt explore how queer filmmaking intersects with international sexual cultures, geopolitics, and aesthetics to disrupt dominant modes of world making.... more
The health care needs of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) have received significant attention from policymakers in the last several years. Recent reports from the Institute of Medicine, Healthy People 2020, and... more
【Now published: 】 Coming out in queer community is widely discussed and theorized in the West. While the burgeoning research on coming out has explored many of its aspects, ranging from parental reactions (Denes... more
The brutal murder of twenty-one year old Matthew Shepard in 1998 received international attention, spawning several books and innumerable newspaper and magazine articles.
rezentovaná štúdia sa sústreďuje na vybrané behaviorálne a sociálne špecifiká homosexuálne orientovaných mužov v období dospievania a dospelosti. V behaviorálnej oblasti sa zameriavame predovšetkým na heterofaksimilitu, ktorá... more
Of all the things to say about Mayor Pete, complaining about the staging of his photo shoots is the least important. What’s wrong with Buttigieg isn’t his performance of identity, but his apparently more- or-less complete devotion to... more
La lucha del movimiento LGBTI ha marcado las últimas dos décadas en el sistema de derechos humanos de la ONU. Una lucha marcada por un proceso de reconocimiento de sus derechos, reconocimiento que sigue siendo contestado y revertido por... more
It is clear that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender is new phenomena in Indonesia which is make a new controversy today. There are two perspective which debate about how society to accept and reject this phenomena. This study aims to... more
The Internet is the preferred source of health information followed by healthcare providers, friends and family, print media, and television (Baxter & Egbert, 2008). Yet, previous research about online sexual health resources for LGBTQ... more
Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU This course is an introduction to approaches and practices used to analyze the content, structure, and context of significant media in our society. Specifically, we will examine how the... more
The global LGBTTTIQA+ movement's historical struggle against the criminalization, pathologizing and discrimination of their identities has had a significant impact on different nation states, to the degree of civil rights such as same-sex... more
Anndretta Lyle Wilson (2019) Interview with Raniyah Copeland, President and CEO of the Black AIDS Institute Discussing Black Feminist Leadership, and Black Women at Risk. As the new President and CEO of the Black AIDS Institute, Raniyah... more
Hoje, cerca de 37 países no mundo reconhecem a perseguição contra pessoas LGBTI como base para o reconhecimento da condição de refugiado, incluindo o Brasil e os 28 países membros da União Europeia (UE). Entretanto, em alguns desses... more
Direitos humanos de pessoas LGBT no mundo do trabalho - 2a edição 2015
Pensar la representación de las mujeres lesbianas implica retomar, aunque de forma incompleta, algunos debates que fueron delimitando el camino para identificar las formas en que las mujeres y luego las lesbianas, problematizaron el lugar... more
The article discusses the multiple discrimination, normalization and stigmatization experienced by deaf LGBT youth in Sicily, Italy, on the basis of a study of their everyday life (specifically school years and peer interactions). So far... more
Хомофобите ги мразат жените 27.06.2013 15:17 Став [1] Станимир Панајотов [2]
Critically queer critique of the Queer Biennial in Los Angeles, this year subtitled, "What if Utopia," which fails to even answer the question visually or via the art talk. Published in Artillery Magazine and on their online site:... more
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o Programa Transcidadania da Prefeitura de São Paulo, descrevendo suas ações e formas de atuação para o enfrentamento da transfobia e promoção da cidadania de travestis e transexuais naquele... more
The European Convention on Human Rights does not require European nations to redefine marriage to include same-sex relationships. However, the European Court of Human Rights may rule in the future that member states must recognize... more