Meteorology & Climatology
Recent papers in Meteorology & Climatology
The Increasing pace of Industrialization throughout the world has brought with It a serious, and ever Increasing threat from air pollution. It Is true that this threat Is being taken seriously, and that many responsible research workers,... more
Bahía Culebra, at Gulf of Papagayo on the north Pacific coast of Costa Rica, is an area of seasonal upwelling where more intense cooling events may occur during some boreal winter weeks mainly. To study these extreme cool events, records... more
Les conditions de température de l'air sont parmi les paramètres les plus importants du climat d'une région ou d'un pays. Trois aspects de la température sont traités, à savoir les températures minimales, les températures maximales et... more
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Farming communities have been seriously affected by climate variability, in this sense, many of them have developed certain skills to properly observe and explain astronomical dynamics, rituals and other forms of fauna and flora. The... more
Монография представляет собой обобщенное представление о ветро-волновыхусловиях прибрежной зоны Азово-Черноморского региона. Основное внимание уделено режимным оценкам ветро-волнового климата в прибрежной зоне Азово- Черноморского... more
Abstract: Drought is a hazardous and costly natural phenomenon with slow on-set that has dreadful impacts on economy, social life and environment of a country or region. The fact that it is slow on-set and is not quite distinguishable in... more
Study on climate modeling. It uses the energy balance principle for creating the single layer model. The primary objective of this study to gain skills and understanding in climate modeling which comes from 'Energy Systems... more
Precipitation levels in southern Africa exhibit a marked east–west gradient and are characterized by strong seasonality and high interannual variability. Much of the mainland south of 15°S exhibits a semiarid to dry subhumid climate. More... more
Rainfall in Nigeria is highly dynamic and variable on a temporal and spatial scale. This has taken a more pronounced dimension due to climate change. In this paper, Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) and Coefficient of Variability... more
Les données mergées représentent une alternative au problème de fluidité des réseaux d'observations météorologiques in-situ. Cette présentation est un exemple de leurs utilisations pour les prévisions saisonnières en Afrique de l'Ouest.... more
Sebuah buku panduan dalam pelaksanaan praktikum mata kuliah Klimatologi dalam bidang Pertanian
Şehirler yapıları gereği doğal çevreden daha farklı ısınma ve soğuma karakterine sahip olmaktadır. Bu farklılık sonucunda ortaya çıkan yapıya Şehir Isı Adası(ŞIA) denilmektedir. ŞIA'lar meteorolojik verilerin analizi sonucunda ortaya... more
Ce cours traite la structure de l'atmosphère et les paramètres climatiques comme : 1. le rayonnement solaire, 2. la température de l'air, 3. les précipitations, 4. l'évaporation, 5. l'humidité de l’air, 6. la pression de... more
Cómo puede usted utilizar los diferentes métodos para clasificar un lugar determinado.
Salah satu cabang ilmu meteorologi adalah ini. Meteorologi Maritim, yaitu mempelajari mengenai ilmu cuaca dan interaksinya dengan kondisi laut.
Semoga bermanfaat,
Richard Mahendra
Semoga bermanfaat,
Richard Mahendra
Radar cuaca merupakan salah satu jenis penginderaan jauh yang digunakan untuk mengamati kondisi atmosfer. Pengideraan jauh dari sistem radar termasuk ke dalam jenis tipe aktif. Karena radar memancarkan gelombang elektromagnetik kemudian... more
Classificação climática de Köppen-Geiger, mais conhecida por classificação climática de Köppen, é o sistema de classificação global dos tipos climáticos mais utilizada em geografia, climatologia e ecologia.
angin merupakan pergerakan dari massa udara yang berpindah dari tempat yang bertekanan tinggi ke tempat yang bertekanan rendah. untuk menganalisis data angi pada suatu daerah dalam kurun waktu tertentu digunakanlah windrose.
Meteorologi merupakan sebuah disiplin ilmu yang mempelajari tentang fenomena atmosfer dan interaksinya. Sedangkan meteorologi tropis adalah ilmu yang mempelajari fenomena atmosfer di wilayah tropis (equator). Seperti yang kita tahu bahwa... more
WEAMAST is a meteorological consultancy firm that will specialize in providing real time weather forecasts for farmers, construction companies and other weather-dependent industries as well as providing workable measures for disaster... more
Los primeros instrumentos que se utilizan para controlar el tiempo eran los sentidos del cuerpo humano especialmente la vista, tacto (sensación), el olfato y el oído. Hasta cierto punto, incluso hoy en día estos son los instrumentos más... more
Dalam pelaporan berita cuaca meteorologi, agar penjelasan dan makna sama di seluruh negara, maka dibuat sebuah kesepakatan untuk melaporkan dalam bentuk Sandi / Kode. Berikut ini adalah salah satu dari jenis sandi tersebut. Materi ini... more
This article explores the causes for the Hurricanes Harvey,Irma and the recent Southasian floods of 2017 and the Indian Monsoon pattern of 2018. It also shows that astronomical/astrological calculations in the nirayana nakshatra system... more
Numerical weather prediction and methods of prediction is discussed extensively with relevant equations. This will be highly useful for beginners and B.Sc and M.Sc students of meteorology, oceanography, Atmospheric sciences, Agrimet etc.
Many unsolved problems in atmospheric thermodynamics were solved and presented briefly for the advanced study students. These are highly useful for graduate and postgraduate students in meteorology, atmospheric science etc.
O El Niño é um fenómeno meteorológico de escala global caracterizado pela interação oceano-atmosfera e que afecta a circulação geral da atmosfera o que provoca variações na temperatura e na precipitação em diversas regiões do globo. No... more
RESUMO O El Niño é um fenómeno meteorológico de escala global caracterizado pela interação oceano-atmosfera e que afecta a circulação geral da atmosfera o que provoca variações na temperatura e na precipitação em diversas regiões do... more
Soon after the fall of New France 1763) under French King Louis XV to the British Empire (English King George II and George III), more than 65,000 French Canadians were left under new rule along the shores of the St. Lawrence River... more
Measuring climatic conditions is a fundamental task for a wide array of scientific and practical fields. Weather variables change depending on position and time, especially in tropical zones without seasons. Additionally, the increasing... more
INTRODUCCIÓN La expresión geociencias ha tenido en Venezuela una acepción más bien restringida a ciencias geológicas, pero no en el sentido amplio como puede desprenderse de la etimología de la palabra geología, sino con un alcance... more
Solar energy is an energy source that depends on time; for a wide range of applications energy requirements also depend on the time, but separately from the supply of solar energy, so that the gap between the periods of availability of... more
Data iklim merupakan data statistik yang perlu diolah terlebih dahulu sebelum dianalisis. Salah satu teknik pengolahan data yaitu dengan mengidentifikasi data dengan skala pengukuran. Menurut Steven (1946) dalam Ary (2014), skala... more
Berikut ini adalah rangkuman mengenai pengetahuan umum cuaca. Pengertian dari meteorologi fisis itu sendiri adalah pembahan mengenai sebuah fenomena atmosfer yang dijelaskan secara ilmu fisika. Sebenarnya masih banyak sekali hal yang bisa... more