Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
Recent papers in Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
Written by Joshua Lam (b. France, 1859(b. France, -d. 1941 Henri Bergson was a French philosopher of wide repute, whose ideas influenced writers and thinkers well beyond the purview of philosophy, including literature, visual art,... more
The essay presents a hypothesis of Flann O'Brien reading and parodying Joyce's Ulysses in At Swim-Two-Birds as filtered through Wyndham Lewis's critique of Joyce in Time and Western Man. It argues that some of the tropes of time,... more
In Virginia Woolf's 1931 novel The Waves, one of Bernard's many becomings -his 'becoming-savage' -reveals a point of intersection between Woolfian aesthetics and Deleuze and Guattari's philosophy. Moreover, a triangulation of Woolf's... more
Sigouin, Kim. "The Problem of Space": Embodied Language and the Body in Nature in To the Lighthouse." Virginia Woolf: Writing the World. Ed. Pamela L. Caughie and Diana L. Swanson. Clemson: Clemson University Press, 2015. Print.
This article compares the poetry of two prominent modern writers: Polish-Jewish poetess Zuzanna Ginczanka (Sara Ginzburg, 1917-1945), and Ukrainian Lemko poet Bohdan-Ihor Antonych (1909-1937). They are believed (by Yaroslav Polishchuk et... more
Los escritores Alejandro Sawa y Antonio de Zayas, con ser autores diferentes en numerosos aspectos –sin ir más lejos, su opuesta orientación ideológica-, han compartido durante demasiado tiempo ese "páramo del olvido" becqueriano al que... more
Re-framing the concepts of utopia and allegory in the twenty-first century.
Eagrán comórtha speisialta d'iris Comhar ar an bhfile nua-aoiseach Máirtín Ó Direáin a seoladh i Márta 2018, tríocha bliain i ndiaidh bhás an fhile. A special commemorative edition of Comhar magazine dedicated to the modernist poet,... more
Sou, em grande parte, a mesma prosa que escrevo.
Pedro Luis de Gálvez (1882Gálvez ( -1940, bohemio y sablista malagueño,esuna de esas figuras marginales que la historia de la literatura española ha ido relegando al olvido. Hacia 1920 Borges le dedicó un soneto en el que se describe con... more
Deutung und Bewertung des Rilkeschen Lebenswerkes, insbesondere seiner »Duineser Elegien«, sind nach wie vor durch eine erstaunliche Unsicherheit gekennzeichnet. Dies erklärt sich wohl vor allem aus der weitgehenden Vernachlässigung... more
Paru aux é ditions Delarbre : - « Je dois avoir un ancêtre qui s’appelle Rousseau, j’ai voulu relire Les Rêveries d’un promeneur solitaire, livre admirable... more
Life in the 1940s to the 1950s was unique. It was a time of growth, movement, luxury and change.
1923 yılında bir grup aydın tarafından Marksizmi yeniden düşünmek amacıyla kurulan Frankfurt Okulu, sanattan sosyolojiye, eğitimden psikolojiye dek pek çok alanıda yeni fikirlerin ortaya konmasında etkili olmuştur. Bu alanların yanı sıra,... more
Magical realism is a genre constructed and developed during the late 19th and early 20th century which has continued to evolve today. The definitions of this genre have been closely associated with many similar literary movements such as... more
This article examines the conceptualization of space in the Casa del Fascio di Como, designed by the rationalist architect Giuseppe Terragni and inaugurated in 1936. It explores Terragni's reconfiguration of the notion of monumental space... more
Benedetta Cappa Marinetti does not simply write novels, she constructs them. Over the span of ten years, Benedetta pairs narrative first with images, then with performative elements, and lastly, with letters. She applies her abstract and... more
Wie nehmen Autorinnen und Autoren, jenseits vom Klischee des ‚armen Poeten‘, ihre finanzielle und soziale Randständigkeit wahr? Dieses Buch untersucht literarische Selbstdarstellungen aus der Zeit um 1800, um 1900 und um 2000 – und damit... more
Senior undergraduate course
Just a good review of a thoroughly depressing play.
George M. Johnson does a fine analysis of the vital role the Society for Psychical Research played in the making of modernist fiction. For those interested in psychology, theories of subjectivity, and conceptions of the unconscious, this... more
Presentazione del saggio: La nascita del modernismo italiano. Filosofie della crisi, storia e letteratura (1903)(1904)(1905)(1906)(1907)(1908)(1909)(1910)(1911)(1912)(1913)(1914)(1915)(1916)(1917)(1918)(1919)(1920)(1921)(1922) (Quodlibet,... more
This essay seeks to refine and extend our understanding of Ford's depiction of Englishness in Parade 's End (1924-28) by juxtaposing that depiction with a roughly contemporary war novel by André
What the collection of poems “Beginning and End” and the novel in verse “Dagda’s Five Sketchbooks” have in common is the presence of author’s voice and a delicately formed composition, imparting to the poetry a particular dimension of... more
It is widely agreed that British society and culture have been shaped by their interactions with the colonies. By focussing on Samuel Butler, a nineteenth-century New Zealand settler and later a heterodox London intellectual, this paper... more
In Zadie Smith's Hanwell in Hell, Clive controls the recollection of the story, retelling his acquaintance with Mr. --Hanwell to Claire Hanwell, his estranged daughter. Clive presents a phallocentric perspective by silencing females and... more
Cet article se propose d’etudier les strategies textuelles et artistiques que trois ecrivaines modernistes, Mina Loy, Djuna Barnes et Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, emploient pour representer l’obscene, afin de se demander quelles sont les... more
Any scholarly project that purports to trace connections between two countries names a field that is to some degree already there-lying buried in archives, of course, but also contained in habitual ways of seeing and talking about texts.... more
Gesund sind immer die Anderen "Nein, du hast keinen Begriff, Thomas, was für ein prachtvolles Geschöpf das ist! Sie ist so gesund ... so gesund ... !" wiederholte Christian, indem er eine Hand, ihren Rücken nach außen, mit gekrümmten... more
This essay examines how James’s distinction between “personal” and “institutional” religion in The Varieties of Religious Experience informs modernist literature. Specifically, it points to the inescapably social dimensions of... more
In response to a paper I delivered at the "Institutions and Ireland: Medicine, Health, and Welfare" conference at Trinity College, Dublin in January 2016, I was generously invited to contribute to the "Perceptions of Pregnancy" blog. In... more
Where does the self stop and the rest of the world begin? Clark and Chalmers already paved the way for an application of the extended mind theory to the problem of selfhood and identity, when in their seminal paper they asked ‘What,... more
Winner of a 2012 FACE OUT grant from the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses. In the tradition of William Burroughs’ cut-ups and avant-garde collage, Michael Leong’s new book-length poem dismantles and re-sutures three disparate... more
Starting with a nuanced representation of how capitalism affects the people of the middle class, the paper analyses that in the process of assessing the evil the counter-narrative/alternative becomes visible. This process of assessing the... more