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      Eastern European StudiesPeriodical StudiesAvant-GardePeriodicals
The transition from severe disciplinary measures (such as kneeling, beating and other types of corporal punishment) to children’s rights was neither short nor smooth. The A. retraces this transition in Slovenia from 1870 – when corporal... more
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      Christian EducationHistory of EducationPolitical SciencePeriodicals
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      Translation StudiesEighteenth-Century literatureEighteenth-Century British History and CultureHistory of Translation
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      MathematicsPublishingMathematics EducationProfessional Development
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      Statistical AnalysisContent AnalysisHumanismPeriodicals
Short Fiction in Theory and Practice 4.2 (2014): 175-85. Print.
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      Critical TheoryCanadian StudiesGender StudiesSex and Gender
В данной статье дается краткая характеристика журнала и обзор историографии о нем. To link: Новоселова С.А. Журнал «Старые годы» (1907-1916) как исторический источник // Состояние и перспективы социально-экономического развития... more
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      Art HistoryCultural HeritagePeriodicalsMagazines
During the German Occupation of France (1940-44), Spanish poetry translated in French thrived (since Spain was tacitly an ally to the Nazi regime, its literature was not then concerned by censorship), in particular F. García Lorca’s... more
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      IdeologyTranslation of PoetryPeriodicalsPoésie
Article showing the connections between the rise of periodical publication in nineteenth century America and deaf printers and newspapers.
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryAmerican StudiesDeaf Culture
Az 1925 és 1927 közötti rövid, átmeneti időszak meghatározó volt a magyar avantgárd történetében. Számos avantgárd művész vállalt szerepet az 1919-es Tanácsköztársaságban, akiknek, miközben a kommunista vezetéssel is konfliktusba... more
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      Media HistoryPeriodical StudiesHungarian StudiesPeriodicals
This unique volume addresses the journalistic, economic, and cultural/historical changes that have spawned the magazines of today. Specifically, it analyses the major transformation of the American consumer magazine during the 1960s: the... more
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      American HistoryPeriodicalsMagazines
Tobolsk governor V.A. Artsimovich (1854-1858) played a significant role in publishing of the first newspaper in Siberia «Tobolsk provincial sheets» in 1857. Though his management of the newspaper was short (less than a year), newspaper’s... more
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      SiberiaPeriodicalsSiberian StudiesHistory of Russia
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      SociologySocial WorkSocial SciencesPoverty
У фондах НПГКМЗ прадстаўлена 160 адзінак перыяд Вялікай айчыннай вайны. З іх толькі 6 – навукова-дапаможнага фонда, а астатнія - асноўнага фонду захоўвання. Частка газет знаходзіцца ў экспазіцыі музеяў запаведніка: МБК-3, МТМ-8, МБС-4.... more
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      PeriodicalsMuseum Collections (Research)
Published after two international conferences dedicated to the issue of the relation between mediums and architecture, this work examines the productive forces behind the architectural discourse between the 1960's and the 1980's.... more
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      PostmodernismPeriodicalsExhibition Design (Architecture)Magazines
Special collections are a priceless heritage of mankind and preserving those collections of intellectual and cultural heritage become not only an academic commitment but also the moral responsibility of librarians. As the Library of... more
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      Heritage ConservationDigital PreservationManuscript digitizationPeriodicals
In der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts ist der Kikeriki eines der auflagenstärksten Satireblätter Wiens. Von 1861 bis 1874 verwendet das Journal 16 verschiedene Titelköpfe und hebt sich damit merklich von der Konkurrenz ab. Setzt... more
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      Humor/SatirePeriodicalsSatire & IronyVictorian periodicals
The underground magazines of the seventies were innovative, provocative and often made with limited resources. In the second half of the 20th century, they represented a fertile laboratory for experimenting. They came about in the wake of... more
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      HistoryComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureMusic
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      Curriculum StudiesWorld HistoryMulticultural EducationAfrican American History
The study followed a four-phase design. In Phase I an exhaustive search was conducted for all English language coaching research published in journals from 1970 to 2001. In Phase II, copies of the research were obtained. An expert panel... more
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      PsychologyResearch MethodologyBehaviorPedagogy
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      ModernismCinemaRussian & Soviet ArtPeriodicals
La plupart des textes de Roland Barthes sont le produit d’une commande – amicale, événementielle ou éditoriale. L’inscription dans un genre ou l’investissement d’un mode d’écriture s’appuie donc sur une situation de communication dont les... more
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      Intellectual HistoryMedia StudiesPoeticsRoland Barthes
The Brethren Journal -Bratrske listy CHECK Publisher: Unity of the Brethren in Texas Address: 6703 FM 2502, Brenham, TX 77833 or 4202 Armine Trail, Temple TX 76504 CHECH Phone: (817) 778-8759 (Dr. Albaj) or (409) 830-8762) (Alois Maly)
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      Czech & Slovak StudiesPeriodicalsNewspapers
This essay recommends a revised framework for approaching periodicals by putting the Bay Area Dadaists’ 1970s “Dadazines” into dialogue with San Francisco punk zines, and by linking these periodicals with each group’s performances. For... more
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      Fluxus1970s CultureMail ArtPunk
This article summarizes the major categories of ethical violations encountered during submission, review, and publication of scientific articles. We discuss data fabrication and falsification, plagiarism, redundant and duplicate... more
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Recognizing the importance of geography instruct on, this packet was designed to provide sources of materials and information to aid the classroom teacher in preparing geography lessons. Global geography and map skills are emphasized.... more
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      GeographySocial StudiesPeriodicalsGraphs
Обобщены признанные отечественными источниковедами свойства периодической печати как исторического источника, сформулированы недостатки такого подхода и предложения по их преодолению. Ключевые слова: периодическая печать, исторический... more
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      PeriodicalsHistorical SourcesSource Criticismисторический источник
Περίληψη Το άρθρο παρουσιάζει το Ηλεκτρονικό Ευρετήριο Ελληνικών Επιστημονικών Περιοδικών Εκδόσεων (ΗΕΕΕΠΕ), το οποίο αναπτύχθηκε στο πλαίσιο της πράξης «Προηγμένες Κεντρικές Υπηρεσίες Ψηφιακών Βιβλιοθηκών Ανοικτής Πρό-σβασης ΣΕΑΒ», και... more
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      Open AccessPeriodicalsGreeceLibraries
Our study investigated factors that influence attitudes toward cosmetic surgery in middle-aged women. A sample of 108 women, aged between 35 and 55 years, completed questionnaire measures of body dissatisfaction, appearance investment,... more
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The structure of the pre-revolutionary Jewish press, consisted of three clusters in Yiddish, Hebrew, and also Russian, is considered in the article. We can see the internal unity between these three clusters. There was an internal unity... more
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      PeriodicalsHistorical SourcesJewish press
The present study aimed to investigate the role of social comparison processing in women's responses to thin idealized images. In particular, it was predicted that comparison with the images on the basis of appearance would lead to more... more
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      PsychologyIntelligenceAdvertisingSocial Comparison
Im Anschluß an die aktuelle Realismusforschung arbeitet der vorliegende Band die zentrale Bedeutung des medialen Publikationskontextes der Literatur des Realismus im 19. Jahrhundert in den Familienzeitschriften der Zeit heraus. Vor diesem... more
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      Media History19th century German literaturePeriodicalsPress and media history
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      Civil EngineeringMilitary HistoryConstructionPeriodicals
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      American LiteratureHistory of PsychiatryHistory Of Madness And PsychiatryAmerican Nineteenth Century
The proliferation of print in mid nineteenth century Bengal witnessed several self-reflexive exercises in writing that tried to capture the incongruence between the colonial administration and indigenous everyday lives. Hutom Pyanchar... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesPrint CulturePerformance Studies
La antropología española del último tercio del siglo XIX a través de las revistas culturales de la época • Señalemos, por último, que la importancia de estas revistas, sobre todo de las tres principales, ha sido apreciada y resaltada en... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesAnthropologyFolklore
Tulisan pengantar ini bermaksud merangkai konteks-konteks yang mengiringi kemungkinan pembacaan atas pemikiran dan sosok Oei Sian Yok, Pembantu Seni Lukis Kita. Pada bagian Situs saya memaparkan sejarah singkat dan karakter majalah Star... more
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      Indonesian CultureIndonesian StudiesArt CriticismPeriodicals
These new [qualitative] methods are not for the faint of heart. They demand imagination, courage to face the unknown, flexibility, some creativeness, and a good deal of personal skills in observation, interviewing, and... more
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      PsychologyResearch MethodologyContent AnalysisQualitative Research
სამეცნიერო სივრცეში ავტორთა დიფერენცირება/რანჟირება ხორციელდება მათ მიერ მეცნიერების ამა თუ იმ სფეროში შეტანილი წვლილის, განხორციელებული გავლენის მიხედვით. გავლენა, რომელსაც ახორციელებს ესა თუ ის ტექსტი იზომება იმის მიხედვით, თუ რამდენად... more
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      AlgorithmsSocial SciencesBibliographyDatabases
Este trabalho é uma análise baumaniana de 19 manchetes de jornais brasileiros publicados no mês de abril do ano de 1964. O corpus da pesquisa qualitativa foi obtido pela pesquisa quantitativa realizada pelo pesquisador Mário Magalhães,... more
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      PeriodicalsDitadura Militar
Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2022. Print. Edinburgh Critical Studies in Victorian Culture.
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      Victorian StudiesComedyNineteenth Century StudiesShakespeare
Periodická tlač, predovšetkým noviny a časopisy, bola od počiatku svojej existencie odrazom a výrazom doby, v ktorej vychádzala. Inak tomu nie je ani v súčasnosti. Napriek skutočnosti, že podmienky, za akých sa žurnalistika a periodická... more
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      JournalismPeriodicalsNewspapers and online journalismJournalism, Genres Journalistics
»C'est Paris tout entier qui tient dans ces pages, l'immense ville, non pas immobile et froide, mais vivante, saisie sous ses aspects innombrables, avec sa physionomie, son mouvement et son atmosphère«, 1 so formulieren die Verleger den... more
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      Periodical StudiesHistory of photographyPeriodicalsUrban photography
Premio Cronista Cazabán 2013 del Instituto de Estudios Giennenses
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      Church MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryNineteenth Century Studies
В этой статье с использованием короткого экскурса исследована роль периодического фонда Национальной библиотеки Азербайджана имени М.Ф.Ахундова в развитии Азербайджанской культуры и науки в период 85 летней деятельности. In this... more
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      PeriodicalsAzerbaijani CultureNational librariesHistory of Library and Information Sciences
This article elaborates on the role of the periodical fund of the National Library named after M.F.Akhundov in the development of the Azerbaijani culture and science through a short survey of the funding history. The main goal of this... more
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      History of Library and Information SciencePeriodicalsAzerbaijani CultureNational libraries
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      PeriodicalsSiglo XIX
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      Periodical StudiesPeriodicals20th Century Russian LiteratureRussian emigration
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