Recent papers in Refugees
Personal testimony by survivors of genocide or persecution has long constituted the gold standard for learning about human-inflicted tragedy. The physical presence of a survivor captivates audiences and lends immediacy to catastrophes... more
Over the past decade the approaches adopted towards the mental health care of refugees by a range of national and international healthcare organisations have been the subject of a sustained and growing critique. Much of this critique has... more
The European Union is facing with difficulty the management of migrant flows, above all of asylum seekers. According to the principle of solidarity and responsibility sharing, Member States are demanded a huge collaboration. However,... more
Millions of Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion are met with open arms in Europe. This has not always been the case for people forced to leave their homes. This rare showing of solidarity sparked a debate on the EU’s responses to... more
Τα τελευταία χρόνια εκδηλώθηκαν με τρόπο εκρηκτικό τα αδιέξοδα της ευρωπαϊκής πολιτικής για το μεταναστευτικό και το προσφυγικό ζήτημα. Η μαζική εισροή προσφύγων και μεταναστών σε ευρωπαϊκό έδαφος προκάλεσε μια αναδιοργάνωση της... more
This is a contribution to the online encyclopedia, 1914-1918. See
Europe is currently experiencing a "refugee crisis", demonstrated by millions of displaced people unseen since World War II. This book examines the interface between the EU's response to irregular flows, in particular the main... more
Jacques Derrida nos convida a refletir sobre a Universidade Incondicional que não existe, mas pode ser inventada como um lugar de resistência e crítica, com a capacidade desafiadora de transformar questões apropriadas por saberes... more
The number of forcibly-displaced people in the world now exceed 65 million, due primarily to violent conflict, persecution, and natural disasters. This course examines the hardships most refugees face during their journeys, in the process... more
"We live in a scenario of serious threats to human rights generated by armed conflict and persecutions of different nature (...). Reading this book is a way to rise important reflexions in the area of refugee and forced migration... more
The question of whether arbitrary deprivation of nationality constitutes persecution for the purposes of a determination of refugee status has received increased attention in recent jurisprudence. However, no systematic argument has been... more
Sous la direction de Michel Agier, avec la collaboration de Clara Lecadet et les contributions de Hala Caroline Abou Zaki Marc Bernardot Tristan Bruslé Pierre Centlivres Olivier Clochard Alice Corbet Kamel Doraï Jean-Louis Edogué Agnès de... more
The United States is a country of immigrants. With the exception of Native-Americans, every other American is, or descends from, an immigrant. First and second generation immigrant children are the most rapidly growing segment of the... more
In this study, the role of information obtained from social media in shaping the perception of truth and the tendency of people to seek real information are investigated through the interaction of Syrians under temporary protection in... more
States have increasingly moved away from refugee protection, intensifying the vulnerability of refugees and asylum-seekers. Drawing on theories of norm dynamics within International Relations (IR), this article argues that departures from... more
Information is a public good which must not be denied anyone regardless of socioeconomic status or political affiliation. However, some groups of individuals such as political refugees are underserved with this essential commodity. This... more
As fronteiras que distinguem o refugiado e o migrante estão sendo constantemente tensionadas por eventos diversos e por disputas ora mais evidentes, ora mais subterrâneas, dependendo das possibilidades de luta. O que hoje se convencionou... more
During the period February 2009-February 2012, the Office of Refugee Resettlement of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported 16 suicides among the approximately 57,000 Bhutanese refugees who had resettled in the United... more
This study aims at estimating the recent trends in HIV-1 prevalence and the factors associated with infection among pregnant women in the Gulu District of north Uganda, a rural area severely affected by civil strife. In 2000-2003, a total... more
Extreme traumatization affects the individual's relation to others in several social and psychological ways. The post-traumatic experiences are characterized by helplessness, insecurity, anxiety, loss of basic trust, and fragmentation of... more
Na terenie okupowanych Niemiec, a następnie w RFN, funkcjonowało wiele cennych i ważnych inicjatyw środowiska polskich uchodźców. Do grona najciekawszych i najcenniejszych można zaliczyć działalność Komitetu Obrony... more
Right-wing populism in its relationship with the refugee movement was the topic of the roundtable organized by the UTE in the context of the Conflict Zones network programme. The attempt was to focus on the reactions registered all around... more
Tomando como fio condutor eventos relativos ao programa de Reassentamento Solidário de refugiados no Brasil, o artigo procura analisar como os princípios da solidariedade e da responsabilidade elaborados no âmbito de acordos... more
This essay deals with some historical and social backgrounds of the present refugee crisis in Europe.
Travail final présenté dans le cadre d'un cours sur l'Union européenne sous la direction de M. Frédéric Mérand (Université de Montréal).
To estimate the frequency, type, and severity of psychological trauma among Bosnian refugee adolescents during the process of repatriation after the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A sample of 239 pupils (120 girls and 119 boys),... more
In recent years national human rights institutions (NHRIs) have begun to bridge the long-standing gap between practice in the refugee and human rights fields. Often using their mandate as national preventive mechanisms under the Optional... more
Die Fluchtbewegung nach Europa legt schonungslos die Defizite des Europäischen Integrationsprojektes offen und den Unwillen der Mitgliedstaaten, Souveränität abzugeben. Daraus erwächst eine Krise im Hinblick auf die humanitäre Situation... more
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a problem world-wide. Since it was identified; Western nations have implemented extensive SIDS education campaigns to reduce SIDS risk which have resulted in dramatically decreasing SIDS death rates.... more
It never occurred to our mind the idea of leaving home forever because there is such intimate connection to where we grew up that we wish not to end. Home is where we walked our first steps, talked our first words, fell from stairs, cried... more
The global refugee crisis reveals refugees and other forcibly displaced persons (FDP) are uniquely vulnerable consumers on a dynamic pathway precipitated by trigger events that have disrupted or fractured marketing systems requisite for... more
The article presents a refl ection on the possibilities that the information technologies and new apps developed in the context of the sharing economy may have in the processes of receiving refugees. In recent years, the narrative of... more
The Syrian crisis has generated the largest refugee movement since the Rwandan genocide and is described as the defining refugee crisis of our era. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, Syrian... more
While nation-states often claim that refugees threaten their political and territorial integrity, this chapter shows how the opposite can be true: sometimes states need refugees. In late 2014 and early 2015, when parts of Iraq... more
This paper is an editorial essay, whose insights are informed by a study on the financial journeys of refugees conducted in Greece, Jordan, Turkey, and Denmark in July and August 20162. In this essay, we begin by providing a brief... more