Teaching & Learning (History)
Recent papers in Teaching & Learning (History)
Teachers can use film not only as a mechanism of narrative engagement but also as a vehicle for teaching deep understanding about historical knowledge and the nature of the discipline.
In "A ‘Splendid Idiosyncrasy’: Prehistory at Cambridge 1915-50" Pamela Jane Smith charts the development of prehistoric archaeology from an amateur ‘haphazard’ pastime to a fully ledged academic discipline. Smith argues persuasively that... more
"Cette monographie – la première du genre – est une réflexion sur les miniatures hippiatriques grecques, où se demander pour quel usage et comment le lecteur médiéval les « lisait », conduit nécessairement à essayer d’expliciter les... more
Historians occasionally use timelines, but many seem to regard such signs merely as ways of visually summarizing results that are presumably better expressed in prose. Challenging this language-centered view, I suggest that timelines... more
Capítulo: "La historia como ciencia social y conocimiento escolar. Reflexiones historiográficas y educativas en tiempos de globalización", en Dosil, Javier; Landavazo, Marco Antonio; Martínez Villa, Juana (Coords.) Rumbos de la Historia.... more
Abstract This paper explores some of the epistemological and theoretical perspectives that could shape research designs and inform the analysis of data relating to the construction of national identity in history teaching and museum... more
En este trabajo presentamos los primeros resultados del proyecto “La evaluación de competencias históricas en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Un estudio comparativo, España-Inglaterra”, que fue subvencionado por el Ministerio de... more
The question of history teaching and learning in Cyprus often comes to the forefront of public debate, mainly in the daily press, as a contest between those who wish to change the school history textbooks and those who want them to stay... more
Le contenu de ce mémoire propose une exploration de la conscience historique des jeunes Québécois de niveau collégial à partir des souvenirs qu’ils ont conservés de l’histoire du Québec. L’analyse de contenu d’un récit fait par les... more
Dans cette recherche, nous avons tente de cerner l'apport du manuel d'histoire et ses limites dans la formation de la mémoire historique en utilisant un questionnaire établi en fonction des résultats de l'analyse du contenu de manuels... more
"Bu Öğretmen Kitabı’nda dersler-arası bağlantıları olan, yedi planla uygulanmış arkeoloji süreci konusunda bilgi bulacaksınız. Kitapta İsveç Stokholm’deki Medelhavsmuseet’te ve güney Lefkoşa’daki Kıbrıs Müzesi’nde yer almakta olan Ayia... more
Parce qu’il conteste une ribambelle d’idées reçues, ce livre sera discuté. À l’encontre de ce que l’on dit, les jeunes Québécois s’intéressent à l’histoire de leur société. Ils sont capables de visions d’ensemble du parcours de leur... more
The relationship between the need to preserve archaeological sites and the needs of mass tourism has often proved problematic, as the various papers in this volume demonstrate. The aim of this chapter is to further refine the problem and... more
The question of history teaching and learning in Cyprus often comes to the forefront of public debate, mainly in the daily press, as a contest between those who wish to change the school history textbooks and those who want them to stay... more
It is usually thought that young people, for different reasons, know very little about history. Bodies like the Dominion Institute of Canada, for instance, have commissioned multiple polls over time to show that, when questioned about... more
When young, fifteen- to twenty-five-year-old Quebeckers of FrenchCanadian heritage attending secondary school, college, or university are asked, witho'ut prior warning, to tell the history of Quebec since its beginnings, this is, broadly,... more
Discussion can be a valuable element of history classrooms, and assessing participation can provide an important means of improving students' engagement in this valuable form of communication. Doing so requires that teachers identify the... more
“Technology,” as an issue of Education Canada (2001) – the Canadian Education Association’s leading magazine – states, “has become an accepted fact of life and education.” “Serious discussion of the changes that technology is making to... more
Business history can be a valuable, even critical element in teaching international management – not only at elite institutions and at postgraduate level, but at universities of applied sciences and in undergraduate education, too. It is... more
The article discusses innovations in information and communication technologies and examines their impact on the teaching of history, as well as student learning. Particular focus is given to ways in which the practices of historians,... more
Esse artigo visa reconstruir o contexto de surgimento da Neu Geschichtsdidaktik na Alemanha Ocidental e os desafios da nova didática da história no Brasil. Para tanto, ele analisa o conflito de geração na sociedade alemã do pós-guerra, a... more
The exhibition of the Anglo-Saxon Staffordshire Hoard at Birmingham Museum and Gallery is reviewed along with the accompanying publications ‘The Staffordshire Hoard’ and ‘Beasts, Birds and Gods: Interpreting the Staffordshire Hoard’ and... more
En esta investigación se analiza el papel del estudiante como autor en la escritura de la historia dentro del ámbito escolar. Se inicia la observación con la primera persona del singular que cumple una triple función: a) la posición... more
""Une enquête menée à l’automne 2011 nous a permis de recueillir, auprès de plus de 4 000 répondants provenant des États-Unis, du Royaume-Uni, de France et du Canada-Québec, de courtes phrases faisant état de la représentation qu’ils... more
The Archaeology and Anthropology (Arch and Anth) Tripos is a hundred years old in 2015. To mark the centennial the activities of the Department and Archaeological Field Club (AFC) around the turn of the millennium from 1999 to 2003 are... more
National narratives are a key element in the process of history consumption and production. These master narratives have been analyzed in both theoretical and empirical studies as general schematic templates producing an essentialist and... more
Approaches to History is the core, compulsory course for all single-subject, first-year History undergraduates, who must pass this course in order to proceed to the second year of the History degree. The first term of the course is... more
Johan Samuelsson, "History Wars in Sweden? What history should we teach the children in Sweden". Johan Samuelsson is a senior lecturer in history of education, Karlstads University. He is the current project manager for the development... more
Authors: Manuel Altenkirch (Heidelberg), Kathrin Schröter (Bochum) Report of "Professionalization of History Teachers - National and International Perspectives. XIX. Biennial Conference of German Society for History Didactics" University... more
A contribution to my collaborative blog related to an online course-in-development: "Money and Power in the Atlantic World, 1400-1820". The post focuses on assignment and curriculum design in the face of challenges caused by weaknesses in... more
Brochure con la presentazione della Rete e del Progetto Milanosifastoria e con il programma della Settimana di apertura (3-9 novembre 2014) della sua prima edizione "Storia della istruzione, formazione ed educazione a Milano e in altre... more
"Les 19 et 20 mai 2014 a eu lieu la première restitution publique d’une grande enquête portant sur 6000 récits nationaux d’élèves entre 10 et 20 ans. Trois années ont été nécessaires pour recueillir tous ces récits qui proviennent de... more