Le tombeau de Psousennès Ier , second roi de la 21e dynastie (1039-991 av. J.-C.) fut trouvé intact à Tanis en 1939 et exploré jusqu'en 1946 par Pierre Montet et son équipe. Les incroyables richesses qu'il renfermait, souvent ornées de... more
This article offers the first publication of a statue-cube belonging to Hor (XIII) son of Padimout (IV) partially reconstructed from three fragments preserved at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the... more
Se presenta la propuesta clasificatoria definitiva para el conjunto de small finds del sitio arqueológico Tell El-Ghaba, localizado en la antigua frontera oriental de Egipto (norte de Sinaí), ocupado desde mediados del Tercer Período... more
Lecture. `Local small finds in domestic contexts of a frontier post. Tell el-Ghaba (North Sinai, Egypt) between the 10th and 7th centuries BC´. Current Research in Egyptology CRE, University of the Aegean, Rhodes. May 9-11. In this work... more
Entre los materiales cerámicos hallados en Tell el-Ghaba, en el antiguo Delta oriental egipcio, se encontraron fragmentos de vasijas reconocidas como “pigeon pots”. Se trata de un tipo de vasija de cuerpo ovoide, manufacturada en arcilla... more
Conference ´About pottery and birds in ancient Egypt: The “pigeon pots” from Tell el-Ghaba (Eastern Delta)´. Series What is being researched in our department? Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. University of Granada. Sept 21.
Virtual Colloquium: "Perspectives on the Ancient Near East. 20 years after the founding of CEHAO". Organized by the CEHAO, Red Iberoamericana de Investigadores en Próximo Oriente Antiguo (RIIPOA) & Programa de Estudios de las Sociedades... more
Workshop `Excavating the extra-ordinary 2´ Challenges & merits of working with small finds. Egyptology & Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology, Institute of Ancient Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Mainz, Germany. In recent years... more
This article reports on the archaeometallurgical investigation of thirty-one metalworking and artefact samples from the Egyptian site Tell el-Retaba in Wadi Tumilat. These objects were uncovered by a joint Polish-Slovak mission active at... more
Yellow coffins form one of the largest and more intriguing corpus of Egyptian body containers. In terms of pictorial decoration, they excel in quality and levels of complexity, forming a unique art historical phenomenon. This book... more
BY ANTHONY LEAHY Srsre BM 1655 (fig. I and pl.2) This was briefly described at the time of acquisition but has attracted little attention since3. Nothing is known of its provenance. The stela is of limestone and measures 54 x 23.7 x 4.5... more
Somtutefnakht of Heracleopolis: the art and politics of self-commemoration in the seventh century BC
La loi du 11 mars 1957 n'autorisant, aux termes des alinéas 2 et 3 de l'article 41, d'une part que les « copies ou reproductions strictement réservées à l'usage privé du copiste et non destinées à une utilisation collective » et, d'autre... more
Stanza 5 of the second cycle belonging to the love lyrics of the Deir el-Medina Vase (O. DM 1266 + O. CGC 25218) is dedicated to an extended simile between the pleasure of possessing the lover and that derived from wearing a fresh... more
A parallel study to the shabtis of this lady from the 21st dynasty
Discussing in Arabic language the royal dream and the military campaign of king Tanuamon in Egypt and the end of the so called 25th dynasty.
“A text from the 18th century BC [sic] records shipments of tin from Mari to “Ibni-Addad king of Hazor.” The form of the name in this text is Accadian; the West Semitic form would be “Yabni-Haddad.” Biblical Jabin (Yabin) is simply a... more
“So if we assume that this is an authentic artifact from the Temple of Solomon, then how is it that the inscription is from the Iron Age II but
the pomegranate itself is dated to the Late Bronze Age?”
Stuart Zachary Steinberg.
the pomegranate itself is dated to the Late Bronze Age?”
Stuart Zachary Steinberg.
This study aims to reconstruct the historical campaign of Shoshenq I (Hedjkheperre Shoshenq I: the founder of Egypt’s 22nd Dynasty) in the southern Levant. By critically examining Egyptian relief inscriptions, archaeological evidence, and... more
This work is presented as a continuation of previous writings in which the concept of ‘small finds’ has been problematized and a review of the materials catalogued as small finds for Tell El-Ghaba archaeological site has been systematised... more
Egyptology has always been fascinated by those at the top of the ancient hierarchy, kings, viziers, priests, generals, governors, those running things or deputized to keep them running in the state´s benefit, neglecting the people at the... more
25/11/2024 Vanessa Desclaux Dans la série "Pressé d'Antique", retrouvez les bons mots, anecdotes insolites et dessins humoristiques où les découvertes, savants et idées reçues sont moqués dans une presse déchaînée… L'Antiquité à la BnF... more
In the Histories, Herodotus concentrates on the first four kings of the (Achaemenid) Persian Empire (550-330 BC); of these, the king we know the least about as an historical figure is Cambyses. This is perhaps not surprising, given that... more
Obituary of Jean Jacquet, architect and archaeologist
A review of Herodotean Soundings: The Cambyses Logos, edited by A. Schwab and A. Schuetze (2023).
Some scholars have proposed the perishing of Pharaoh's horsemen in the Red Sea is an event to be associated with Rameses II. I have noted his war reliefs show foot soldiers and chariots but no horsemen or cavalry. Some Egyptologists... more
The Mari-Hazor correspondence provides undeniable evidence that Hazor was a major cultural and economic entity as early as MBIIA. These letters document the trade of gold, silver, and even musicians—a level of grandeur indicative of a... more
The Museo Egizio holds 18 Amduat papyri originated from Thebes between the mid of the Twenty-first and the mid of the Twenty-second Dynasty. In the two centuries since they were brought to the museum, they have left only sporadic traces... more
This paper presents a case study of ten copper alloy icons from the Thiriyaya Collection of the Department of Archaeology in Sri Lanka. These icons include images of Buddha, bodhisattvas, and Tara. In 1983, the Thiriyaya Collection was... more
Preface text about ten people who are either already engaged in Egyptology or are students or young scholars interested in this discipline. Among them are Mykola Tarasenko (head of the Centre), Olha Zapletniuk (Swansea University, UK),... more
The monograph is devoted to ancient Egyptian objects of the 21st Dynasty, which are kept in the museum institutions of Ukraine (Odesa, Kyiv, Poltava, Lviv, and Zolochiv). The book presents previously unknown facts and archival documents... more
Representation of the Victory Procession in the Ancient Egyptian Art till the End of the New Kingdom
Ancient Egyptian kings celebrated their military victories as early as the Old Kingdom. This was especially expressed in the art during the New Kingdom. The return of the victorious king from a war, a military battle, or an expedition was... more
https://www.pisauniversitypress.it/scheda-libro/autori-vari/the-sacred-and-the-secular-in-the-theban-necropolis-9791256080359-577052.html The Theban Necropolis is one of Egypt's most captivating archaeological sites. Stretching almost 7... more
Publication date of the English version: November 2024
An account of Thibron's war against Kyrene and the Ptolemaic takeover (324–321 BCE). This includes background on the flight of Harpalus, Kyrene in the 4th century BCE and the organization of the Kyrenean army during this period. Version... more
By synchronizing Year 1446 BC from the biblical timeline for the Exodus with the traditionally dated Year 1650 BC of modern chronologies, archeology evidences an Egyptian downfall known as Second Intermediate Period that was caused by... more
The paper analyses the development of northern Lebanon in the 3rd millennium BCE, in the frame of the elaboration of the models for the so-called ‘secondary urbanisation’. The urban planning and the architectural models elaborated in... more
The book discusses two of the main seeds of Western Culture – the Exodus and the Odyssey, which are entwined within the book by both a common link with Egypt and a review of ancient chronology. They were both antecedents to the rise of... more
The problem and the aim of the study. Digital Citizenship has become a force affecting the construction and the implementation of the curriculum, and the idea of including its knowledge, skills and values in the school curriculum... more
Previously unpublished correspondence between Sethe and Borchardt concerning the fake stele Berlin15699. - Cuneiform tablet with logarithms faked by Borchardt; possible identity with MLC 2078.
Ò e d i t e d b y G i a n l u c a M i n i a c i , C h r i s t i a n G r e c o , P a o l o D e l Ve s c o , M a t t i a M a n c i n i , C r i s t i n a A l ù