Visual perception
Recent papers in Visual perception
Gender differences have been shown across many domains, and motor skills are no exception. One of the most robust findings is a significant sex difference in throwing accuracy, which reflects the advantage of men in targeting abilities.... more
Top-down controlled selective or divided attention to sounds and visual objects, as well as bottom-up triggered attention to auditory and visual distractors, has been widely investigated. However, no study has systematically compared... more
This paper reviews the achievements of Abbott Handerson Thayer (1849-1921), an American painter and naturalist whose pioneering writings on animal camouflage addressed shared concerns among artists, zoologists and military tacticians. It... more
This study explored how domestic cats perform in a horizontal string-pulling task to determine whether they understand this case of physical causality. Fifteen cats were tested on their ability to retrieve an unreachable food treat in... more
With the recent realization of the extent to which adolescents are committing sexual offenses, researchers have attempted to identify valid and reliable assessment instruments for this population. Some such assessment instruments (i.e.,... more
Understanding Consciousness, second edition provides a unique survey and evaluation of consciousness studies, along with an original analysis of consciousness that combines scientific findings, philosophy and common sense. Building on... more
A tout instant, quoi que nous fassions, nous sommes environnés par des corps qui réduisent l’espace et opposent de la résistance. Que sont ces corps qui saturent notre quotidien et avec lesquels il nous faut constamment négocier l’espace... more
Pioneering research by Marianne Teuber indicated the influence of William James’ theories of visual perception on early Cubism, transmitted via the personality of Gertrude Stein. This article takes up this research by qualifying that the... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
With the latest developments in education, an understanding of education that puts the student at the center, structures what they have just acquired based on previous knowledge, and accepts all structured knowledge by rejecting the... more
Twelve children with early intense reading and superior word recognition skills coupled with disordered language and cognitive behavior are described. Cognitive, linguistic, and reading measures evidenced a generalized cognitive deficit... more
Experimental evidence on the distribution of visual attention supports the idea of a spatial saliency map, whereby bottom-up and top-down influences on attention are integrated by a winner-take-all mechanism. We implement this map with a... more
In this paper we present an alternative strategy to define zoning for handwriting recognition, which is based on nonsymmetrical perceptual zoning. The idea is to extract some knowledge from the confusion matrices in order to make the... more
Autistics often exhibit enhanced perceptual abilities when engaged in visual search, visual discrimination, and embedded figure detection. In similar fashion, while performing a range of perceptual or cognitive tasks, autistics display... more
Die gerade noch wahrnehmbare, optisch induzierte Krümmung einer horizontalen Geraden wurde unter dem Einfluss von Psilocybin untersucht. Die Droge bewirkt einen deutlichen, jedoch vorübergehenden Kompensationsverlust gegenüber der optisch... more
This experiment was designed to test whether reading disabled boys differ from matched controls on behavioral measures ofinterhemispheric transfer time (IHTT). Specifically. we proposed that language-disordered reading disabled children... more
. Reasoning about the height and location of a hidden object in 4.5 and 6.5month-old infants. Cognition, 38: 13-42. ' TkYis rescaxb was supported by a gram irom the Nationai institute of Child iieaith and Human Development (HD-21104). I... more
Film depictions of activities possess two kinds of structures-namely, the structural features of the depicted activities themselves and a formal structure defmed by film cuts. The former structure is used by everyday observers for... more
The functional anatomy of Chinese character processing was investigated using fMRI. Right-handed Mandarin-English bilingual participants made either semantic or perceptual size judgements with characters and pictures. Areas jointly... more
Whether children with idiopathic generalized epilepsy exhibit accelerated forgetting of verbal and nonverbal information in comparison to healthy controls matched for age and IQ was explored. Twenty-one children with IGE were compared... more
A number of investigators have employed linear and rotational displacements of the visual scene to study the mechanics by which visual cues influence postural orientation and the perception of motion in humans. Surprisingly, however, they... more
The relationship of task relevance and stimulus probability to P300 morphology, latency and distribution was assessed. Eight year olds and adults completed visual oddball tasks of recognition memory with frequent non-target (60%),... more
People tend to perceive identical top halves (i.e. above the nose) of two face stimuli as being different when they are aligned with distinct bottom halves. This composite face illusion is generally considered as the most compelling... more
Humans’ conscious awareness of objects in their visual periphery is limited. This limit is not entirely the result of reduced visual acuity. Rather, it is primarily caused by crowding—the difficulty identifying an object when it is... more
The 8th SPARKS session is interested in discussing innovative manners in which artists, technologists, researchers, and practitioners, express their visions of the impact and effects of data in art and science. With this goal in mind, the... more
Saccadic eye movements direct the high-resolution foveae of our retinas toward objects of interest. With each saccade, the image jumps on the retina, causing a discontinuity in visual input. Our visual perception, however, remains stable.... more
This study assessed the relation between mother mental state language and child desire language and emotion understanding in 15 -24-month-olds. At both time points, mothers described pictures to their infants and mother talk was coded for... more
In a valence induction task, one color acquired positive valence by indicating the chance to win money (in the case of fast and correct responses), and a different color acquired negative valence by indicating the danger to lose money (in... more
Neuroimaging experiments have revealed that the visual cortex is involved in the processing of affective stimuli: seeing emotional pictures leads to greater activation than seeing neutral ones. It is unclear, however, whether such... more
Recent empirical results suggest that there is a decrement in dividing attention between two objects in a scene compared with focusing attention on a single object. However, objects can be made of individual parts. Is there a decrement... more
Objective: To examine the neural basis and dynamics of facial affect processing in schizophrenic patients as compared to healthy controls. Method: Fourteen schizophrenic patients and fourteen matched controls performed a facial affect... more
Affective states, anxiety in particular, have been shown to negatively influence human postural control efficiency as measured by posturographic means, while exposure to a full-length mirror image of one's body exerts a stabilizing... more
Subjects watched either an emotional, neutral, or unusual sequence of slides containing 1 critical slide in the middle. Experiments 1 and 2 allowed only a single eye fixation on the critical slide by presenting it for 180 ms (Experiment... more
Motor improvements in chronic stroke recovery accrue from coupled protocols of bilateral movements and active neuromuscular stimulation. This experiment investigated coupled protocols and within-limb transfer between distal and proximal... more
We have previously reported the performance of a patient (NL) who could recognize objects, but appeared to lack knowledge of their orientation. These results were interpreted as evidence that NL had isolated access to a... more
Primary Objective: To assess three domains of emotion recognition in people with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Research design: A between group comparison. Procedures: Twenty-four participants with severe TBI and 15 matched participants... more
The paper presents a new approach to the quantification of simulation fidelity based on an analysis of pilot guidance strategy. The manoeuvre guidance portrait is conceived as the solution to a low order equivalent system, and to properly... more
Recent discussion of the role of memory in perception has tended to focus on sensory memory and working memory. I present a summary of the psychological evidence for a further form of memory termed Conceptual Short-Term Memory, arguing it... more
This research was conducted at the Institute for Cognitive Studies, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey, as part o f a doctoral dissertation. I wish to thank H. Wallach, D. Dinnerstein, and C. H. Harris for their contributions to this... more
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to examine differences between children (9±12 years) and adults (21±31 years) in the distribution of brain activation during word processing. Orthographic, phonologic, semantic and... more
The organization of neocortex into layers is one of its most salient anatomical features. These layers include circuits that form functional columns in cortical maps. A major unsolved problem concerns how bottom-up, top-down, and... more