Create this DIY Fortune cookie gift to give to someone this Valentine’s Day. It’s filled with 14 reasons why you love them!

I like to make Valentine’s extra fun- One year we did conversation hearts all over each kid’s door. Then last year we did some fun little candy poppers for 14 days of February! So this year, I wanted to keep the tradition going!
We got fortune cookies for New Years and had a to-go box sitting on my counter. I decided that fun Valentine fortune cookies filled with reasons why I love you inside would be just perfect! So I’m going to walk you through how to make these from start to finish!
How to DIY Fortune cookie gift
I created 14 cookies- One for my daughter to open Feb 1- Feb 14. This idea would be so darling for you to give to your spouse or significant other!
Supplies to make foam fortune cookies
- Foam sheets (They are $1 a piece at all craft store and walmart) Pick any colors you want!
- hot glue gun
- scissors
- paper
- pen
How to put together the cookies
Start by cutting out circles. We used a cup about 3 inches wide and traced around it. Cut out however many you want.
You can type up or write up your fortunes. I just wrote on a white sheet of paper and cut them out into strips.
You can write fortunes- but I chose to write 14 things I loved about my daughter!
Add a dob of hot glue on edge of the circle and fold the other side up- like a taco.
You only want to dob of blue because you want to keep the bottom open to add in your fortune. Make sure to hold until the glue is cool to prevent it from coming apart.
Slide your fortune in the taco opening at the bottom. It’s okay if the edges hand out a bit.
Once the fortunes are all in place, you are going to add one more dob of hot glue in the bottom corner of the cookie shell (yellow arrow in the image below) and fold the fortune cookie in half again. Just pinch the two pieces together until the glue is cool.
You are left with some super cute faux fortune cookies full of some kind words!
Please notice the red fortune cookie- that was my first one and I put way to much glue. Just one circle holds the cookie together and makes it easy to rip open to get the fortune out.
You could add these into a cute bag or box- or even ask a local restaurant for ato-goo box! BUT if you want to make your own- keep reading!
How to make a to-go box for a DIY fortune cookie gift
Supplies need to make your own Valentine’s box
- Square paper in a cute pattern (I used 12×12)
- hot glue
- ruler
- scissors
- pencil
- Printable down below
How to make the to-go container
I actually use the to go box I had to trace around- but I did create a printable to make your life easier! Print it out and trace around it.
Cut out the pattern.
Using a ruler and a pen or bone folder, you want to score the sections of pattern that have dashed lines. Scored lines in the paper make it easy to fold the paper into the box shape.
Bend each line so they are easy to fold up how you want.
The box has a front and box (the part with the little hook clasp) and two sides.
The paper folds into the sides with two flaps that overlap.
I added hot glue tot keep the flaps in place- but any adhesive would work!
Cut out the little hole for the notch to go in and make sure it closes correctly!
Then you can just fill up your cute to-go container with all the fortune cookies!
I added a little foam heart to the front- but you can decorate this with an initial or add a festive ribbon around it.
Now you have created the cutest little gift to give your loved one this Valentines season!
Download the free to-go box printable below:
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Valentine Day Projects
- Valentine Games to play (perfect for classroom parties
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- Play dough mats for Valentines Day
- Valentine Printable Activities
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- Candy Poppers
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- Valentine themed SVGs
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