Contact Us
Your comments and concerns are important to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) in helping to assess and improve our programs and products. Please send us your questions, suggestions, or other feedback. Every message will be read by the person(s) responsible for that subject area, and we will follow up in whatever manner is appropriate. For a list of our specific commitments to serve you better, please select Customer Service Standards.
How to Use the Web Site: Start by checking our Home Page where we have established links to major categories and various topical areas within the site. We offer an A-Z Quick Menu where you can select a topic from a drop-down list as well. You may also Search the site or check the News & Events section. These features are designed to assist you in obtaining the information you need.
Where to Find Answers: If you have questions about Agency activities, programs, or products please try to find the answers on our Frequently Asked Questions page first by selecting Find Answers and then choosing the relevant category and/or searching by keywords.
Communicating Online with AHRQ: If you want to communicate your comments, questions, requests, or suggestions by email to AHRQ, please use the Ask a Question or Provide Feedback features at: You may also set up an account to track questions or receive updates with the My Inquiries feature.
Communicating by Mail with AHRQ: Send your letter with comments or questions to:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Office of Communications
5600 Fishers Lane, 7th Floor
Rockville, MD 20857
Communicating by Phone with AHRQ: The public inquiries number is: (301) 427-1104.
Freedom of Information: AHRQ cannot accept Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by telephone. You may send such requests by mail, fax, or email. For contact information and instructions, go to: Freedom of Information Act.
Research Impact: AHRQ is interested in feedback from the private and public sectors on how our research findings or products are being used and their impact on organizations, service delivery, and quality of care. Please contact the Agency online or by mail if you are willing to provide feedback on your experience and examples of use and impact and/or will allow us to interview you and develop an Impact Case Study.