The DEI Illusion: A Capitalist Smokescreen

From Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement

Winston Peters recently made a speech attacking Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programmes in Aotearoa. The speech, filled with reactionary bluster, predictably framed DEI as a tool of woke overreach. But what neither Peters nor his liberal opponents will admit is that DEI is not a radical challenge to oppression—it is a corporate mechanism designed to sustain capitalism.

Why Stop at Removing Biden?

From CrimethInc.

The Center Cannot Hold

It would seem like a heavy-handed metaphor if it weren’t our actual reality. A doddering patriarch, representing a collapsing centrist political project, refuses to step aside even as it becomes certain that he faces defeat at the hands of an aspiring autocrat. This encapsulates the global prospects for democracy today.

Phoenix Anarchists Mobilize Against “WLM” Group and Fascists at Pro-Choice Abortion Rally

from It's Going Down

Anarchists in so-called Phoenix, Arizona report on confronting both neo-Nazis organizing under the banner of ‘White Lives Matter’ and far-Right militias harassing pro-choice demonstrations.

The Center Takes the Empire: Peter Gelderloos on the Path Ahead

from It's Going Down

On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we speak with long-time anarchist writer and organizer Peter Gelderloos, author of such books at Anarchy Works, Worshiping Power, and How Non-Violence Protects the State. On this episode, we look back on the last month of the Trump presidency and discuss what lies ahead now that the Democrats have won the White House and pushed for a return to normalcy on the streets. We discuss how Biden will respond to the far-Right, the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the continuing economic fallout.

A Critique of Emergency Measures that Remove Freedom of Assembly

via North Shore Counter-Info

My feeling is that anarchism in our political context is struggling to adapt itself to the times. We have always been greatly outnumbered by liberals, people who essentially trust the government to govern in the best interest of the people. In a time where the political reality has been transformed so rapidly, in a time characterized by a dizzying cascade of confusing information, misinformation, and disinformation, we are losing our way, following the liberal herd into the state-sanctioned pen. We must steadfastly affirm what our values are, and one value that anarchists have always held is that the freedom of assembly is a foundational right that must be defended.

Possibilities of pressure on the dictatorial regime in Belarus

received via email, from Lukáš Borl

Recently, anarchists who already have extensive experience in Lukashenko’s regime repressions have been imprisoned. Dmitry Dubovsky, Igor Olinevich, Sergei Romanov, Dmitry Rezanovich, Mikola Dziadok, Akihiro Gaevsky-Hanada and others. The reason for their prosecution is obvious: they resisted the dictatorship. The regime in Belarus is no different from other dictatorships. It does not accept active resistance to one’s own evil, even if it is only the activity of individuals or small groups. The ruling class realizes that after so many years of oppression, any resistance has great potential to become richer until the regime overwhelms it and falls.

Unarmed Insurrection

via Roar Magazine

Unarmed insurrection and the Hot Summer of 2020

This summer’s insurrection requires a critical investigation of the ideal of nonviolence, in order to understand and develop new popular tactics.

The Other White Vigilante

From It's Going Down, by Peter Gelderloos

Peter Gelderloos looks at the harmful role of “progressive” white vigilantes in resistance movements. 

More recently, another kind of white vigilante has carved out a niche. This kind comes from the Left, and they claim to be critical of the police and the white supremacist structures with which they work hand in hand. Meet Kristina Beverlin. Kristina was a participant in the CHOP in Seattle who frequently used her social media (@krisbeverlin on Twitter and @mindfulexplorer on Instagram) to share #BLM posts and criticisms of the police.

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