Volunteer with the Arc

“ Love for all of life is the doorway to experiencing community, and the foundation for meaningful service. ”

  • Trailblazers

    Trailblazers are trained by Arc Staff to independently monitor and care for a chosen trail system at one of Arc of Appalachia’s many preserves. Trailblazers visit their adopted trails at least once a month – trimming back vegetation and reporting to staff the short term and long term needs of the preserve’s trails. They are an essential extension to the eyes, ears, and hands of the land stewardship staff, ensuring the quality and safety of our preserve’s hiking trails. If interested, email Ethan King at ethan.arcofappalachia@gmail.com

  • Forest Keepers

    Forest Keepers work in concert with the Arc’s staff to complete a variety of forest stewardship asks, including planting trees, monitoring tree diseases, restoring rare ecoystems, and – most importantly – removing non-native invasive plants that threaten the balance of our most sensitive ecosystems. Forest Keeper volunteers work to restore, protect and perpetuate native plant and animal communities in the Arc’s growing preserve system. If interested, sign up to receive the Arc’s Volunteer E-announcements.

  • Tremper Volunteers

    The ancient earthworks of Tremper Mound near Portsmouth is the most ambitious preservation project ever undertaken by the Arc of Appalachia. The endeavor includes the development of an education center, designing and building trails, planting trees along the Scioto River, and even caring for the gardens around the Manor House. Elijah is seeking volunteers to find their special niche in this exciting work. If interested, subscribe to the Arc’s Vounteer E-announcements and write Elijah at elijah.crabtree@gmail.com.

  • Museum Hosting

    Museum Hosts are the primary visitor greeters and educators at the Appalachian Forest Museum at the Highlands Nature Sanctuary on weekends during the visitor season. Museum hosts work alongside Arc staff to wecome visitors, answer questions, and orient them to the Sanctuary’s trails, and to the mission of the Arc of Appalachia if they are interested. Volunteer lodging is available at Ash Ayden Volunteer Center, and/or (with hosting) at our new Barrett’s Millhouse Lodge. Write us at arcpreserveinfo@gmail.com

  • Special Event Cooks

    Volunteer Cooks work alongside Arc staff, usually at the Highlands Nature Sanctuary, to prepare food and clean up for our large annual events, including the Wildflower Pilgrimage and Mothapalooza. No experience needed. Volunteer cooks will learn how to make such signature Arc recipes as artisan bread, chocolat.e cashew bars, biscuits, and some of the best chili and salads in the world. If interested, be sure to subscribe to the Arc’s Volunteer E-announcements.. If you wish to offer your services for a specific event, write us at arcpreserveinfo@gmail.com