Lab Members
Joe Parker, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology and Biological Engineering
Director, Caltech Center for Evolutionary Science
joep [at] caltech [dot] edu
Veronica Muller, B.S.
Laboratory Manager
Research Assistant
vmuller [at] caltech [dot] edu
Tom Naragon
Graduate Student
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
tnaragon [at] caltech [dot] edu
Yuriko Kishi
Graduate Student
ykishi [at] caltech [dot] edu
Jean Badroos
Jess Kanwal, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
jkanwal [at] caltech [dot] edu
Personal website
Joani Viliunas
Graduate Student
viliunas [at] caltech [dot] edu
Hayley Smihula
Graduate Student
hsmihula [at] caltech [dot] edu
Tarun Sharma
Graduate Student
Computational and Neural Systems
tsharma [at] caltech [dot] edu
Manuel Holguin
Graduate Student
Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
mjholgui [at] caltech [dot] edu
Ti Eriksson, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Scholar
Biology and Biological Engineering
therikss [at] caltech [dot] edu
Caio Antunes de Carvalho, Ph.D.
Visiting Associate
caioac [at] caltech [dot] edu
Ling Loh, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Scholar
Evolution and Developmental Biology
lingsloh [at] caltech [dot] edu
Albert Zhou
Functional Genetic Technician
awzhou [at] caltech [dot] edu
John Truong
jtruong [at] caltech [dot] edu
Former lab members
Primrose Tanachaiwiwat (EVO-WAVE Scholar, U Florida, 2024)
Jenasis Cambell (EVO-WAVE Scholar, Georgia Tech, 2024)
Julian Wagner (Graduate student, 2018-2024)
Yuerong Xiao (Functional Genetic Technician, 2022-2024)
Camila Romero (WAVE Scholar, West Virginia U, 2023)
Maria Jaimes (WAVE Scholar, Indiana U, 2023)
Jonayet Lavin (SURF student, Caltech, 2022)
Mina Yousefelahiyah (Lab Manager, 2018-2023)
Sheila Kitchen (Postdoctoral fellow, 2018–2022)
David Miller (Graduate student, 2018–2022)
Adrian Brückner (Postdoctoral fellow, 2018–2022)
Noah Robinson (rotation student, BE, 2022)
Alec Lourenco (rotation student, BMB, 2021)
Alana Weiss (AMGEN student, Pomona College, 2021)
Jack Ngyuen (SURF student, Caltech, 2021)
Angel Wang (SURF student, Caltech, 2021)
Isabell Yang (SURF student, Caltech, 2021)
Natali Lelieur (SURF student, Caltech, 2019)
Nicole Heflin (SURF student, Caltech, 2019)
Jack Chen (VURP student, U Toronto, 2019)
Joycelyn Yiu (AMGEN Scholar, Rice U, 2019)
Lev Tsypin (rotation student, BBE, 2018)
Jessica Griffiths (rotation student, BBE, 2018)
Steven Wilbert (rotation student, BBE, 2018)
Christina Park (AMGEN Scholar, Harvard, 2018)
Carrie Hicks (AMGEN Scholar, U Denver, 2018)
Shirley Zhu (SURF student, Caltech, 2018)