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Democratic Events

We have two main democratic events within the university - Annual Members Meetings and Student Council.

You can find out more about each on the page below, as well as viewing the minutes from previous meetings.


Annual Members Meeting (AMM)

AMM is the Students' Union's largest democratic event. Any student can attend and vote! It takes place once a year in second term and like Student Council, this meeting is an opportunity to pass policy and hold the Full-Time Officers to account. Any items (motions) that pass become active SU policy for three years. AMM is also an opportunity to renew policy that is about to expire.

Our last AMM was on 04/02/2025. You can find the minutes from that meeting here: AMM Minutes 2025 and a summary of the meeting here: AMM 2025 summary

Student Council

Student Council is a cohort of students who have taken a representative and leading role in our democracy: Faculty and Course Representatives, Network Chairs, Society Presidents, Volunteering Project Co-ordinators, and Club Captains. The formal meeting from this cohort is also called Student Council and it's the main representative forum of the Students' Union. It creates policy which directs the focus for our team of 7 SU officers. Members discuss and vote on items (called motions) submitted by students. Any motions that pass become active SU policy for three years.

All students can submit motions and attend the meeting, but only the student council cohort can vote on motions. 

Our last Student Council was on 14/11/2024. You can find the minutes from that meeting here: Student Council Minutes Nov 24.

How to raise something at Student Council or AMM

There are two ways of submitting an item or issue for discussion at Student Council or AMM:

1. Complete an Idea and Motions Form - if you don't have your motion ready, please submit this with ample advance before the motion deadline so we can help you write and submit your motion in time.
2. Complete the Motion Template and submit it through our Idea and Motions Form

The Motion Template has loads of guidance to help you get started, but you can also use our additional guidance or contact us if you would like more support. You might also want to consider the following questions:

1. Does it advance the education of students at the University of Bristol?
2. Does it further the interests of students as students?
3. Does it reflect the fair allocation of resources between societies?
4. Is it for the public benefit (i.e. would the action benefit enough students)?
5. What would the legal, financial or reputational risks be to Bristol SU if the idea (motion) is approved?

Please get in touch with any questions: email


Previous Meetings

Previous Student Council Meetings

14 November 2024


  1. NUS Representative Update - Passed
  2. Representation Review - Passed
  3. Financial Support for Current International Undergraduates - Passed
  4. Free Circuit Laundry - Passed
  5. Introduction of an anti-Palestinian racism definition to Bristol - Passed
  6. Adjusting Graduation Ceremony Dates for International Students - Passed
  7. Proposition for the SU to support the Divest Borders Campaign - Passed
  8. Accessibility for students with disabilities at University of Bristol - Passed
  9. End All Forced Swimming Experiments at the University of Bristol - Passed
  10. Easier Access to Support Services for International Students - Passed

The minutes from the meeting can be viewed here.

25 April 2023


  1. Natural (Committee) Selection - Passed
  2. Remove the Colston Dolphin from the University Crest and Stop Selling Merchandise Featuring It - Passed
  3. Standing Committee Changes for the better  - Passed

The minutes from the meeting can be viewed here.

14 November 2023


  1. Improve the Music Practice Rooms at the UniversityPassed
  2. Transition to a 100% just and sustainable plant-based student union - Failed
  3. An Update to SU Byelaws to Align with Current Practice - Passed
  4. Clarifying the role of Democratic Standards Committee during Elections - Passed
  5. Reinstate the 4-year Graduate-entry Medicine course at the University of Bristol. - Passed
  6. Supporting trans and non-binary students & campaigning for Gender Justice. - Passed
  7. Allow the mandatory committee role of Equalities Officer to be held by up to two peoplePassed
  8. Ensure academic support is in place for all Full-Time Officer candidates during elections. - Passed

The minutes from the meeting can be viewed here

10 November 2022


  1. Motion: Earlier Timetable Release for Students - Passed
  2. Motion: Continue to Support Bristol Student Housing Cooperative - Passed
  3. Motion: Entrepreneurial Initiatives Support - Passed
  4. Motion: Proportionate Spending in Affilliated Student Groups' Sub-Groups - Failed

(Council also voted to ratify motions passed at June 2022 Council)

The minutes from the meeting can be viewed here

7 June 2022


  1. Accessibility Audit - Passed
  2. An Agenda That Works - Passed
  3. Disaffiliate the Bristol Officer Training Corps - Failed
  4. Guarantor Scheme - Passed
  5. Standing Up for Students -  Passed
  6. Changes to Byelaws 11(b) 11(h) 11(i) - Failed 

The minutes from the meeting can be viewed here.

23 November 2021


  1. (AmendedBristol SU's Response to University Industrial Action - passed (Council voted in favour of an amendment to this motion, then voted in favour of the motion as amended)
  2. Did you know that the university funds its own slaughterhouse and dairy farm? We want more transparency with what goes on there - passed
  3. Forced Swim Test - passed
  4. Fossil Free Careers - passed
  5. Free sustainable period products for students - passed
  6. Student representation in selecting new Vice Chancellor - passed

The minutes from the meeting can be viewed here.

8 June 2021


  1. Students’ Union to Lobby the University for Increased in-person Teaching - passed
  2. Improving Governance, Democracy and Membership Engagement - passed
  3. Inclusive Student Spaces and Experiences – Now and in the Future - passed
  4. Byelaw Stage 2 Changes - passed
  5. Increasing Input into the University’s Anti-Racist Initiatives - passed
  6. Supporting Students who Have Experienced Sexual Misconduct - passed

The minutes from the meeting can be found here.

26 November 2020


  1. Tuition Fee Transparency with amendments (actions 5 and 6 were added) - Passed

  2. Harm Reduction Approach to Alcohol and Other Drugs - Passed

  3. Introducing a Full Time BAME Officer - Passed

  4. Proposal for the formation of a Black Student’s Network - Passed

  5. Changing our language to embrace body positivity - Passed

  6. PG network: New year, new Chairs - Passed

  7. Supporting Student Sex Workers - Passed

  8. Making the Winston Theatre more accessible - Failed

  9. Bristol SU to run an official Global Health Shortcourse - Passed

(Council also voted to ratify all motions passed at AMM 2020)

The minutes from the meeting can be viewed here.

Previous AMMs

4 February 2025

Motion Renewals 


This meeting also approved an update to Byelaw 10 and our Affiliations for 2024/25.

The minutes from the meeting can be viewed here.

1 February 2024

Motion Renewals 


This meeting also ratified the 2023 Annual Members Meeting.

The minutes from the meeting can be viewed here.

13 February 2023

Motion Renewals (in alphabetical order)

Motions (in alphabetical order)

The following motions were deferred to Student Council in May:

The minutes from the meeting can be viewed here.

15 February 2022

Motions (in alphabetical order)

  1. Bristol SU to oppose the University’s unsustainable expansion - passed
  2. Changes for Network Committees in relation to Byelaw 7 - passed
  3. Install R;pple on all university IT infrastructure to help prevent suicides - passed
  4. Protecting Students in Nightclubs and Bars - passed
  5. Update Bye-Law Section 9 (student groups) to increase clarity, reduce bureaucracy, and ensure all groups remain truly student led - passed

Also for ratification at this meeting: 
Boycott Barclays - passed

Boycott the border industry on campus - passed

Support for the movement against immigration detention and the hostile environment - passed

The minutes from the meeting can be viewed here.

2 March 2021

Motions (in alphabetical order)

  1. Antisemitism Awareness Week - passed
  2. Championing Issues Facing Students with Caring Responsibilities - passed
  3. Establishing a Student Tenants Union - passed
  4. Governance Review Stage 3 - passed
  5. Official Recognition of the Peer-Support Scheme at the University of Bristol - passed
  6. Officialisation of the Financial Wellbeing Project - passed
  7. Paid Postgraduate Parental and Long-term Sick Leave - passed
  8. Private School Admissions Cap - failed 

Also for ratification at this meeting: 

Volunteering and Fundraising Network Terms of Reference - passed

Sustainability Network Terms of Reference - passed

Care Leavers and Estranged Students Network Terms of Reference - passed

Black Students Network Terms of Reference - passed

The minutes from the meeting can be viewed here.

25 February 2020

Motions (in the confirmed order): 

  1. Support Student Rent Strikes  - Passed

  1. Trial Dairy-Free Campus Cafés in 2020/21  - Failed

  1. Establishment of an academic writing centre - Failed 

  1. One-Split wonder: Rag, Volunteer and Sustainability Network - Passed 

  1. Temporary and Short-term recruitment Services for students by Students Union - Passed

  1. Support Student Societies with Security Costs - Failed

  1. Network Terms of Reference Alignment - Passed

The minutes for this meeting can be found here.

Our Committees

We have two committees whose roles are to make sure our democratic processes are transparent and accessible, and to hold our officers to account.

The Democratic Standards Committee

The DSC ensures that Bristol SU's structures and democracy are accessible, fair and productive for all students. The committee also sets the agenda for each Student Council and AMM.

The DSC may decide that a motion is unnecessary, or an item is better discussed by a different group. For example, at a Network forum, or via an all-student referendum.

The DSC includes the Chair of Student Council, Union Affairs Officer and five students elected by Student Council.

Student Representatives Assembly (SRA)

Student Representatives Assembly (formerly Standing Committee) scrutinises the actions of the Full-time officers. It also develops proposals and motions as directed by Student Council. This committee reports to Student Council about other democratic events and conferences.

SRA includes the full time officers, chairs of networks, faculty reps and student trustees.

Access the minutes from the Student Rep Assembly meetings here:

Previous Policy

To see the active policy that was passed in the last three years and the stages that policy is at please visit the Officers pages. Each Officer covers a different area so if you are looking for a certain policy it will fall under the remit of a particular officer. Please contact us if you can not find it.

Get in touch with the Impact & Influence Team

Send an email to the Academic Representation Team

Send an email to the Elections Team

Send an email to the Democracy and Campaigns Team

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