Mandated Reporters

Boston University Employees (except those who are Confidential Resources) are Mandated Reporters. This means they must report any incidents of Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation, and Sexual Misconduct (Prohibited Behavior) to the Equal Opportunity Office (EOO).

  • If they see, hear, or know about such behavior while working, they must tell the EOO all the details.
  • This rule also applies to student-employees when they are working.
  • Mandated Reporters should keep the information as private as possible and only share it with those who need to know, like the Resolution Team.

This webpage is meant to serve as a resource for Mandated Reporters to provide a trauma-informed response should they receive a disclosure.

If in doubt as to whether an incident needs to be reported, report it. We encourage you not to promise confidentiality or attempt resolution on your own as this is the role of EOO.

Thank you for your commitment to fostering a safe and respectful university environment that better protects all community members from incidents of sex-based harassment.

◊What is a Mandated Reporter?

While BU encourages all community members to report possible violations of University policy, Mandated Reporters are individuals who are required by policy to report any knowledge of potential prohibited behavior to the Equal Opportunity Office.

Please see ‘What has to be reported?’ section below for more information on the types of behavior that must be reported.

◊Who is a Mandated Reporter?

All non-confidential employees are considered Mandated Reporters. This includes all student employees when acting in their role as employees.

Failure to report knowledge of potential sex-based harassment could be a violation of BU policy.

A list of confidential resources can be found here.

◊What has to be reported?

Mandated Reporters are required to report incidents they personally observe as well as incidents reported to them. These offenses must be reported to the Equal Opportunity Office as soon as practical upon learning of a potential violation, and Mandated Reporters must report any information that is shared with them, including names of involved individuals and details of the prohibited conduct.

Reportable conduct includes:

  • Sex-based discrimination -treating someone (an applicant or employee) unfavorably because of that person’s sex, including the person’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or pregnancy.
  • Sexual harassment – unwelcome conduct of a sexual mature, including comments and physical contact.
  • Sex offenses – actual or attempted contact of a sexual nature without consent, including fondling, coercive touch, and rape.
  • Sexual exploitation – actual or attempted conduct to take sexual advantage of another person without their consent.
  • Stalking – two or more acts of unwanted attention, harassment, or other conduct that is likely to alarm or place that person in fear of harm or injury.
  • Intimate partner violence (dating or domestic) – abuse, violence, or intentionally controlling behavior between partners or former partners.
  • Discrimination – disparate treatment resulting from a discrete, adverse educational or employment action based on a person’s actual or perceived protected status.
  • Harassment – unwelcome conduct based on a person’s actual or perceived protected status.
  • Retaliation – intimidation, threats, or discrimination against a person for making a report or for participating in or declining to participate in an investigation.

Additional information regarding the obligations of Mandated Reporters can be found in the Interim Equal Opportunity and Title IX Policy.

◊How to report?

EOO requests all reports be submitted via convenient electronic form located here.

Also, if you would prefer to speak to a member of the Title IX team, please see this list of Deputy Title IX Coordinators by department.

◊What happens after a report is made?

EOO will contact the affected individual to provide referrals for medical, counseling, spiritual, and advocacy support. The individual will be provided with information detailing reporting options, the effects of each option, and how law enforcement can help. Please know, any meeting with EOO is strictly voluntary and EOO will not require any person to meet with us.

The Reporting Process

◊What do I say?

When someone starts to disclose information to you, gently interrupt with the following information:

“I need to tell you I am considered a Mandated Reporter. This means I am required to inform the Title IX Coordinator that an incident which potentially violates a BU policy occurred. Your personal safety is our number one concern. The reason I have to submit this report is BU wants to make sure you are able to get all the help and support you need. If you do not want details of what occurred reported, please know you have the right to maintain your privacy. I will only report what you confide in me.”

We encourage you to share your reporting obligation early in any interaction and recommend noting your obligation in the course syllabus. It is important to connect the individual with confidential resources, who do not have a duty to report any information disclosed to them.

◊What language can I add to my syllabus to disclose I am a mandated reporter?

I am a mandated reporter. What this means is I have a responsibility and requirement to report potential instances of sexual misconduct, harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. Students experiencing any form of prohibited discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct should know there are confidential resources on campus that can help. Students are not required to participate in an investigation or resolution process to receive supportive measures including reasonable academic support. Click here to learn more about supportive measures. To learn more about reporting at Boston University or to understand your rights under our policies please visit the Equal Opportunity Office at or contact them at