Originally Posted by jecovli
I also came across this thread googling Dogden Butte so I thought I would add what I know about my family as they too were from Ukraine in the Kiev region. The family name when my great great grandparents left Russia was Kolesenko. The name was changed to Covlin when they landed in the US. They started in Louisville KY and came to ND in the spring of 1900. They had 8 children and part of the family ended up in the Ruso area while the rest settled in the Dogden Butte area. Great great grandma's maiden name was Yakoshenko. Not sure if they retained that name or if it was changed.
I currently live in MN about 4 hours east of Dogden Butte, My wife and I are planning a trip out that way for later on this summer to see if we can find some of the family farm sites where these folks lived. If I come across any of the family names I read in previous posts I will update this one.
I hope you see this reply!
I was tinkering around with our family tree today, looking for the exact date of death of my great grandfather, Sinefon Kritzky. I would love to take a trip to the old family homestead and see where my ancestors settled near Butte. I'm told they lived in a sod house when they first arrived from Ukraine. My mother visited probably 30 years ago and said she went to that spot and found shards of pottery and other artifacts indicating there was once a residence there.
She is no longer living, so I can't ask her exactly where it was. But maybe if I can get back to Butte, some of the old timers might be able to tell me the location.
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