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Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences
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› August
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Welcome to Dietrich College, It’s a Feast for the Mind
Attending college can be one of the most transformative journeys, and the beginning presents quite a few unknowns. Luckily, the new first-year students in Carnegie Mellon University's Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences are joining a legacy built on respect and inclusiveness.
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Alumna In Law
At 23, Kyla Vick (DC'15) has done things she never thought possible, like seen the inside of a federal courtroom and secured a position as a summer associate at an exclusive Chicago law firm.
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Introducing the Dietrich College’s Newest Faculty Members
The Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences' community of scholars has grown by 16. Professors and researchers in a variety of disciplines are joining a world-class faculty with a shared passion for their students.
CMU, Pitt Receive Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Grant To Plan Platform for Digital Scholarship
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
CMU, Pitt Receive Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Grant To Plan Platform for Digital Scholarship
The $60,000, 18-month grant will support "Digits," a project that will explore how new technologies that make it increasingly easy to publish, share, reproduce and archive complex digital materials can be sustained in a unified and flexible way.
Educators Tap Into Data
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Educators Tap Into Data
LearnLab Director Ken Koedinger noticed his lab's summer school was different from years past. Interests spiked in creating online courses and interpreting the data collected by digital tools to provide evidence that students are learning.
Q&A: Alumnus Takes His Ph.D. Training in Neural Computation to the NIH
Monday, August 28, 2017
Q&A: Alumnus Takes His Ph.D. Training in Neural Computation to the NIH
With an overall goal to work at the intersection of genomic, neuroimaging and behavioral data in order to better understand complex, polygenic psychiatric disorders, such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Alzheimer's disease, Gustavo Sudre uses a combination of machine learning techniques, genomics and neuroimaging to study brain systems.
Instagram Contest: Win an Amazon Gift Card!
Monday, August 28, 2017
Instagram Contest: Win an Amazon Gift Card!
The Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences is having an Instagram contest to celebrate the start of a new academic year. Here's how it works.
Atkinson Takes Talents, Passions to Iconic Chautauqua
Monday, August 28, 2017
Atkinson Takes Talents, Passions to Iconic Chautauqua
As visitors descend upon the thriving lakeside educational community of Chautauqua, New York, CMU creative writing alumnus Atom Atkinson thinks about how to transform the group's literary arts experience.
Book Offers 18 Years of Student Perspectives on “Challenges to the Dream”
Friday, August 25, 2017
Book Offers 18 Years of Student Perspectives on “Challenges to the Dream”
Unfortunately, being young does not shield anyone from facing discrimination. For the past 18 years, western Pennsylvania high school and college students have been given a safe, creative space to express their personal struggles with race and diversity through the written word.
Polarization for Controversial Scientific Issues Increases With More Education
Monday, August 21, 2017
Polarization for Controversial Scientific Issues Increases With More Education
A commonly proposed solution to help diffuse the political and religious polarization surrounding controversial scientific issues like evolution or climate change is education. However, CMU researchers found that the opposite is true: people's beliefs about scientific topics that are associated with their political or religious identities actually become increasingly polarized with education, as measured by years in school, science classes and science literacy.
CMU Receives Two NSF Grants For Brain Research
Monday, August 21, 2017
CMU Receives Two NSF Grants For Brain Research
The National Science Foundation recently awarded $16 million to 19 cross-disciplinary teams to conduct innovative research focused on neural and cognitive systems. Two Carnegie Mellon University researchers received funding, including Assistant Professor of Statistics Max G'Sell.
CMU's Kathy M. Newman Reflects on Jerry Lewis
Sunday, August 20, 2017
CMU's Kathy M. Newman Reflects on Jerry Lewis
Professor Newman is available for phone, Skype or on-camera interviews to share more on these topics.
Moving Beyond Nudges to Improve Health and Health Care Policies
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Moving Beyond Nudges to Improve Health and Health Care Policies
With countries around the world struggling to deliver quality health care and contain costs, a team of behavioral economists led by CMU's George Loewenstein believes it's time to apply recent insights on human behavior to inform and reform health policy.
Simon Summer Institute Helps Pittsburgh-area Professors Build Ed Tech Tools for Their Classrooms
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Simon Summer Institute Helps Pittsburgh-area Professors Build Ed Tech Tools for Their Classrooms
For the second year in a row, the Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education (PCHE) teamed up with the Simon Initiative to host the PCHE Simon Summer Institute. The voluntary weeklong session was designed to help faculty members from eight colleges and universities understand and incorporate Simon Initiative technologies and methods.
Spring 2017 Dean’s List Announced
Friday, August 11, 2017
Spring 2017 Dean’s List Announced
Congratulations to all of the undergraduate students who have been named to the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences Dean's List for the Spring 2017 semester.
Supportive Relationships Linked to Willingness to Pursue Opportunities
Friday, August 11, 2017
Supportive Relationships Linked to Willingness to Pursue Opportunities
Research on how our social lives affects decision-making has usually focused on negative factors like stress and adversity. Less attention, however, has been paid to the reverse: What makes people more likely to give themselves the chance to succeed? CMU Psychology Professor Brooke Feeney made an important discovery.
Work-Life Balance Through a Soviet Lens
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Work-Life Balance Through a Soviet Lens
2017 marks 100 years since the Russian Revolution and the start of the world's first socialist society. This historic event inspires questions about what lessons it and its experiments with free love, women's equality and the socialization of household labor can offer the world today. History Professor Wendy Goldman explains the lessons we are still learning from it.
Nathan Healy Receives Steinberg Award
Tuesday, August 08, 2017
Nathan Healy Receives Steinberg Award
Congratulations to Nathan Healy, this year's recipient of the Erwin R. Steinberg Master's in Professional Writing Scholarship!
Causing a Scene: Miller Gallery Explores Performance Through Protest and Everyday Life
Monday, August 07, 2017
Causing a Scene: Miller Gallery Explores Performance Through Protest and Everyday Life
Highlights from the CAS Performance Initiative, including a dot map illustrating sectarian division in Belfast over time and augmented reality events from Pittsburgh's past, will be displayed at CMU's Miller Gallery from August 19 through September 3. A special reception will be held on August 31.
Improving Security Science Through Collaboration
Wednesday, August 02, 2017
Improving Security Science Through Collaboration
Computer scientists need to collaborate with their counterparts in the natural and social sciences to advance cybersecurity research, according to a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine that was co-chaired by CMU's Baruch Fischhoff.
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