Event Support
To request setup, teardown and cleaning support for scheduled CMU events, submit a service request with the information below at least one week in advance of the event. For unscheduled events, we will do our best to fill the request, but it cannot be guaranteed. When placing the service request, please provide the following information:
- Your name
- Your cell phone number
- Event building and room / location
- Charge string for costs
- Event date
- Detailed description of the work that needs to be done, including dates and times for setups, teardowns and cleaning before/after the event
Furniture Rentals
Departments may rent their own event furniture directly from the list of CMU preferred vendors. If you would like FMS to procure the rental furniture for a scheduled CMU event, please submit your service request at least two weeks before the event. For unscheduled events, we will do our best to fill the request, but it cannot be guaranteed. When placing the service request, please include the general event information requested above, plus the following information (as applicable):
- Tables – size and amount
- Chairs – amount
- Trash / recycle /compost containers – amount
- Diagram showing furniture placement
- Specific cleaning instructions, if needed
Tent Requests
All tent requests must be submitted to FMS for review, procurement and processing by emailing fixit@andrew.cmu.edu. Please note that the process and timelines for renting structures over 400 square feet (20' x 20') have been modified below to accommodate the city's permit process requirements.
Small to Mid-Size Tent Rentals (100-700 square feet, no walls)
Individual tents 100-700 square feet, without walls, do not need a permit from the Fire Marshall. It is strongly encouraged for groups to adhere to these sizes when feasible. Rental process:
- Requestor submits work order request to fixit@andrew.cmu.edu with charge string, event details and requested tent size. Requests must be received 6 weeks prior to the event.
- FMS or requestor contacts vendor to obtain quote. If the department has already received a vendor quote, please submit the quote with your FMS work order request.
- FMS reviews proposed location and installation methods, including any utilities or building structure impact. FMS verifies all applicable permit requirements are met and asks about any setup work orders, furniture rentals or electrical needs.
FMS issues the work order and purchase order to the vendor (or uses existing Blanket PO). Department requestor is copied on final rental order.
Mid-Size to Large Tent Rentals (400-700 square feet with walls, or 700+ square feet)
Tents 400-700 square feet with walls, or anything larger than 700 square feet with or without walls, require a fire safety permit. Rental process:
- Requestor submits work order request to fixit@andrew.cmu.edu with charge string, event details and requested tent size. Requests must be received 10 weeks prior to the event to allow for the city permitting process.
- FMS or requestor contacts vendor to obtain a quote. If the department has already received a vendor quote, please submit the quote with your FMS work order request.
- FMS reviews proposed location and installation methods, including any utilities or building structure impact. FMS verifies all applicable permit requirements are met and asks about any setup work orders, furniture rentals or electrical needs.
- FMS works with the requestor and the Campus Design and Facility Development department to prepare/collect location drawings, set up diagrams, wind load calculations and address anything else the city requests for the installation.
- Campus Design and Facility Development coordinates with Gateway Engineering for any supplemental documentation required.
- FMS coordinates any POs for Gateway for supplemental engineering documentation.
- Requestor pays for any engineering drawings required.
- Campus Design and Facility Development files for permit through the city and coordinates necessary inspections.
- FMS issues the work order and purchase order to the vendor. Department requestor is copied on the final rental order.
Additional Help
If you have any questions, or there are any changes to your needs after your request has been submitted, please contact our Service Reponse Center (or Custodial Services for events in the Cohon University Center or Tepper Building).
Please note that a 6% management fee is applied to all external contractor invoices managed by the Facilities Managemnt Services department.