Citizens Police Academy
CMU's Citizens Police Academy is a six-week course for faculty and staff held on Wednesday evenings at 300 South Craig Street (building attached to the CMU Police Station).
The purpose of the Academy is to help bridge the gap between the CMU Police Department
and the greater CMU community. Participants will learn more about the different training techniques, education and barriers that police officers face daily. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- History of policing
- Patrol techniques
- Crime and vehicle codes
- Duty and rights as a witness or victim
- Mental health
- Special investigations
- Drug and alcohol laws
- Self defense
- De-escalation techniques
The CMU Police Department hopes this experience will help educate the CMU community about the role and functions of CMU police and foster deeper connections and understandings between the students, faculty, staff and officers to create more positive interactions and a safer community. The department also hopes to dispel myths and misconceptions about our department and all police.
Qualifications for Participation
- Minimum of 18 years of age
- CMU affiliate (faculty or staff)
- Pass a criminal and vehicle background check
- Must not have had more than one negative encounter with the CMU Police Department (citation,
Academy Rules of Conduct
- Participants should wear business casual attire with closed-toe shoes.
- Participants are always required to conduct themselves professionally.
- Participants are required to attend all sessions to graduate. However, missing one
excused session is acceptable. - Participants should arrive on time for each session. (Prior notice is necessary for any
delay, and there will be no entry to class starting 30 minutes after class begins.) - The Citizens Police Academy is closed to the public due to confidential material and
officer safety (e.g., no children, spouses or friends allowed). - Weapons of any kind are prohibited, except those carried by law enforcement officers.
- “Disrespect” and other inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
The completion of this Academy is intended to give citizens a better understanding of the CMU Police Department and general policing. This course DOES NOT certify its participants as law enforcement officers nor does it train citizens to perform law enforcement duties.
How to Register
If you or someone you know are interested in a future Academy class, please complete the Citizens Police Academy Interest Form to let us know.