What is Service Excellence?
How we serve students, community members, and colleagues at College of DuPage matters. Service Excellence is a mindset of making every interaction count. Whether our interactions are in-person, on the phone, or electronic, we believe that we have the ability to have a positive impact on each experience.
What are some Service Excellence-related offerings?
- Email Etiquette
- Effective Questioning Techniques
- Every Call Counts
- The Other Side of the Window
- Dealing with the Irate Customer
Did you know we can customize Service Excellence offerings for teams?
We continue to work with teams to create training experiences that are tailored to YOUR department. If you are interested in a customized session(s), contact us.
Contact Information
Employee Development Center
Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 1105/1107
(630) 942-3805
Email: edc@cod.edu