Satisfy your cravings with a healthy, low-calorie snack. Between veggie chips, protein shakes, snack bars, and crackers we make choosing from a variety of snacks easier.
View our ratings and reviews to find the best healthy snacks.
We rate snack bars based on a nutrition score and a sensory score.
. . .The nutrition score for crackers is based on values for energy density (calories per gram of food), total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, sugars, iron, and dietary fiber per serving.
. . .The nutrition score is based on values for energy density, total fat, saturated fat, sodium, sugars, iron, calcium, and dietary fiber.
. . .Time to check your pantry
Which ones give you a healthy, filling boost—and which are just high-calorie, sugar-filled snacks? Read on to get the lowdown.
Beyond traditional and Greek, there's skyr and kefir, yogurts made with various plant milks, and more. Here's how to pick one that's good for you and that you'll enjoy.
With these single-serve appliances, smoothies are quick to make—and easy to take on the run
We spotted some innovative and good-for-you products at the New York Fancy Food Show