December 1999-February 2000
Summary: Pacific Cold Episode (La Niña) Continues
Table of Atmospheric Indices
Table of Sea Surface Temperature Indices
Oceanic Conditions
Sea Surface Temperature and Anomaly
Subsurface Temperatures and Anomalies
Tropical Pacific Convection and Rainfall
Tropical Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR)
Atmospheric Circulation: Tropics and Subtropics
Sea-Level Pressure and Anomalies
850-hPa Wind and Anomaly
200-hPa Wind and Anomaly
200-hPa Height and Anomaly
200-hPa Stream Function and Anomaly
200-hPa Velocity Potential and Anomaly
Height-Longitude Section of Humidity and Vertical Circulation
500-hPa Heights and Anomalies
Additional Analyses
Animation of 200-hPa Heights and Anomalies
Surface Temperature Anomalies/Percentiles
Precipitation Anomalies/Percentiles
Southern Africa and Australia Rainy Season
Multi-Panel Maps of Outgoing Longwave Radiation, Winds and Sea-Level Pressure