Standards: Common and Program


Preconditions are requirements that must be met in order for an accrediting association or licensing agency to consider accrediting a program sponsor or approving its programs or schools. Some preconditions are based on state laws, while other preconditions are established by Commission policy. Preconditions can be found within each program's standard document.

Common Standards

The Common Standards deal with aspects of program quality that cross all approved educator preparation programs. The institution responds to each Common Standard by providing pertinent information, including information about individual programs. When a new program is proposed, the institution submits a Common Standards Addendum to address how the new program will integrate with the already approved programs. 

Educator Preparation Program Standards

Program standards address aspects of program quality and effectiveness that apply to each type of educator preparation program offered by a program sponsor. Program standards contain statements describing the nature and purpose of each standard and language that details the requirements that all approved programs must meet. Program sponsors must meet all applicable program standards before the program application may be approved by the Commission.

National Professional Organization Accreditation: Alignment with the California Accreditation System
Procedures for institutions to combine national accreditation with California's accreditation system.   

California Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs)

The California Teaching Performance Expectations are standards that describe expected candidate performance at the level of a beginning teacher. Teacher preparation programs use the TPEs as organizing concepts within preparation coursework, fieldwork, and assessments.   

Literacy Standard and Teaching Performance Expectations:

Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH), Visual Impairments (VI), and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) PDF Adopted February 2023

Preliminary Multiple and Single Subject Teaching Credential PDF Adopted October 2022

Preliminary Special Education Teaching Credential PDF Adopted October 2022

California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP)

The California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) were jointly developed by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Commission) and the California Department of Education (CDE). These standards, which set forth the expectations for current classroom teachers, were adopted by the Commission and approved by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

April 2024

Performance Assessment Design Standards

The standards that govern the design of the performance assessments

CPSEL Companion Booklet: California Professional Standards for Education Leaders 2014

The CPSEL are the standards against which clear credential candidates are measured to indicate sufficient mastery of the clear induction program content. A full copy of the standards, their elements and sample indicators can be found here

Subject Matter Program Standards for Teaching Credentials

Teacher candidates in California are required to demonstrate competence in the subject matter they will be authorized to teach. In California, subject matter preparation programs for prospective teachers must meet state preparation standards set by the Commission which are aligned with K-12 content standards. These programs of higher education may be associated with degrees or majors in the subjects; however, the Commission does not govern degree programs. To satisfy the subject matter requirement for the single subject credential, candidates may complete a Commission-approved subject matter preparation program or pass a Commission-approved examination.

Content Standards (K-12), Curriculum guidelines for K-12 subjects, and State Board adopted K-8 instructional materials.

Prior Standards for Educator Preparation Programs

Note: These standards are no longer in effect. When new standards are developed, previous standards continue through a transitional "sunset" period. During the sunset period candidates can be accepted to a program which meets the new standards or the previous standards. However, once a new program has been approved, an institution may not admit new candidates to the old program. At the end of the sunset period, no new candidates can be admitted to programs approved under a previous set of standards. Those programs must reapply to meet the newly adopted standards. The standards under which the Commission has approved any program govern the candidates' requirements for obtaining a credential. 
Updated March 21, 2024