Welcome to CUNYBuy
CUNY recently embarked on a transformative procure-to-pay project to enhance and streamline our procurement and accounts payable functions. This project is jointly led by key members of the Central Office Procurement Team, University Office of Budget & Finance, Office of the General Counsel, Computing & Information Services, and Campus Representatives.
Our primary project goals are to:
- Leverage global and CUNY-specific best practices to deliver a user-friendly solution that will facilitate greater collaboration, utilization, and support within CUNY
- Streamline and simplify procure-to pay business process requirements, including vendor management, purchasing and accounts payable
- Create transparency through a unified, accessible platform for both CUNY users and the vendors
LATEST UPDATE: As of July 1, Enhanced Supplier Update Request is available on CUNYBuy!
CUNYBuy Implementation
Will Be Completed in Three Phases
Phase 1
Launched April 4, 2022.
Phase 2
Anticipated Summer 2022.
Phase 3
Anticipated Fall 2022.
Please share any thoughts, concepts, or goals with the CUNYBuy project team.
We appreciate your ongoing support and engagement in this transformative project!
Email: CUNYbuy@cuny.edu
Specific transactional activity questions should be directed to the Purchasing Team at each College. We also welcome you to attend our Production Support Hours listed below.
CUNYBuy Updates Moved to SharePoint!
CUNYBuy updates have moved to SharePoint. All CUNY users can access the CUNYBuy SharePoint here.