The State of Oregon and the federal government maintain separate lists of Threatened and Endangered (T & E) species. These are species whose status is such that they are at some degree of risk of becoming extinct. Oregon species listed by the state and federal governments.
Under State law (ORS 496.171-496.192) the Fish and Wildlife Commission through ODFW maintains the list of native wildlife species in Oregon that have been determined to be either “threatened” or “endangered” according to criteria set forth by rule (OAR 635-100-0105) (pdf).
Plant listings are handled through the Oregon Department of Agriculture.
Most invertebrate listings are handled through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Oregon Biodiversity Information Center.
Under federal law the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration share responsibility for implementing the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-205, 16 U.S.C. § 1531) (pdf), as amended. In general, USFWS has oversight for terrestrial and freshwater species and NOAA for marine and anadromous species. In addition to information about species already listed, the USFWS-Oregon Field Office maintains lists of candidate species and of Species of Concern.
Additional information about the federal programs in place in Oregon can be found at the following websites: